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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. I am beginning to think that all my answers to questions will be from now on "I don't know"
  2. When someone thinks something "bad" about you, that is a thought, and what you think about that fact is also a thought. The key is to see that thoughts are not true, mindful meditation helped me a lot to dissociate with thoughts just observing them, 15 mins or 30 mins per day makes a big change. Glad to know you are doing good.
  3. Everything is being demolished in me, reconstructed and demolished again and I am watching that roller coaster, trying not to get caught by the emotions.
  4. I watched it once @Natasha and I was receiving so much to digest that I really know I missed a lot of stuff. I want to see them again more thoroughly, thanks!!!
  5. @Natasha That's cool!!! This forum is helping a lot by sharing our experiences! So nice.
  6. I think I am doing some "progress" being mindful and paying attention to my core self, when I notice him. Probably I notice him in a distorted way, but it is getting more clear little by little.
  7. I wonder why too Charlie :-P
  8. If you know yourself, you can not go wrong. The problem is that because we can't see well reality we don't know who we really are. Our consciousness is mixed with thoughts, feelings, etc and we can't listen very well our real self, you can call it GOD if you want, some people call it the I AM, others nature, universe, etc. It's in fact our real self. He will guide you, meditation is helpful in the sense that helps you not to give power to your thoughts. Silent meditation, just observing the thoughts and let them go it's pretty good. It makes your brain (through repetition) learn to ignore those thoughts that are not good for you, giving that power back to your core being. Keep doing that, well done! I am happy to know you are doing better!!!
  9. Yeah, I was thinking the same but I tried and failed miserably Lmao
  10. @Ayla @Saarah I tend to see more the face first. Then with effort I see the ornament. I was thinking that maybe I have to look at the empty spaces between everything to see if I can see reality. Lol
  11. I just found that quote, I think it's true. What do you think about it? I am just curious to know other points of view.
  12. Thanks @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj I will check those master you mentioned. I forgot about Adyashanti.
  13. I know Mal, I understood what you meant... that's why I didn't write any explanation. Thanks for pointing to that!
  14. That's you thinking about what the other person is doing. Forget about him and notice those "thoughts" and let them go. Forget him entirely. It's not him who put you down, you are putting yourself down by believing those thoughts. Don't empower those thoughts, and forget everything about it. You are the one who has to give respect to yourself, forget to look for that on other persons opinions.
  15. Don't think you are lowly human, you are not!
  16. I know, I just wanted to see more opinions. I know it's preposterous but "I" wanted Lol