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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. i categorised it different to something like alziehmers and neurodegeneration as these are real physical effects, for example saying dopamine and adhd is the causation of lack of motivation, theres always a possibility to repair your beliefs (non physical) to fix the issue, where as actual brain damage etc (physical) is something that can't be a change by a change in belief, i.e depression can be solved if you change your beliefs. these are what i call non physical, they're really to a lack of understanding.
  2. does a duality end up being accepting one is exactly the same as the other, not taking a particular side of the argument but accepting it and then in effect ignoring it,
  3. @Serotoninluv but what does letting go of the duality, do for the understanding of how to make a decision for example. @Inliytened1 so if theres no up and down, how do you manuever in life without directions, or do you just use it when you need to, like for you there should be no such thing as up and down
  4. It seems that to where other people black is black and white is white , all people actually walk in the light of black is grey and white is grey in reality, however it seems to get even more complex than that when sprituality is bought into the equation as white is black, black is black, black is grey, white is white, white is black and white is grey, grey is grey, grey is white and grey is black. to add further less distinction, to people that think black is black and white is white, they have thinking mechanism where the ratio of understanding is black:white and therefore 100:0 percentwise or anything ranging in a ratio percentage that equals 100%. in sprituality everything is equal, therefore white:black:grey =x , its always equal perspective to the input you put in , and then theres the ultimate truth which is always 100% = god, so is this the reason for not poliarising yourself to extreme perspectives of white and black, thinking in more nuanced ways and actually taking the middle pathway in all aspects of life, simply as the best possible option one can take in their life, in any regards. given the middle pathway is yet only another perspective that would be shedded if you got enlightened because you get rid of the you clinging to the perspetive. NOne the less, the persepective itself is kind of the best answer you could have picked, given everything is nothingness?
  5. i see, yeah that completely makes sense, but lets say were talking about the pain pleasure duality and enlightenment isn't an option at the point, how does your complex thinking lead you to make a decision that i should do this when it can't be filtered through this is painful/ this is pleasurable for me. its like that only leaves the option of just doing something for no coherant reason
  6. yeah okay this makes sense, is this coming from your own experience or are you just showcasing knowledge. if the former, then how do you deal with complex thinking and deciding an answer for yourself on how to walk the middle path.
  7. @who chit That applies to ultimate liberation and suffering, it makes sense, between pain and pleasure, the fundamentals of the middle path but how do you actually apply it in life, its always between pleasure and self mortification (self created pain) that the two extremeties lie, so for example food - extreme pleasure and reoccuring over eating due to excessive pleasure vs extreme malnurishment and unfunctioning of body, what would you consider to be the middle path of this?
  8. Madhyamaka[edit] In Mahayana Buddhism, the Madhyamaka ("Middle Way") school portrays a "middle way" position between metaphysical claims that things ultimately either exist or do not exist.[9] Nagarjuna's influential Mūlamadhyamakakārikā deconstructs the usage of terms describing reality, leading to the insight into śūnyatā "emptiness". It contains only one reference to a sutta, the Kaccāyanagotta Sutta from the Samyutta Nikaya: "Everything exists": That is one extreme. "Everything doesn't exist": That is a second extreme. Avoiding these two extremes, The Tathagata teaches the Dhamma via the middle.[10] This is what i struggle with, can anyone purpose , how i deal with this problem
  9. LOL its good to know that theres still perspectives among enlightened people, even though nobody is taking ownership of it LUL
  10. i guess it wouldn't count as a perspective no, but a way of life as you said. So does this in itself justify using the middle pathway, also whats the difference then between the middle pathway and choosing a route of complete enlightenment and spirituality i ask this because my understanding of spirituality has changed in a way, i've noticed that everything you do in your life is for your spritiulity, meaning you can't seperate any task from your spirituality. i.e wiping your butt, is for your spritiuality of cleanliness and happines
