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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Leo Gura I though she could have said that sarcastically, but now I know she will never do that ???
  2. Hahahahaha and I fell for it. ???
  3. Good luck @SirVladimir !!!! Best of luck in all your endeavors!!!
  4. @Leo Gura Lol!!! I didn't know that one! hahaha... Ok. At least she recognized it. This is really the true God's joke hahaha...
  5. The problem they have is that some GOP leaders are saying that the Republican party cannot survive without Trump... https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/28/republicans-need-trump-463684
  6. @Leo Gura hahaha... probably she will blame Obama for everything, but won't recognize her own stupidity hehehe...
  7. The Vietnam war was also Obama's fault...
  8. Here is the video that Leo posted
  9. Super gray area. I think Leo posted a video here , an interview to the guy who wrote the wolf of Wall Street and he said all those things in Wall Street are almost illegal or ethically bad. But it’s complicated to prove is against the law. The guys that work there are breaking the law all the time according to him. He was in jail if I recall correctly...
  10. I think is difficult for us to reach that level of understanding. I still have a hard time, but I understand that this is the correct POV in the long run. You cannot fight fire with fire... it will end bad.
  11. I think that’s a problem we all have, we think if we criticize something we are against it. Duality thinking is sneaky. Im trying to learn that and avoid dual thinking, black and white thinking. I understand what @Leo Gura is saying. It’s not Ok even if it seems a good cause to support any of the two sides. Theres a saying that goes like the ends does not justify the means. (I’m translating from my native language, not sure if that’s how it is said in English) ?
  12. Even Martha Stewart was in jail for that. Not sure of all the details but it was about having inside information about some stocks.
  13. From the Ego POV that's what happens. The bubbles where everyone of us "live" are inside of you... that's what you can't see unless you have a direct experience of that. The bubbles believe that the other bubble is separated and a different entity, but you are not that bubble entity. You are the whole thing, the only difference is that you tricked yourself (you are reality) into believing you are the small bubble, to experience separation and duality. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_truths_doctrine
  14. Times Square right now... https://streamable.com/lg8v8s
  15. Some of them were conservatives. Not all Redditors are liberals. The motto of them is like 4chan found a Bloomberg terminal. And some of the hedge fund managers said that those seems tactics from the Trumpism.
  16. Congrats @Moksha and @andyjohnsonman !!!
  17. @seeking_brilliance Cool! I will definitely check it! Thanks!!!
  18. @integral That’s what I was thinking Lol I was looking for exchanges and there I saw it was a joke hahaha that was a good one ?
  19. I didn’t think about that. I can delete the post ... Edit: I deleted the image, no worries...
  20. They found a loophole to continue buying stocks in Robinhood. These guys are relentless... ???
  21. Thanks @aurum I will definitely watch it. Very interesting! Thanks again! Edit: I already watched it... I thought it was longer hehehe... and it's true. I want to get rid of all my credit cards. It's crazy.