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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Papaji was Mooji guru , after Mooji's first enlightenment experience with a Christian Mystic he went to Papaji and Papaji finished him (his ego).
  2. I think you should ask a doctor and if you have a lot of pain, you can meditate on a chair. That's not a big deal. https://zmm.mro.org/teachings/meditation-instructions/ There are several different positions and you have to do the one that it feels better for you. The last one is on a chair. Some people with problems in their backs say this meditation bench are good... But I never used one of them. http://www.meditationbench.com/meditationbenches/
  3. @fanta Other have said about Ingram, I suggest him too... download his book. It's free and has a lot of info about what you are dealing with. A must have I would say... Here's the link: Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha, Adobe/.pdf version, Revised 2007 version http://integrateddaniel.info/book/
  4. Workers cooperatives is the solution. People taking action despite of the bad governments, that would be a good change. http://institute.coop/
  5. "I don't know anything." -My imaginary self
  6. Cool @Telepresent thanks! Ill do that... appreciated! :-)
  7. “Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” –Adyashanti
  8. “Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” –Adyashanti
  9. Thank you very much! @Telepresent I appreciate your advice and thanks for the excel file. I was thinking in that, learning to use excel, I have seen how useful it can be. That confirms me that I was Ok about thinking in that possibility. I am also using google keep, it's like a sort of post-it note on the web, I find it useful to make quick notes, or to take note of things I want to check later. And there's also an android and IOs version, so you can take notes on the go. Pretty useful. Thanks again!!!
  10. When Jesus says "Me and the father are one", he is saying "I am one with reality".
  11. @Telepresent what are the most common techniques do you use to achieve that? Notebooks? Mind maps? Some software? I want to make a plan too but I am very disorganized. My mind wanders a lot and I need to take notes of things to be on focus. But sometimes even taking notes I end doing other stuff....
  12. Laugh is contagious, he's laughing because the other guy become enlightened. When you realize the truth sometimes people laugh, because it's so obvious but at the moment you can see reality. When you finally see it you laugh (not everybody does that) but is a common thing. They will laugh because a fly is flying, anything will make you laugh at that moment.
  13. @Aamir King Don't worry about what others do or not, just do whatever you feel is right. If you feel you are doing bad by laughing about someone else, don't do it. If you change your mind and you want to laugh later, laugh. You don't have to overthink, that's ego's work. If there's something you need to transcend about laughter, you have to laugh your ass off before transcending. :-)
  14. Awakening This first enlightenment experience, known as stream-entry (sotapatti), is the first of four progressive stages of Awakening, each of which entails the irreversible shedding or weakening of several fetters (samyojana), the manifestations of ignorance that bind a person to the cycle of birth and death. Stream-entry marks an unprecedented and radical turning point both in the practitioner's current life and in the entirety of his or her long journey in samsara. For it is at this point that any lingering doubts about the truth of the Buddha's teachings disappear; it is at this point that any belief in the purifying efficacy of rites and rituals evaporates; and it is at this point that the long-cherished notion of an abiding personal "self" falls away. The stream-enterer is said to be assured of no more than seven future rebirths (all of them favorable) before eventually attaining full Awakening. http://www.accesstoinsight.org/theravada.html
  15. Can I ask what kind of business? I am trying to do an online business too, graphic design and illustrations.
  16. Don't worry and just laugh
  17. I am a disaster for making plans
  18. @DimmedBulb We are unconscious now , but we "think" we are not. I had a glimpse of what it is to be enlightened, an epiphany some time ago. And the difference is exactly like Buddha says, we are dead now (dead - like). Life is in mindfulness, in no desire, in pure love, but... you have to stop desiring to achieve it. If you desire enlightenment, that is a trap. You won't achieve it and if you stop desiring so you get enlightened is a trap too. Because there's still desire. I know is confuse but that's how it is and that's why is so difficult to attain. There's really nothing to attain. It's a big paradox, the only thing you can do is to calm your mind and it the shift to enlightenment will happen by itself, without a "you".
  19. It loses power... you feel like the desire is not "you"... or yours... so, you can decide better how to act. You can do nothing if you don't want to. When you are identified with it, you will go after it unconsciously.
  20. When you have a feeling or desire, let's say you have the desire of becoming a millionaire or you want to be the best poker player of the world. If you identify with the desire, you will say "I am the best poker player of the world" or "I am a millionaire". By identifying with the desire you will act accordingly to what you have in mind it represent "the best poker player in the world". But, if you just recognize that becoming the great poker player is a desire, and just that. You will act more freely. Not constrained to what you think you have to do to be "the best poker player". You just observe the desire, recognize it and take it or leave it. If you feel identified with the desire, the desire will become "you". I don't know if I am explaining myself clearly. In practice you will notice the difference, when you begin to observe your behavior and patterns in your personality. Recognizing is like "observing" your desires.
  21. "The six orthodox schools of Hinduism believe that there is Ātman (Soul, Self) in every being, a major point of difference with Buddhism, which does not believe that there is either soul or self." (Wikipedia)