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Everything posted by DJ

  1. I like to look good and think that having a style that fits you is important. For me its simple. A nice button down shirt and jeans. I would suggest finding a celebrity that you think fits your style and buy an outfit like them and test the waters to see how it feels. The next thing you know, you'll find out through trial end error what colors and styles fit your personality. Like everything else, it will take time......just do it!
  2. I fit this description as well. I signed up to a HSP group on Meetup but havent been to any of the meetings yet. My only question with all this is....The traits of HSP seem to be parallel with the traits of being introverted. So whats the difference between the two?
  3. Why, because he's bald? I did a quick google search and think he looks nothing like Leo. Perhaps you should do the same...
  4. Leo, In some of your videos you have mentioned doing inner work. That sounds great but very vague. How would one go about doing inner work? Like getting to the root cause of a neurosis. Maybe some examples? Thanks, DJ
  5. No! You need to get out of that relationship ASAP! Why would you want to be with someone like that? A real man makes his woman feel comfortable so she can totally open up to him. This is the stuff that Lifetime movies are made after. His behavior is likely to get worse with time.
  6. I would highly recommend "She comes first" by Ian Kerner. It explains in great detail the anatomy of a woman's vagina, how to give mind blowing cunnilingus, and how to pleasure a woman sexually. Like Leo said in one of his videos, If your good in the bedroom, she will be hooked on you like crack .
  7. I know the feeling @Sarah_Flagg . After I left my wife and because I was missing my girls, there were many nights that I cried myself to sleep and I hoped that I never woke up. The thought of seeing them again was probably the only thing keeping me going. It was tough as hell and your right, a good type of pain. From that, I found the path of personal development and am a much stronger person. Now I look at a challenge or problem in my life and I'm like pfft, I made it through hell so this is nothing! In time, everyone adjusts to the situation so you and your son will be fine. You have taught him valuable lessons in all this. You have taught him not to settle in life, life is about change, bad times always pass, love and life isn't a fairy tale, its OK to be alone, etc.
  8. I subscribe to her videos and usually get some good information from her. I take what I can from it and leave the rest. I don't judge her or her beliefs. I would listen to the cookie monster talk if I got useful information from him .
  9. That is by far the hardest part. It takes time, but everyone will adjust.
  10. I agree with Leo and that you should lead by example. I have 2 girls (5 and 12) and you learn things after the first one. My oldest is the picky crap food eater. That may or may not be because I tried to force her to eat healthy. My youngest eats very healthy and that is probably due to the fact that I gave up control and let her eat what she wanted. She saw me eating healthy and would choose carrots over chips etc. I believe that there are some beneficial norms. I had my oldest daughter into martial arts which she loved. She now shown interest in the piano which I think is great. I'll be signing her up for piano lessons soon. That's a tough call that only you can make. I will speak for myself in that I've been there. I wanted to leave my wife but I thought it would be beneficial to the girls if I stuck around. Looking back, this was a bad decision on my part. It only created tension between us which the kids can sense. I finally came to a breaking point and had to leave. It was the most difficult decision of my life at the time. It was far from easy and I was severely depressed and felt like I had failed my girls but that decision ultimately led to my path to personal development. So looking back, it was the best decision! I still struggle with the whole nature vs. nurture debate. There are examples of good kids and bad kids for both sides of fence. So who really knows? I believe that all a child needs are the basics. Food, shelter, unconditional love, knowledge and leading by example. They will find their own path in life. For instance, on the weekends that I have the girls, at dinner time, I prepare a discussion along the lines of personal development at a kids level. I've gotten some examples from Leo's videos but obviously not getting too deep on them. Its to the point now where they look forward to our discussions.
  11. Or if its a woman? Im not a big fan of hypothetical questions. Thats like asking what would you do if you won a million dollars? How I react depends on the moment.
  12. Good topic. I think we are social creatures so its in our nature to be social. I dont want to end up like Ted Kaczynski. I'm pretty introverted so socializing isn't my strong point. However, a benefit of that is that I'm an excellent listener. Yes, listening to mundane banter can bore me to tears but I can usually quietly control the conversation and steer it in the direction that I want. I don't judge people and I believe that most people have something positive that I can bring out. If nothing else, I can make that person feel better about themselves which makes me feel better.
  13. Personally, I've never had much luck at the gym. I will strike up some small talk with a girl on the treadmill next to me (unless she's sweating like a pig or out of breath haha). I just don't think its a very good place to pick up girls because there are a lot of creepers at the gym and the girls know it so their guard is up. The one time I did get a date with a girl from the gym was when I ran into her outside of the gym, so go figure.
  14. Is there such a thing? It sure seems that way. Is there any way to know for sure?
  15. Yes it has @Sarah_Flagg The only drawback that I have found with serious personal development (not just watching a Tony Robbins video) is that it can be a lonely place at times. Kind of like a social outcast but in a good way. Like when I tell people that I don't have cable and hardly watch TV, they look at me like something is wrong with me. I've had girls that I have been dating make snide remarks when I open up to them about what I feel proud of. For the most part, I don't let it get to me but were all human at the end of the day. I would have to agree with your therapist that chimpery loves chimpery! What I've been doing recently is trying to find like minded and positive people. There is a website called "meetup" where I have joined meditation groups, reiki, holistic health, yoga and other positive groups. Also, my local high school has continuing education classes. I was also in toastmasters for a bit and found those people to be very positive and supportive.
  16. I took the Myers Briggs Personality Test a few years ago and came up with INFJ. I dont think that I'm mistaken for an extrovert though, who knows, I've never asked. I also believe that as I work on myself, I may take the test again in the future and have a slightly different outcome.
  17. For me, yes. Not only is it a way to emotionally connect to a woman but there are numerous studies that show MANY physiological benefits of sex. It does the body good!
  18. Been there, done that! Got married because we were having a baby. Deep down inside I knew that it wasn't the right thing to do but I was pressured into it. We had another child a few years later. I finally came to a breaking point and had to leave. It was one of the hardest and best decisions I have ever made. My only regret is not listening to my gut and I should of left years before. But then again, I wouldn't of had my second beautiful daughter so perhaps everything happens for a reason...
  19. I agree as well. The same can be said about "Love has no need of rules".
  20. 1. Wake up and make tea 2. Fire up the laptop and browse the national and local news for anything important. Catch up on email, favorite websites. 3. 5 minute ab exercise (I go to the gym after work) 4. 10 minute meditation 5. Journal 6. Shower. On Mondays I listed to Leos's latest YouTube video. Otherwise, I find another personal development video while showering and getting ready. 7. Make veggie/fruit smoothie 8. Drink home made kefir 9. Off to work
  21. Excellent book! Thanks for posting this @The Alchemist This post reminds me that I need to read this again. Its been awhile.
  22. This book is very insightful and I would recommend it. We tend to think that everyone is like us. Its good to understand that each person values things differently than we do and to open up the lines of communication to find out what that person values most.