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Everything posted by abrakamowse

  1. @Preety_India
  2. I read some stories about Salvia at Erowid and man, those are crazy!!! Lol... One of them said that he become a garden hose, he was a lake, the spirit of his father... hahaha... crazy! Here it is if someone is interested https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=38234
  3. Lol hahahaha... I am a beast about that. Everybody drink some caffeine and they get nervous or can't sleep... I can drink a lot of it and nothing happens to me.. and besides I sleep like a baby hehehe... hahahaha... OMG! I hope what you say become true someday!!! hehehe... Thanks! hahaha... That mate is a winner! hehehe... Lol!!!
  4. Here I AM Drawing as usual while drinking some "mate". A traditional beverage in my native country. If you are curious about it here there's a link :-P https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mate_(drink)
  5. You are talking rom the POV of egos... every person give different meanings and realities depending on their beliefs. But that is only seen from the POV of an ego, of a person... The problem is you don't see that the whole thing is a "bigger" consciousness, and it has to be only ONE. All these smaller "consciousness" that you talk about appear in this "big consciousness" (call it reality, God, cosmic consciousness, Brahman, That, Allah, etc...) and you are not that smaller consciousness inside a body, that ego is not you.... you are the big consciousness, you are the whole thing. And to be everything, you must be only ONE. That's why Leo says you are alone. In reality alone is just another concept, he is just pointing to the fact that there cannot be two "everythings" in the world. Only you... In Christianity Jesus said "Me and the Father are one" I will translate it to you... You and the father are ONE!"
  6. If there's something that is everything... (and you are it, the only thing is you are not conscious of it) how is it possible that there would be "others"??? Everything must include everything by definition. If there's other "everything" then there must be another bigger everything that include those two everything... Lol And that bigger everything that is only ONE where others are just concepts and ideas, because it includes all in it. That bigger everything will be Reality or God... and your true self.
  7. I found this video and I remembered about this post, so I thought it is interesting to share it here...
  8. That’s the difference between non duality and solipsism. I think that’s why some people get confused and think solipsism is the same as saying consciousness is all there is. They are very different things.
  9. I have a hard time understanding extreme far right views. How can someone embrace that philosophy is something I can’t comprehend. But probably is because I don’t understand how this fits in the development of consciousness, probably consciousness needs to experience all possible POVs
  10. @Leo Gura I though she could have said that sarcastically, but now I know she will never do that ???
  11. Hahahahaha and I fell for it. ???
  12. Good luck @SirVladimir !!!! Best of luck in all your endeavors!!!
  13. @Leo Gura Lol!!! I didn't know that one! hahaha... Ok. At least she recognized it. This is really the true God's joke hahaha...
  14. The problem they have is that some GOP leaders are saying that the Republican party cannot survive without Trump... https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/28/republicans-need-trump-463684
  15. @Leo Gura hahaha... probably she will blame Obama for everything, but won't recognize her own stupidity hehehe...
  16. The Vietnam war was also Obama's fault...
  17. Here is the video that Leo posted
  18. Super gray area. I think Leo posted a video here , an interview to the guy who wrote the wolf of Wall Street and he said all those things in Wall Street are almost illegal or ethically bad. But it’s complicated to prove is against the law. The guys that work there are breaking the law all the time according to him. He was in jail if I recall correctly...