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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Arhattobe Yeah although the awakening process happened, as an individual i still have a lot of work i can do on myself to live my best possible life. Emotions is a large chunk of that
  2. THANK YOU :') you just gave me my first buddah laugh i just burst out laughing LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!
  3. ahman i used to demonize enlightened people that got married lol i was like they shouldn't be doing that now i know better ahah
  4. Im literally feel like i'm going insane and talking to myself LOL! even when your talking to nahm, this is actually crazy man your talking to yourself!
  5. @thesmileyone why not, practicality is only a distinction and at this point in time limiting belief if thats honestly what you want then go for it, experience what its like and then make a decision about what you want from there life should be simply about striving for the best possible life that we can experience individually
  6. @David Hammond Literally man, i went out for a walk and sat next to some grass and was like this is me lol, i felt i was me looking at me and playing with me although i realise now that absolute nothing and absolute nothing are dualities itself reality itself can not be known in the sense you can't know what it is you are like you are neither absolute something and absolute nothing you are just blank not even the word got justifies what it is like its just silent theres no way to describe it because youd be describing reality
  7. definitely a true hero's journey, i would have no clue how to construct that, but fuck that lol i'd rather learn how to make a million pounds for the fun of it for now.
  8. we don't give these enlightened people like jesus enough credit lol to create a whole route back to the true self is quite a feat,
  9. @Shin TOUCHE TOUCHE ahahaha fine distinctions exist, you win, i win, same thing
  10. I'm not gonna lie Love was really hard for me to get, so i would just contemplate a) what if love is not a feeling you feel then what is it b) love vs hate duality c) does the individual itself feel and produce love Tip: most of the love we know is actually attachment not love
  11. @Shin LUL because i am a magician who can make you hallucinate it
  12. @zeroISinfinity i do love and accept everyone and everything as myself it is peaceful but i probably do still fear, but i doubt ill identify with it as much now not sure haven't felt fear yet but i don't fear fear anymore so i guess i don't really fear anything
  13. @Pouya yeah dude, number 10 of the ox herding picture, continue life as if none of this happened literally enlightenment was not like a big bang event at all its just going back to normal life as if nothing happened but i don't think people would search if thats the case and therefore benefits are stated however there is still the fact that there is the knowledge of true self to gain
  14. YUP, thank you so much! it literally just clicked when i was looking at my bed while contemplating what you wrote! the person doesn't become enlightened no, they realise that its physical self is a piece of form and that form is everywhere but then form is formless itself and then sees formlessness all around it without any distinctions the duality of non duality and duality broke down as well there is none of that only True none duality as i would put it all distinctions created are by you thinking you are not that and this is only because form exist and seems absolutely real that you hallucinate that it is seperate from the being that is you and then i truly realised i am the trees and i am my cupboard i am the whole of reality and you are me and i am you! but i still didn't get what you mean by theres nothing to do , i get that theres nowhere to go but nothing to do, do you mean theres no individual to individually do something?
  15. what are the metaphysical assumptions behind a problem a) problems are negative and need to be solved b) a problem is anything that HINDERS survival c) a problem is a need that reality requires to survive in its duality distinction d) a problem is an impact to the relative notion of a duality pair e) a problem is only a partial perspective of a situation f) a holistic problem is not a problem because its integral to the system h) a problem needs to be solved progressively and improved constantly (i.e capitalism) I) a problem is a particular viewpoint that is unsatisfactory J) a problem is nothing more than a concept K) a problem is neither good nor bad L) a problem is inherit in a material system because the outputs are not likely to benefit everyone and resources are used to solve the problem M) A problem has an infinite number of solutions, because the problem can be redefined with different boundaries of interpretations N) a problem is never solved entirely until the duality of it collapses O) reality is both imperfect-perfect and perfect and therefore there problems are created through sheer assumption and imaginary belief systems
  16. @zeroISinfinity alright! some to you too if you ever come to the united kingdom! i know its mind stuff, i'm just explaining it to the dude aaha @Angelo John Gage yep and the trick is the left side of the stick and right side of the stick is exactly the same! however its not something you can get conceptually, it will eventually CLICK in your reality suddenly. You can't plan it by speaking it out or writing it in words but you can contemplate it more and more and i think that basically increases the odds of it clicking one day
  17. you can't grasp any of the capital letters until you realise form is formless and formless is form however, you can pick it up as a belief in a mean time because its less harmful than the other beliefs out there with a spec of truth in terms of concepts. however until then you can understand and see the world in the terms of the capital letters instead of their respective dualities To answer your question the practicality is that you can do anything you want and its love the difference of being conscious of it or not, is to be conscious that everything is one until you pick up this perspective its not conscious and not in your direct experience another practicality is that you can learn to forgive people or yourself because you know what ever viewpoint you hold about any duality whether they be bad, good, ugly or wrong you can automatically know that you aren't grasping what the spiritual path is ultimately about. Its kind of using love to HEAL your perspectives that are making you suffer
  18. @Consilience There is actually no distinctions , but as leo would say I would say absolute "NO DISTINCTIONS" not "no distinctions" lowercase because there is are distinctions as you've said
  19. @zeroISinfinity YUPPPP DEFINITELY ahah its not like you can not experience so this experience is going to last eternity we've got loads of time to chill together man ahaha
  20. @Shaun your confusing enlightenment, you don't dissapear into absolute nothing and then come back to absolute something as well you don't ever not exist nothing is something therefore the life you living now IS heaven . exactly as your living it if you understood this properly even death itself will not kill you, so to speak, infact nothing would have happened and therefore there is no BECOMING absolute nothing because you already are absolute nothing absolute nothing is not something you do as a practice