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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. Thanks for sharing @Gailan @mp22 I don't think just repeating will work, it becomes "mechanical". Do self inquiry, ask "who am I" and stay in silence trying to find out who you are in reality. Without judgments, with radical honesty find out who you really are.
  2. Reading the several books at the same time 1) The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are ~ Alan Watts 2) The Bhagavad Gita 3) The Lamp of Non Dual Knowledge 4) The Essence of Ribhu Gita 5) The Practice of the Presence of God: The Wisdom and Teachings of Brother Lawrence 6) The Fast Lane Entrepeneur
  3. I was searching for this Lol... I was in the doctor yesterday and they asked me (in one of those forms you have to fill) if I had any religion, I wanted to write Western Rational Materialism Lol but I didn't remember it... next time I'll do it. :-P
  4. Every thought that appears or arises is false.
  5. You have to be brave to post this Tasha in this society that judges everything related to sex and women. If men do it, they clap, but if a woman does it... she's a... well, you know that "word"
  6. A Book recommended by Ramana Maharshi. I'm reading it and it's mind blowing. Pure Advaita knowledge. Advaita Bodha Deepika The Lamp of Non- Dual Knowledge You can find it for free on Google
  7. This book explains everything ---------------------> The Lamp of Non Dual Knowledge http://www.holybooks.com/advaita-bodha-deepika-lamp-non-dual-knowledge/ Free for download.
  8. That guy thinks he is smart and it's trying to prove himself that... and that's his achilles heel. He is not...
  9. I know you are asking Leo but... this is what I understand for the "rabbit hole"... for me the rabbit hole is searching for the truth. Sorry for getting in the middle of the convo Lol
  10. I just watched 10 minutes, the dude is pretty confused. He doesn't understand what Leo is saying or pointing at, but I don't think is funny him trying to associate the logo with something related with minors... that's very low. He is also trying to relate the video about morality making seem that Leo has no morals or something like that. Pretty twisted that guy.
  11. Welcome to the club @hinawashi You are Ok. People don't want to hear they are wrong, they don't want to know they judge others, they don't want to deny or kill their egos. And they are being manipulated by what they think they are, by their ego. So, it's obvious that the ego will say "I don't understand"... The stuff you are learning is too deep for them. You are Ok, you have to get used to that and find friends who can understand what you are talking about. And you are right, you are paying "taxes" Lol... that's the byproduct of being aware. Good Luck!!!!
  12. That's very true, and something tells me that what you are saying is nature talking to itself.
  13. @blazed Thanks! I missed that part...
  14. @Salaam and what is your concept or opinion of Buddha? He's the one that taught more about impermanence and no self.
  15. That's exactly what people "does" to get enlightened
  16. Life is life... Maybe this can sound a bit harsh, but I heard once Jed Mc Kenna saying to a forer that was complaining about how bad his life was. And he said that we fill more important than what we really are, and we want to do special things and feel important, when we are just a part of nature. Seeing from the point of view of "our" body, "our" ego, "our" etc etc etc... Seen from the absolute point of view, we are the reason why everything was "created" or perceived... there's no world without you.
  17. I think lucid dreaming happens when you begin to get not attached to the "body" concept.
  18. Awesome question @Parki This is good for inquiring about the nature of reality. When I am meditating I am questioning about what is a thought, if it has weight, color, smell? etc... hehehe...