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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. I agree... is more confusing but more "shocking" to the mind. That's why I like it
  2. @Mikael89 I always wanted to read that book, it's really good. In reality I was always curious about Wei Wu Wei. I found it searching books about enlightenment and he immediately caught my attention. He has a lot of books that I want to read hehehe... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wei_Wu_Wei
  3. Wei Wu Wei in his book "Open Secret" in my opinion is one of the few who really explain what we are not "inside" a body, or inside the brain or we are not the body either. I also struggled (and still do sometimes) with the idea that I am not the body. This is a fragment of the book I consider it very clear for understanding.
  4. I found this book online @Scholar It is about how and why the "techniques" of different masters are well, different. :-) http://holybooks.lichtenbergpress.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Be-Still-It-Is-The-Wind-That-Sings.pdf?83ba00
  5. Love your ego, so you will be integrating it, instead of hating it. Love solves everything. :-)
  6. I think is a cultural thing, the way the jewish saw and interpreted the idea of God was different and Jesus was immersed in that culture, so that's the way he had to help us to wake up to the truth. Buddha lived in the Indian society that was more "philosophical" than the Hebrew and they tend to see reality much less personal than the jewish view of it. God is both ways, I think the best explanation for it is the parable of the Elephant and the blind people who touch it, when they asked them how the elephant was all had different ideas about it. https://www.peacecorps.gov/educators/resources/story-blind-men-and-elephant/
  7. Maybe you have to think in something like these ones https://www.panasonic.com/ca/consumer/cameras-camcorders/hd-camcorders.html There's a movie done in 2004 with a panasonic camera. A mini-DV but it was released in film. The quality was good, and I think that camera should be really cheap now. The movie was Land of Plenty, directed by Win Wenders https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_Plenty And this is the camera they used to film it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panasonic_AG-DVX100 Now there must be more recent versions of it and with better quality, but you can have an idea of the quality you will get with that camera. You can buy a newer one now, that will film better than that one, maybe... :-)
  8. Exactly! I shared because some of the things he said resonated with me, but I am one who benefited a lot of meditation to be more calm and think better. And much more. I agree a lot with what you say about peace and bliss from the personal POV and from the awareness POV.
  9. Meditation isn't as sold --- Posted by u/Mister_Bitmouse on reddit (Original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Meditation/comments/ba8qb1/meditation_isnt_as_sold/ ) So I am not sure how to write this and not come across like a dick. I have fallen into many if not most of the pitfalls on the spiritual/meditation path. I am not perfect and I don't claim to know everything. I am feeling a bit concerned having read a lot of the recent posts on this sub now that it has made it's way into my google now news feed. Basically my concern is there is a lot of using meditation to bolster a, "successful life," to, "improve oneself," or to, "feel better." While I think this is the aim of meditation, in a way. I think people have a very false expectation of what meditation will deliver. Meditation is not a tool for peace, it will not make you feel better, and it is more likely to make you less, "successful." Why? Sitting in stillness while focusing on the breath will dredge up you unconscious. Therein lies 3.5 billion years, at least, of unprocessed baggage. Meditation is like a meat grinder with your personal version of Las Vegas sitting at the front, go in and get ground. So why meditate? Chogyam Trungpa used to say unless you were interested in enlightenment in this life time at the cost of everything you know, then run the other way like hell. A lot of the threads I have read recently are written by people who have about 1-2 years of meditation experience. That is no small thing. However, I am here to tell you that it isn't what you think. It isn't bad, but embracing all of reality means just that. Usually all the fun stuff is upfront. I have been meditating for 25 years. I know myself to be Self. I have no doubt about it. I am not the man writing this, I am not a nationality, a race, a gender, I am that which is. I stopped meditating as much as soon as practice was moment to moment. Every moment then became mindfulness. Now everytime I walk down the street all the trees look crisp and clear like I was on acid/mushrooms. However, I don't sit daily. It keeps increasing though. My practice now is introspection and I get to see all the ugliness my family never dealt with. Spiritually it is great. In life it is fucking hard. My meditation teacher was a man who left to meditate; found himself in Thailand in a monastery and found that every person there was hiding from something, career, relationship, children. One by one they all left to face those things. Meditation will make you. I just need you guys to know this stuff. This isn't sexy and it doesn't sell, "yoga butts," however it is true. Meditation isn't a toy, it isn't a successory. It's not going to make you CEO, it might, but being CEO won't mean shit to you.
  10. I just found a post from a user confirming what I have discovered. Things begin to appear, ideas that I had never contemplated are coming to me. Anyway, I know everything is just a story.
  11. We hallucinate the whole reality. What we think is "real" is hallucination.
  12. Some insights that arose when meditating and being silent, mostly in my mind. I realized that awareness (God/Reality) is the doer. The jiva or atman doesn't do anything, he thinks he is the doer. But everything he does is a reflection from the source or Brahman or Iswara. So in reality is Iswara who does everything. I wasn't sure about this insight so I googled it to see other views on this point. Because I always heard that awareness does nothing. And I found this: "A being enlightened to a certain level knows that he or she is not the doer, that God is, Sri Ramakrishna tells us: “Do you know the attitude of one who has realized God? He feels: ‘I am the machine, and Thou, O Lord, art the Operator. I am the house and Thou art the Indweller. I am the chariot and Thou art the Driver. I move as Thou movest me; I speak as Thou makest me speak.'” (4) If God is everything, then we are God and God must be the doer. But what’s lacking is our realization of that fact." https://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/12/08/god-alone-doer/
  13. Who is not crazy? You have gone crazy too... I am crazy... Everyone is crazy, the president is crazy, the therapists are crazy, scientists are crazy... the whole world is deluded. what's the problem?
  14. @Highest Sufism is not very well known. I want to read more about it, really. Thanks for sharing!
  15. That's similar to the teaching from Hermeticism that says: "That which is above is the same as that which is below" Or "As above, so below"