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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Lol... I will try tonight with meditation your inquiry method. I just did it at work, I began to ask myself as if I were demanding "who am I" and I felt its really powerful. I will do it at home in a better environment. hehehe...
  2. That's really good @cetus56 ! And @Earnothing I feel that the neti neti method is really powerful. I had a no-self experience too with it and at some point I even noticed the blood flowing through my veins, I felt like if I was inside of my body, I was aware of the air entering on my lungs, it was crazy... We just have to continue working without wanting to repeat, as you said. I think cetus advice is awesome, I will do that too.
  3. And now reading again what I wrote, I think we don't need the ego. If we have our identity in our true self, the ego is no needed. Our identity will be our "true identity/nature". The ego is a false identity.
  4. The ego doesn't disappear, I agree that we need it. What we have to do is to stop identifying with it, to see the truth/reality. In fact the ego is an invention of our mind, it was never true. Who was the father of all lies? Who is the one who wants to be in the place of God? The ego takes the identity of our body, thoughts, etc... when is our true nature (god) the true identity of us.
  5. Ego is our identity. In the past in the Bible they call it the Devil, but it's just our ego. https://jacobisrael.com/2012/05/07/mans-ego-is-the-devil/
  6. Nice! Thanks for sharing!
  7. I already told you this but I go here again, sit down and meditate watching your thoughts without paying attention to them.
  8. There's no suffering. We need to learn that. We suffer because we don't accept reality, like a kid suffer when he knows Santa are his/her parents.
  9. this is interesting.... https://nextcity.org/daily/entry/nyc-worker-cooperatives-jobs-increase
  10. I would love to have time to read all this thread. I have to get up early for work tomorrow. I need help creating my new reality Lol... :-) I think this can be helpful, I read it as a Child and I always remember it. I couldn't understand it at that time but now I know what he is talking about. It's a Kahlil Gibran poem http://www.katsandogz.com/oncrime.html
  11. That happens to me everytime, that's why I am not posting as often as before. I feel that words are meaningless. It's very hard to make others understand pov if you don't give them a big "framework" of how did you reach that conclusion. And sometimes the conclusion is so challenging making it imposible to the other accept your pov or understand it.
  12. I think is not a definitive way of seeing for me, but now I am also seeing that not only love is a feeling. It works also like a mechanic thing. Love is logical, if we are one we are supposed to feel love because we are really loving ourselves. Maybe Im wrong...
  13. @sadlabounty Try with any silly painful thing, like when they extract you blood, or when you feel some pain because an accident or simple things. I am not talking about big stuff. But try to begin to become more aware of pain. If you don't try to avoid the pain, if you feel it... try to feel it without thinking, and study what it is. It's not painful. It's a feeling that it's not painful per se, our ego interprets it as painful. I am not so aware to tell you that I don't feel pain, but once you begin to have a little glimpse of this you will understand how yogis "supported" so much pain, or how Buddhist monks get almost naked on frozen water and don't feel anything. They are capable of generating heat with their bodies to not feel the cold water in the mountains.
  14. I try to not go too far from what I consider "reality"... and little by little I began to explore new ideas. I think basically we are God, we are seeing through the eyes of God, or God is seeing through us. We develop an idea of something separated and that creates the illusion that we are a little spot in the universe, when in fact the universe is us. Confusing, right?
  15. @Leo Gura Thanks, I think this is the reason why I needed to read this thread. I got my first customer who appreciates art (I am a comic artist) and he even paid me before I did nothing Lol... Thanks for your advises! It's beginning to give good fruit. Matthew 7:16 "By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?"
  16. Maybe this can be of help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure–ground_(perception) Figure–ground organization is a type of perceptual grouping which is a vital necessity for recognizing objects through vision. In Gestalt psychology it is known as identifying a figure from the background. For example, you see words on a printed paper as the "figure" and the white sheet as the "background".
  17. This is interesting, I found it looking about the different kinds of logic:
  18. On a second thought, there's logic on the path to enlightenment. If you meditate you will be free from your thoughts. Buddhism says = Meditate and be free. If you do this you get this result. That's logic too...
  19. I don't reject everything he says, but I know logic is a belief too. I am trying to be free from beliefs. So...
  20. That made me really happy, because I am arriving to that conclusion. Do you think Leo that's similar to Socrates quote "I know that I know nothing" ?
  21. And then you will have "The Revenge of the Dark Knight of the Soul"
  22. I thought it was Batman, that was my confusion.
  23. What's a thought? Everything is thoughts...