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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. That's a strong one. Cool! People gets scared of strong emotions. That's what keep them in the dream.
  2. @Natasha They are so funny. Love them too!
  3. Happy April fool Natasha! This thread will be always alive hehehe... we are goofy seekers Lol
  4. I totally understand, been there done that.
  5. Reality does whatever it needs for the survival or interest of consciousness. It's not worried about the individual self, that's the hard part to swallow for the ego or the little me. Religious persons associate anything that happen like the Universe or God is helping us, but that's a projection of how they want reality to be. Then reality hit them in their faces, but they will say that is the devil. Lol
  6. It will die the "you" that is a lie, and you will discover your real and true self, that is infinity. If you keep the illusion of the small self, you will lose everything.
  7. @Joseph Maynor I don't make any difference between the label "God" and the label "Reality", but I know others don't do that. They don't get that all are labels and they give God human like attributes. But he doesn't have any attributes and he/she/it is impersonal.
  8. Cool! Thanks! I did the exercise, but the first thing it came to my mind was that my purpose was to be happy. And I felt immediately that if I am happy, it means that whatever I am doing it will be Ok. So I stopped there, no need to search for more goals or purposes. Lol... That was my whole list.
  9. Try the free speech network... https://gab.ai/
  10. What do you think when Jesus was crucified? And he forgave those who did it, because "they didn't know what they were doing". It doesn't do any good to anyone to kill other, but they are ignorant. They don't know better. We only have to accept that hard truth of life. We can't change them from ignorant, to being a person with knowledge of what they truly are. Maybe that killing at some points make them see how bad it is and they get awakened, or maybe they construct their own hell for the "afterlife". Who knows?
  11. @Aimblack Exactly. We create evil by believing something is good or bad. In reality nothing has any attribute of good or bad, it just is. Like saying that a Lion is bad because it has to eat a deer.
  12. Thanks @Torkys for sharing that!!! Appreciated. I need to do that, really. Thanks again. :-)
  13. God is good, it means that even what it seems bad for us, is good. We have no idea what is good for consciousness.
  14. And in the Bible it says good created evil too, the only problem church only teach what is convenient for them or I have no idea why they do that.
  15. You are trying to understand God with the mind. It's not possible.
  16. I don't remember when I was a Kid doing that kind of question. I began to question reality when I was a teen. I remember my first thought about identity, was... how was my identity created? Why I am the way I am?
  17. @moon777light It's like meditation. When you notice you are doing it, observe what you are doing. Just by doing that you will stop. Don't worry if it takes longer to realize that you are doing it. With training you will be noticing when you do it more frequently, until it stops.
  18. @TruthSeeker47 That's the key.
  19. @TruthSeeker47 It depends on the person. If you have knowledge (spiritual knowledge) maybe it takes not so much time to find an equilibrium. In my case, when I have it I didn't know much about true spiritual awakening. I was more on the new age stuff and christianity. It took me like 1 month to recover and to be able to go to work, and then like 3 to 6 months to say I am out of that. But, I must tell you that even though my mind is more quiet and still now, I still have thoughts that I don't feel good for me. Negative thoughts, judgmental, etc. The main difference is that now I just observe them and I know we are only able to get thoughts, we don't create them. So we can choose which one are better for us and ignore the bad ones. Buddha explained in the 5 aggregates (Skandhas) which make the person, that thoughts are like one of the senses. Like the eye. The mind "sees" the thoughts that appear in us. I think it explains very well what thoughts are, in my experience. Here there's more info about it: https://www.thoughtco.com/the-skandhas-450192
  20. @Nahm @TruthSeeker47 I never knew anyone who didn't have a psychological breakdown to get awakened.
  21. @moon777light did you try mindful meditation? Observing your thoughts? I do it from a long time, and I am trying also to be free from some compulsive things that I do, because there's a thought, or because I see something I just go and buy it. Or I just see food and I want to eat when I am not hungry. So after mindful meditation, I can notice when the urge appears, and I can observe that happening but it gives me the opportunity to not do that. It's like training the ego to do what YOU really want and not what she wants... Hope this helps