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About EcsTaZe

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  1. Hi, I'm new here, but following Leo since ages. I had 4 years ago like a psychedelic experience in real life without any substance. I wanted it so much, from the bottom of my will in action, and ayahusca didn't work very well for me because I was to afraid. One day I stepped inside a wonderful trip, and my life is no more the same now, the awakening was so deep. But I was not ready so it was as hard as wonderful. I'm wondering why Leo is never talking about the magical world. About the fact that when you really want something it happens, no matter is it possible or not. About all the mystical other wolrd. Entities, and else... About the "powers" that you can recover, the clairvoyance, and else... I had voice in the head to guide me for my healing process, and so surprise that Leo doesn't talk about such things. Cheers, Amaury
  2. Yes it's exactly what my aim is and I know the path you are talking about My problem is I have difficulties to let go of everything in my ego (I think I'll loose my sanity even if it's the opposite lool) and then I try going from step to step to get rid of it... Thanks
  3. Yes in the end only reality counts that's the main issue we have to fight for :-)
  4. I also eat it, since 3 months Ok, for me it's the care about eating healthy food + a supplement to get 4-5 kg more with exercice
  5. But you are talking about maybe the way for you, however each person has it's own ! It's what I meant about what you said, that's all. Thanks lot for your help anyway. I'm not very resonating with the 10 days vipassana retreat actually even if I know should be very helpful! I have my daily meditation practice, the psychedelics, and first of all my hard everyday awareness work. That's kind of my way for now, I don't want an other it's perfect for me now And by the way psychedelics it's such an hard way too I promise, why want you tell me that I'm using them like a magic pill ? Thanks for your remember about impermanence. Take care.
  6. Thanks for your answer, even if it's an easy, anti-psychedelic and full of judgments one. I meditate since 2 years mate please don't try to moralize what you don't know it's not worth your time.
  7. Hi ! Since 2 months, something appears in me and I try to do my best everyday to live a bit "like a warrior" in order to transcend ayahuasca experience with a breaktrought. (I did a few ayahuasca experiences in the past but except one time I always did get lost in my illusions, my ego) However I feel a calling since years and it is getting more and more. The primary thing in my daily work is to be PERMANENTLY in kind of doing nothing accept everything meditation, no unwanted self-talk. (at work, with friends, anytime without exception) This daily work since 2 months has done the best improve ever in my life, it confirmed me everything that a little voice in my head was telling me since years, it was an awesome revelation. Actually during those 2 months I founded 2-cb (on therapeutic dosage) as a pretty perfect psychedelic for me as it is lighter but there and because of my good daily spiritual work, it reveals me lots of things like never something before. In resume, I mean those days I had the feeling I have never been has close as I'm now from my dream of spiritual awakening !!! And the day came I transcend the 2-cb experience it was given to me to transcend. It was telling to me that I have breakthrought "the little ego death" and that now I have to go to do the same near the mother Ayahuasca for the complete ego death... I have to mention that during all this period I'm talking to you about, I became so much more intuitive, clarity guided, and the amazing thing I couldn't imagine is that I have now true psychedelic experience just with marijuana !! Not all the time for sure but you know what I mean I guess. Before going to this point I was telling during 2-cb sessions that I was having respect leaks against the marijuana plant in regard of the use I had of it. (for watching movie, or else instead of being present with her/it) So, I did prepare myself for ayahuasca ceremony to come "by feeling" next week on the week-end probably I was guessing, until yesterday night I had a huge psychedelic episode with... marijuana. This was a shocking one and it was showing to me that my "method" to be present is good but at my level I need something more focusing on a special place in my brain, on my consciousness or I don't even know what exactly actually (!!) but than my doing nothing / observe thoughts habit as the master motor piece process of every second in my daily life being present approach. It was telling me by the way of introspective imagery that what I do is kind of still "turning around the pot" instead of going fully in... It showed something around the forehead zone, that's all I'm sure. But maybe it means nothing in that sense too I know. It was telling me that I need to pass this little step before going to ayahuasca and lol to illustrate that it removed some parts of my ego at a point I couldn't accept anymore so it was like I could or was really getting crazy for real it was nightmare and delusion because I tought I should have been able to handle that and just accept for all! But I don't understand for now what's the root of the message in order to applicate it straight so I was a bit frustrated today about that (it happened yesterday night) before eventually let go of the unknown and get back to my present moment habbit as usual waiting for more understanding... The fact was demonstrated, I'm near but not ready yet to kill my ego with mother Ayahuasca... Does someone has a clue for me ? Does it sounds something familiar to someone ?! I apologize for my bad English, I did my best, I'm sorry.
  8. I'd like so much that you do a complete nutrition guide about what our body really needs in the bottom and where to find all that nutriments even for vegetarian / vegan people. It's kind of hard to really be aware of what our body needs in the roots and to not fall into some myths. Thanks.
  9. Hello. Thanks for your answer. Actually no I'm not eating meat at all, since 3 years already now and not want anymore :-) Just in case, I get from a question to Aubrey Marcus (don't know if you know him) that the best source of proteins for vegan is hemp seeds. So I bought some and yeah, seems to be perfect for me as they are fitable in lots of recipes. It contains plainty of complete proteins + some omega 3 - 6 - 9 like in fishes ! But yeah as I'm not very aware yet of the different needs of the body, I was looking for a supplement in proteins with my vegetables as I'd like to work out my muscle just a bit. ;-)
  10. Ok ok thanks both of you for your answer. I don't just need a diet, actually I'm pretty slim so with a good nutrition habit I'd like to get a little bit of muscle weight more to be perfectly fine and that's all. Thanks for your picture and explanation, It will help first for the eggs, I will buy some and try to like eating them lol Yes I already removed all the junk food, just need a good source of protein first so you conviced me I have to figure out to like them that's the first step.
  11. Hi guys, I'm new here in the forum, even if I'm listening to Leo since a few months. I hope you will be able and willing to help me. Actually I'm figuring out how to get a good equilibrated daily habit of nutrition in my case, because you can hear lots of things from here and there and certains are contradictable so it's hard to find out the truth. I saw Leo's videos on food but was not complete enough when dealing with my specific case In fact I'm a vegetarian eating a lot of pastas, cheese, bread and sorts of vegetarian meat-like products containing mainly soja. As you can see if you are a bit interested in nutrition stuff nowadays, it sucks. I would like to remove cheese at all (my only but in great quantities use of dairy products) and bread (wheat). It will be ok mentally for me to change those habbits because I'm really willing to but the problem is I don't know how to replace all of that correctly without having nutrition leaks. It will be particularly easy with cheese because even if I have been a big lover of that kind of products, today it seems that my body becomes to naturately not loving anymore all of that. So yeah, the first thing I figured out for the transition is eating big plates of raw vegetables as Leo talked about, but if I do that well, without meat and dairy products I guess I will leak somethings... Vitamin B12 for exemple. Some people tell I can find it in vegetables and others say no so what am I supposed to do ? I even don't like eggs lol but if no choice I guess I could go trought and force myself to learn to like. Does anyone here could help wih serious knowledge ??? Thanks a lot in advance...