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About Quantum_fluctuations

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  • Birthday 02/28/2001

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  1. My mind is chattering, chattering and chattering. It was all good few years back, I never noticed that if there is something mind chattering . I was just being myself. Now, I can see that my mind is so much inefficient and just making my life hell even though there is nothing physically happening to me. I have everything that a 18 year would reasonably expect ( not everything, no one in world has). Is there anyway to get control of this mind? I've heard meditation helps. I sit on zafu with all correct posture as per zazen instruction because I've read that its more nondual in nature. Now, what? Sometimes, mind become silent while doing meditation but it starts becoming chaos once again. My thoughts are still making chaos in mind. What am I supposed to do know? How did you silence your mind? How much time did it take? What did you do?
  2. I'm terribly confused. I'm just confused. I don't know what's true and what's not. I mean we can't be sure about anything at all. Try to be patient and read below. Let's start, maybe earth is flat. Maybe all evidence for spherical earth is fabricated lie. Maybe I'm the only one who has consciousness here and all other people are just some type of intelligent robots. Maybe India is the only country which exists and its political propaganda to say any other country exist. Maybe 'allah' exists and I'm going to roast in hell for eternity for not believing in him. Maybe nothing really exists when it is out of my sight. Maybe its just a matrix. Maybe I'm not gonna die, if I never eat. Maybe this universe is one of the infinite other universes. Maybe I was uploaded in this body at age of five. Maybe there exist afterlife. Maybe there doesn't exist anything out there, this is just me dreaming all these experiences. Maybe there is nothing as absolute truth because no two person would ever have same brain and hence would not agree upon anything exactly in same way. Maybe when others read the words that I use mean something else, and when I read their words I understand something else. Maybe I'm trapped inside a brain which is bound by limited inputs and can never really know any truth. I'm just so confused, whatever I think something, other thought which comes is how can I ever be sure if that thought is true?
  3. I just read about horrific things that people are going through right now as I am typing this down and it just is coming over and over to my mind. Earlier I used to feel bad about just for a minute and then forgot it, but now I just in background that people suffering so bad somewhere and I am here going through my life. Do enlightened people feel bad about other people's suffering? And if they don't feel bad about other people's suffering then how do they end up being compassionate? I know morals have been established in society so as less suffering happen. But there is no free will and given physical laws of universe, whatever state universe is right now is the only possible way it could be in, so in a way its the 'perfect' world. Things are just happening here, what happens, really doesn't matter. (or does it?) Enlightened people just do things without does being present there. And suprisingly they don't do much 'evil' maybe that's a inherent trait of that type of brain.
  4. @Leo Gura Talking from individual's perspective there is something 'good' and something 'bad' for him and from society's POV there are something 'good' and something 'bad'. But we can't say 'good' or 'bad' from universe's POV. If you are saying actually everything is 'Good' then how do enlightened individual don't end up doing 'bad' things from societie's POV which are included in 'Good'?
  5. @Joseph Maynor Yeahh... It makes sense. One should understand what situation is bu taking in account stupidity or whatever other resons which led upto the situation and then just respond appropriately and most importantly don't feel hurt.
  6. I think, I'm asking about a very specific situation and I know there are people who are facing much worst. It's pretty obvious for most of the people to respond to abusive words. But for me its not and I just want your perspective on this guys. First, what actually are abusive words? I'd be writing abusive words, because I think if its a self actualization forum, we are not supposed to be disgusted by them (actually I am by some, that's why asking). Explicit words ahead They are mostly about 4 categories: 1st- Just stating existence of certain things which are supposed to be suppressed by conservative civilizations. Like shit, fuck, vagina, dick or mother's pussy, sister's pussy, etc. 2nd- Accusing person of incest, like motherfucker, sisterfucker, etc. 3rd - Accusing woman or female family member of being promiscuous, like son of a bitch, bitch, slut, whore,etc 4th- Threat of sexual violence on the person or most of the times on the female family member - Like, I will fuck your mom, I will fuck your sister, (and different variations of it with different emphasis), I will insert a rod inside you ass, I will put rod inside your mom vagina, etc ( By the way, why are those all about female family member not about male member?) So, I can handle 1st and 2nd category, But I can't handle 3rd and 4th category. I know that person who is saying these words doesn't have free will and I just need to play my part and react suitably ( physically or verbally whatever situation demands) to him. So, how does one see it internally in mind so as not to feel bad, even though by definition these words are meant to create a reaction. How does one detach himself so much that he doesn't feel bad about thought coming about person sexually violating his/her mom? Question can be more general asking, how does one reaches the level of going beyond mental suffering of any kind upto the level of this monk,
  7. Is solipsism true? Can we know absolutely anything, other than the feeling 'I am'? Is there a thing such as true facts? How do I know if a statement about something is absolutely true?
