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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Azrael Ok, I got it. I was thinking that because I am reading a book about Buddha, the Buddha gospel and he said that if you eat more healthy (no meat Buddha said) you will see changes in your mind, etc... And about what you said about seeing people as creatures, not human... it is beginning to happen to me. But I see them as lifeless. Like they are talking but it's not them who do the talking. And the eyes look like without life. But I don't know... Maybe is my ego or thoughts, I try not to pay attention to anything or not get attached to any idea or thought.
  2. Ok, this is something that I can relate... When it happened I didn't have idea what was wrong. I thought I was crazy too and I ended in the hospital in the psychiatric ward. Once there I met a lot of people with big depression and problems that made me realize that the problem is what we believe we are. I had a lot of insights there, but it took me like years to understand them and I am still processing them. Thanks for that, I think this is what is beginning to happen (the awakening of the body), because I was always trying to eat more healthy, but for lack of will or lazyness I never did it correctly. And now is happening effortless, I am eating more vegetables and healthy stuff and I don't crave for any garbage food. I think that's what's needed to awaken the body, and I realize that because you said so... I was beginning to do it unconsciously, just because it is healthy, but now that you mention this I think it makes sense.
  3. This is a very popular comic strip from the Rio de la Plata in South America, mostly Argentina and Uruguay (where I came from). I think is something that everyone of us has experienced at some point, I translated from spanish to english, I hope it makes sense because I am not a very good translator. :-P
  4. Thanks @Azrael for sharing!! Awesome! There's a lot of pointers that will be useful for everyone here! Thanks again.
  5. Here there's a buddhist monk required by the justice for money laundering. Being Buddhist doesn't make you automatically a good person, same thing as a christian priest is not "christian" because he says so... even the Catholic and Protestant Church doesn't follow the Christ teachings so... we need not to be biased towards any religious group. http://www.voanews.com/a/thai-forces-ring-temple-standoff-buddhist-monk/3726823.html It happened in the Dhammakaya Temple http://www.dhammakaya.net/about-us/dhammakaya-temple-history
  6. @nightrider1435 Glad to know it can be of help for you. I like that website. I would recommend you to listen to their podcast. Really interesting.
  7. @Orange Spiritual Bypassing It can feel like you are stuck in a kind of hell. Unable to go back to the old ways of excess, avoidance, and unconscious suffering, but also unable to open fully to a new way of life. You have one foot in and one foot out. The resistance to embracing the next iteration of your awakening can be strong as all get out. It can come in the form of falling back into old self-destructive patterns (which, sorry to say, won’t give you the fix they used to), becoming “depressed” and attaching to that identity, and the good ol’ trick of spiritual bypassing. Spiritual bypassing is when you use your past insights to avoid your present feelings. I’ve seen that there is no self, so I don’t need to do any personal work. Everything is love so I can just ignore how much I hate myself right now. I know suffering is optional, I’m not suffering, I’m past that point. Really. More here: http://deconstructingyourself.com/mindful-awakening.html I am learning about that myself. I just send you the link because I noticed how similar was to what you were talking about.
  8. @Dodo Yes, I agree... I think that was the way consciousness gave a big shock to the ego. The ego worst fear is to lose the identity. The problem is that he doesn't know that "For whosoever will save his life (ego) shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life (ego) for my sake (consciousness) shall find it."
  9. @Dodo I had a dream some years ago that I described as "the worst nightmare I ever had"... when I woke up it was like I couldn't think well. I was in shock... In the "nightmare" I lost my identity. I didn't know who I was... I wish I had that dream again. At the moment when it happened I didn't know anything about spirituality. That made me investigate spirituality differently. I was doing it wrong.
  10. @Prabhaker very good book! Thanks!!!!
  11. @Natura Sonoris I see... Ok, here there's a cheaper one but not sure if it is the same quality and it's not very cheap. :-P https://www.abebooks.com/book-search/isbn/9780824828936/
  12. $ 25 here https://www.amazon.com/Ox-Herder-Zen-Parable-Illustrated/dp/0807615110/ref=pd_sim_14_4?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0807615110&pd_rd_r=MA4X9TGF33K3RAR1MBB9&pd_rd_w=W50J4&pd_rd_wg=GxTPc&psc=1&refRID=MA4X9TGF33K3RAR1MBB9
  13. The only thing I know is that I AM. The problem is that after the knowing that I AM thoughts appear and say "I AM the body" "I AM bored" "I AM sad" "I AM happy" That happens because those thoughts are covering reality.
  14. Awesome Martin!
  15. But how that sensation of physicality is created? If there's no consciousness we wouldn't be knowing that there's a body. That's why I think that the body is inside consciousness. In fact there's no inside or outside, but you got the idea...
  16. I had the feeling that the body mind creates the thoughts and consciousness picks up which one is the one needed to experience. Consciousness is the discriminator that the advaita vedanta teachers talk about. But I don't know, just guessing.
  17. That makes me remember a part in the Bible where a soldier goes and asks John The Baptist about what he should be, because he was a soldier and he had to kill enemies. John said "Don't extort money and don't accuse people falsely--be content with your pay." He didn't tell him not to kill...