From the view point of philosophy, Radical Constructivism is another facet and a deep way of understanding non-realism and epistemology (Ernst von Glasersfeld: Radical Constructivism).
Radical Constructivism discards the traditional way of thinking about truth and replaces it by viability. Even in mathematics and in logic, unreflected realism is questioned (Gabriel Stolzenberg: "Can An Inquiry Into The Foundations of Mathematics Tell Us Anything Interesting about Mind?" in Paul Watzlawick: "Invented Reality").
Radical Constructivism is a philosophical path of understanding the limits of reason and science from within. Ernst von Glasersfeld stated that with reason, the question of being can not be investigated at all but maybe there are other methods and this is the field of Mysticism. In "Invented Reality" Fransico Varela wrote about strange loops and reality.