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  • Birthday August 1

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  1. Do you have the data to back up your claims? I say vaccinate away! Vaccinate the willing and leave the ones alone that don't want it. You can never have too many boosters, right? Natural selection in my mind.
  2. Kind of like how you reduce 50% of America as racist, extremist right wingers huh? Ego check man!
  3. Watching politicians is like watching an episode of the Jerry Springer show.
  4. It looks like I was wrong about Andrew Coumo. I said that he was like Donald Trump. Well, I think he's worse than Donald Trump. Can this guy get any lower than dangling vaccines over peoples heads like a carrot? From the local newspaper:
  5. So you don't believe someone just because they crossed party lines? This story keeps getting deeper. As they say "follow the money". In March, during the pandemic, Cuomo added a provision to NY's budget that helped one of his largest political donors, nursing home executives, to be prevented from being sued. Many states soon followed with this liability shield, only to show later, that it was another of his horrible decisions. States with this liability shield, showed a higher death count in nursing homes. Go figure... Democratic NY Assemblyman Ron Kim reported to CNN that Cuomo called him at home and threatened to destroy his career if he didn't lie to the media and take back his remarks made to the Post about the administration hiding the nursing home death counts. Like I said, this guy is just like Trump, he has done nothing wrong in his mind and wont go without a fight. I'm sure there's more to come...
  6. Agreed that we are all narcissists to some degree. I have no idea about the other governors but my point was that Cuomo is the same egotistical bully that Trump is. Cuomo has been the "Teflon Don" up to this point because democrats were too scared to speak up and the biased media failed to investigate him but rather blindly fell for his lies and propped him up. Truly disgusting! The sad part is, he still would be hiding this data today without a court order telling him to do so. Plus, he still hasn't released all the data requested. Yeah, Cuomo was too busy to release data that they already possesses but he had plenty of time to do daily 'look at me' and 'Trump bad' briefings AND to write a book on how great of a leader he is claiming victory over the Corona virus before the second wave hit. You seriously cant make this stuff up. One can only hope that ALL politicians be held accountable, regardless of the letter next to their name.
  7. Coumo is just as narcissistic as Trump, he just plays for a different team. Unfortunately, its very true. Living in NY my whole life, I've been following this story for some time now. In my opinion, its just another example of the biased media not holding a democrat accountable for their actions. Here's an explanation from a channel that I like. One is a democrat and the other is a republican and get this.....shocker alert.....they are able to have civil discussions about politics.
  8. Yes, its Thursday and Friday evenings and all day Saturday and Sunday.
  9. My thought on the subject is that unconditional love is a concept made up by the mind. Just like the concept of enlightenment.
  10. @Chi_ Thank you for your input. I'm signed up for the total engineering course next week (June 6-9) near Boston. I'm looking forward to the experience. If anyone else on here is going and would like to meet up while there, send me a message.
  11. I've been making roasted veggies for awhile now. I will cut up and roast a whole cookie sheet of my favorite veggies under the oven broiler (or the grill in the summertime). Just coat them with oil and seasoning and stir occasionally. They get a nice char flavor. I was going to try adding them to broth next time!
  12. I think that we are hard wired for physical beauty, like the difference between a rose and a dandelion is common to most humans. I saw a show where they did an experiment with newborn babies; they put two pictures of men or two pictures of women in front of the babies (gender of the baby didn't matter, results were the same). One picture was an attractive person physically and the other person was an unattractive person physically. They found that the newborns eyes spent more time looking at the physically attractive person. With that said, physical attractiveness only goes so far. There have been many physically attractive women that I've encountered that as soon as they opened their mouth and started talking and revealed a part of their personality, I immediately lost attraction. Likewise, I've encountered not so physically attractive women that I've talked to and attraction grew. So what was that that made the attraction grow? I would say confidence with their bodies and who they are and i know this saying is cliche, but being authentic. Maybe deep down, men and women aren't all that different. I know I don't want to be with someone wearing many masks.
  13. One that hates "bad" advice probably shouldn't visit internet forums, let alone be a moderator. I deal with it by ignoring it. I'm not the advice police. If someone follows "bad" advice, then they are meant to learn the hard way.
  14. I have heard of this and find it absolutely fascinating. Another belief shattered! I've heard that there is a point of no return though. After a certain amount of time, your intestines will become useless and you wont be able to consume food even you want to. I'm not sure if that is true or what the amount of time is but that is what I've heard. Please report back. I've considered it myself. I'm just not sure that I can give up my steak and potatoes just yet!
  15. Absolutely! That's one of my 5 love languages. Not only do I like to cuddle with a girlfriend but I also have a 6 year old daughter that I love to cuddle with. I have to get my cuddling in now with her because I know that it will soon end. Some people (men and women) dont like to cuddle and thats fine. I dont think it has anything to do with actualization.