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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. And that’s not influencing the “free” market??? They deserve what is happening. That’s what you say @Leo Gura that it will come back and bit them in the ass. It’s happening and it’s biting Wall Street thieves asses!! ?
  2. The big lesson here: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/why-you-should-never-short-sell-stocks-2015-11-19
  3. A rope always breaks at its weakest point
  4. This is where we need Bernie Sanders... We need the "Too big to fail, Too Big to to exist Act..."
  5. That would be great. Look at what they were doing. They were driving the prices of Game Stop down calling it "a failing mall-based retailer" and they predicted the shares would go down to $ 20 because "it is pretty much in terminal decline". What they do with that? The same thing that the redditors were doing, but for millionaires and investors and blood sucking greedy Wall Street parasites. They do it in the old fashion, by declaring in the media that the companies are not good, and such... with rumors so people start selling the stocks and drive the prices down. Now Redditors have found a quicker and massive way to do the same (I am not saying is OK) via internet and social media. I think they should close Wall Street and put a casino there hahaha... OMG. I've seen some people posting in the that WallStreetBets subreddit saying that now they could pay the loans they asked for studying (one said he paid like 45,000 in loans) and other said that he will be able to pay for a sister's treatment for a sickness she had and they didn't have money for treating her, he will be able to write her a check to do that. I think those people has more heart that the blood sucking parasites of Wall Street. IMO
  6. @Leo Gura But that sort of manipulation is already done by Wall Street executives. What’s the difference? That now is being done by the people? They broke the market in 2000 with the mortgages. And nothing happened, the people suffered. How is this going to affect peasants? I’m asking because I really don’t know. Not trying to confront or anything. I’m genuinely curious.
  7. This article is super interesting https://www.wsj.com/articles/gamestop-mania-reveals-power-shift-on-wall-streetand-the-pros-are-reeling-11611774663
  8. Right now the subreddit is unavailable. They can’t moderate so many people.... ?
  9. I read something on the news, but I have no idea what the hell happened. It seems that there's a trend in reddit to buy the stock to make the prices rise. Not sure how much is going to go up, but that's what they are doing. Here there's an article about what's happening. https://www.cnet.com/news/reddit-and-elon-musks-gamestop-stock-rocket-this-insane-ponzi-scheme-cant-last/
  10. @Eren Eeager Exactly! When we identify with the ego is when we go against the flow... but if you are everything you just follow the natural laws and that's when you are doing without really doing anything. Is really good. I always try to use it when there's conflict, it's like you pause and try to feel what is right to do and it works great. It's really following your true self.
  11. Read it here: https://www.theschooloflife.com/thebookoflife/wu-wei-doing-nothing/
  12. @roopepa Really good... I am following them. Thanks for sharing!
  13. I think you have to look to do what you love or like. Is there anything you like to do? Some hobbie, whatever? Try to make it your main source of income. That's what I am working on, trying to make my art to become my work.
  14. There’s no others ... and it was you who bumped the thread. Stop pretending you didn’t do it! ?
  15. Exactly, that's the problem with words and concepts hehehe... the "paradoxes".
  16. No, that's not what he says. It's God who creates reality. But the ego thinks he is the one, the ego thinks that he is just one bubble and there's a lot of other bubbles that are conscious too... and everything continues after he dies. That's what becomes reality for the ego. But it is God who is doing everything, and you are GOD. So when you die (In fact you never do) everything disappears, you are not conscious of anything and because you are GOD the world disappears too. The problem is that sometimes it may seem that the I we are talking about is the ego, Leo was talking about the higher self "I", God... Leo always said "The Ego doesn't exist". And is not something that just Leo says, this is in all the ancient text and all the sages keep saying the same thing. Exactly!
  17. @Moksha Everything is dualistic... the only thing is some fingers point to the moon a bit more accurately... or maybe not... hehehe...