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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. And you know what? I used to say that to a friend who is extremely materialistic. He thinks that everything comes from matter and we talk about that sometimes and I told him that we are not a body, we are a composite (as you said) of different elements that we call body. And now it was like I didn't do the connection, thanks!
  2. Thanks!!!! I got it now! It's clear but is like we are blinded by our beliefs.
  3. This means like you said about distance... distance is not distance (distance is an idea) therefore we create distance in our mind/concept, etc... But here awareness is talking, from the awareness point of view And here in the illusion distance is distance (because we think there's something) therefore not distance? I don't get that part.
  4. You should do a video about that @Emerald Wilkins sounds interesting, I didn't know about that.
  5. When I was 16 I was really attached to the idea of "me", it never crossed my mind to think I don't exist. I need to pass a lot of experiences (even an emotional breakdown and therapy) to understand what was Buddha, Jesus and others talking about. Maybe is not your case, but I wanted to share that just in case. Question: What do you think about what Buddha said that you have to stop desiring to end suffering?
  6. I was thinking than previous to awakening it's safer to detach from everything. Otherwise you think you are your thoughts and that's a big problem. You can think you are going crazy, when there's no one to go crazy.
  7. @Ariel I think you are too young. At your age I read a book about Buddha. When Buddha said that all the suffering comes from desire, that we had to stop desiring... I was like... WTH???? If I have no desire I won't achieve anything in life. Now I realize that Buddha was right, but you need to live that experience to assimilate it. I am 47 now.
  8. All well really, but because I didn't know what was happening to me I thought I was going crazy. So I went to the hospital and they sent me to therapy. It was helpful for me, because I was working a lot, and because I am an immigrant I don't have family here in USA, I was alone, and they showed me how being lonely without social interaction can affect me. So now I am more sociable, I did some more friends and really meditation helped me a lot to stop listening to my head. And Leo was very helpful showing me that enlightenment was about seeing reality as it is. So I began to focus more on what I was doing instead of thinking what I am going to do, what did I do, how, why, hehehe... the mind is the one that is crazy and we can observe its craziness. :-) Now I feel that my mind can do whatever it wants, like an spoiled child and I just will observe it. And in my case, I read the bible a lot, the bible has many hidden meanings for enlightenment. For example I know now that the psalm 23 was written for this kind of spiritual tests. "Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." But you can know that when our true self (God/Consciousness/reality/etc) is with us, the ego (evil) can't affect us. Let us know how are you doing. Forget the experience, just say thanks for it, all experiences are positive because it makes you grow spiritually.
  9. I had a crazy experience too and I ended in a psychiatric hospital with a nervous breakdown. Now I now it was my ego trying to come back with a lot of strength. I wasn't prepared for the experience and it was some years before I knew about Leo, I didn't know anything at all. Now a know anything but at that moment I knew less than anything. Just relax and stop paying attention to thoughts as usual. I think is the Ego trying to stop the inevitable, the ego death.
  10. Maybe I need to watch some of your videos about "physical sensations"...
  11. Thanks @Leo Gura , I am so blind. I keep forgetting things I already now. I need to remember myself.
  12. Just words, neither is "it" nor "he"... it/he doesn't exists.... John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil (it/he/ego), and you want to carry out your father's (ego) desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
  13. He can't... but if there's a body it cannot "see" that there's nothingness. Maybe my question was bad formulated. Unless the body is nothingness.
  14. @Leo Gura In the exercise 1 , I don't get this part But when my finger touches my body, the ego can say... hey! That's me... and that's the problem. We know we are not the body, but we still think we are.
  15. I can handle this, please write about it. :-)
  16. Truth resonates when we listen or read about it.
  17. I know the feeling. Same thing here. Maybe I was talking to myself when I told you that.
  18. What is that of you that still remains?
  19. I didn't say that. There's no one to convince, and what is your experience?
  20. @SC GM it seems it have been banned, maybe due to copyright infringement or the user deleted it.
  21. Thanks a lot @Aware this post has clarified me a lot of things "I was thinking". I cannot talk to anyone about these things that you are telling me, because people will think I am nuts. :-P This is what happened to me when I read your post
  22. @Aware Just reading your words generate a big bliss on my body, and I can't read anymore. Lol... What you say sounds so real to me that is scary.