  8. @tsuki I didn't mean that they would have free will after enlightenment. I was saying that, even though we don't have free will we make choices (which actually are illusory) depending on our belief system. But since on enlightenment one realizes nonduality of the world and there is no 'good' and 'evil' anymore than how do they decide what to do, since each thing is equally good. Either you hit your head at wall continuously or sit at one place continuously or go have sex with many men/women or go kill your nieghbour, they are all supposed to be equally good, because there is no duality. (They are all different arrangement of atoms in this universe caused by physical laws) SO, why don't they do 'evil' things ? Because for normal people its social conditioning, fear of jail, morality etc, but enlightened person is beyond the thought based things.
  9. So, I intellectually understand that there is no free will and there is no individual 'self' anywhere. Its just an illusion having a separate self going through life. Universe is just one process. So, there is no distinction of 'events' from universe's POV, like if one human kills another or rapes another its just a process. Although victims may fell various bad emotions due to different arrangement of atoms in their head. Still, rearrangement of atoms is just process which may produce negative feeling in the individual human. Inherently, in this universe there is no 'good' and 'bad'. There is not even a separate 'thing' in universe that exists by itself. Because its all one. If enlightened person realize this by experience then why don't they act 'evil' ? Why don't they go on killing or raping people? How do they decide what to do when everything is just equally good in this universe, whatever you do. Since there is no duality they could do anything. And if non-duality is true, then how can an individual live in this universe? Because by definition an individual is supposed to have distinction between what is good and what is bad for him and then pursue something and avoids something. If there is no 'good' and 'evil' since nonduality is true, then why don't enlightened individuals do 'evil' things (which actually are not so evil from Universe's perspective)?
  10. @Hellspeed That's true. It's not ever present. It just arises, when I compare myself to what I think I 'should be' to have good life.
  11. But to me they just seem like truth about the situation. And I just wanted to get comfortable with them. That's it. Now, I think if actually there is no 'self as many enlightened teacher say (I'm not sure until I find it for myself, but I can align my thinking that way till then)' then there is no way I can feel bad about my 'self' being shorter. Idea of living life without a 'self' seems so good!
  12. I just recognized that I was looking for assurance about what I will get on pursuing idea of enlightenment. Something like they promise when they sell products in advertisements. Why would people pursue it? This would make many few people go for it? People have many better things to do in life than pursuing enlightenment for enlightenment. Most would die without even knowing that some better experience exists. So, it is actually possible to be in state like that when you are nobody. I guess being nobody is better than being somebody. Has there been any person or scientific study or anything which can describe such case that you're aware of? Isn't ego death same thing as enlightenment?
  13. I want to know what really is this idea of enlightenment ? I have read Jed Mckenna's books, so I'm aware of no-nonsense approach. But mckenna doesn't trust science. Science is the best language to describe things. So scientifically speaking, what actually happens when somebody attain enlightenment, from objective POV? How can we say that one can no longer suffer after enlightenment? If enlightened person is caught by someone and they torture him in many possible ways like verbal abuse, physical abuse or harming someone of his family etc. would he not feel suffering at all?
  14. I really wanted to examine why suffering actually take place and if it is possible to be free of mental suffering. Some say suffering happens because of resistance to 'what is'. Let's take a concrete example , There is a teenage boy who is shorter than his peers. That's a fact right there. An intricate network of atoms is relatively smaller in size than of a 99% (both are Homo sapiens) similar intricate network of atoms. Girls won't like him much. Female organisms of his species have some preferences due to evolution, he's among less prefered. He would have disadvantage in hand to hand combat with taller person. . So, larger one 'wins' and becomes successful in negative impact on stability of 'smaller' organism by causing physical harm. It may be possible that 'smaller' organism may not be able to hold up as self-sustaining unit and 'die'. In order to survive in mental modules produce suffering in 'smaller' organism as his conscious mind detects threat to its well-being which are product of evolution. To survive in environment it and maintain a coherent story it has a illusion of self. But when somehow he can see past through this 'self', he's called enlightened. None of this seems bad from universe's POV. But it does from POV of person identified with the self of that teenage boy. This is 3rd person objective truth about situation. Pretty good, causing no suffering to my brain right now. But I can't ignore the fact that I am that teenage boy (Am I not? How is it possible? I see everything through eyes of this body, feel sensations inside it.) Third person POV gives relief but when back to 1st person POV, I feel mental suffering. I can feel identified with character of a short teenage boy whose reality is different than what he expects it to be (you know what everyone expects it to be). He resists 'what is' because he can't deal with 'what is'. Its just not good enough. Its plain bad. He isn't upto size of his peers and would always be seen by others as short as first characterization. And it doesn't make sense from 1st person POV how would a person who accepts 'what is' can act in any meaningful way. Every one has to define what he is good for him and what's not. (I am willing to be wrong here, that's why I'm asking) How would he live his life after accepting everything as 'what is'. How would he decide what to do? So, how do I deal with this situation from 1st person POV?