  11. i really believed in this quote before i found out about enlightenment now it just feels like what ever i do, i know is my responsibility to take under my wing and that includes choosing a pathway and a particular delusion my understanding is i can't truly enjoy life until after enlightenment i don't know how to enjoy the journey its like i've tried to become a better person by thinking my way through my own limited beliefs and viewpoints but i've started to notice in the past few weeks that my past beliefs are starting to become strong again i grew up in a hood environment with people who i thought had value systems i would accept but not conduct myself through its shallowness this resistor became the ability to grow and outgrow perspectives but its starting to feel that maybe this becoming a better person, choosing this longer pathway of improvement and upgrading your complexity to think about situations from multiple vantage points is hindering my ability to gain material wealth because of the time it takes to adjust viewpoints but this is where my problem lies because i can no longer adopt my old paradigm because it would have been through my responsibility to choose correctly, and this wouldn't be it, but at the same time- neither would choosing enlightenment now because its fruitless in material wealth so it becomes a balancing act, without being able to hold onto either of the viewpoints of enlightenment or my old paradigm but i don't know really how to enjoy that journey, without core foundations to attach and guard indefinately. i've most certainly reached the point where i want to kill off my desires and see absolutely nothing in everything therefore the easy option is to go back to my old paradigm the harder option is to persue enlightenment at all cost but after 2 years i've stopped enjoying finding out about the truth of reality, because i can't apply it at all when using thinking but this complex thinking, it is still something i do to survive, really a part of me just wants to stop thinking for like 2 weeks but really i don't enjoy it anymore and therefore don't have motivation to get out of this limbo
  12. Besides the use of the terms infinite love and oneness, on what basis or why does being "more conscious than an average person" mean i should infuse sprituality into my work and help society improve itself or someone random improve their lives. fighting against inequality and suffering because i am able to think in more complicated ways than others for example
  13. I am interested in pure imagination and creativity on the material plain, to me this is the creation of an idea. it seems i have come to a stage where i need to create my own framework for creating abstract ideas This entails the idea of creating a new category of duality this frameworks needs to be created for scratch does anyone have any insights into how i can literally delude myself into creating a new category its simply not impossible because infinity is pure imagination so how could i go about creating this framework
  14. i haven't been using other frameworks because the relative scale of the universe as i'm thinking about is quite large, so to be creative i've got to seperate everything in reality for pure imagination. therefore needing to create a seperate criteria for thinking an idea there are many levels of creativity, you can affect a niche area or a larger area, then there's having a universal impact what was the criteria suggested that you used?
  15. You are infinite, you are everything zero is infinity nothing is something absolute is relative ALL DISTINCTIONS ARE IMPOSSIBLE because you are the sum total of ALL BUT they SEEEEM to exist because you limit yourself to something finite and see something finite next to you so you create the first duality "ME" vs "ME NOT"
  16. @Nahm heres how i understand it, my heart does not exist within the human confines of the body, it is not centered where my actual heart is. Instead my awareness feels like its in the space around me, not localised to my body for example , i see a book, its not that i am perceiving the book. Its more that the book is there and therefore i am on that same level plane as that book, because its form, one of the many and form is formlessness so to me the book is me so the heart for me is all form as it is formlessness as a result i said now in this awakening: I can SEE formlessness because its right in front of my eyes heaven is around me , i am in it
  17. since i left i've actually had such a lot of growth! that i decided that its time to completely drop my beliefs. so i came back having started the letting go process I've learnt about self- acceptance, unconditional love, that all "perceptions" are EQUALLY as bullshit and truthful simultaneously EVEN spiritual beliefs that change is letting go of your perspective you hold and being able to accept another perspective as equally truthful I've learnt that acceptance is love! and to accept reality as it is and not with my need for my ego to manipulate reality to be any different THAT includes myself not needing to need muscles, to pick up women not needing to have events go in any other way than they are not needing my parents to think about me in any way specifically its like in my subconscious i'm trying to mind control them to specifically think of me in a certain way! i couldn't believe how sneaky i am but in truth i should actually love the fact and accept that maybe they think i'm crazy lol but instead of me trying to manipulate their perspection the reality is i should leave it up to them to take responsibility for their reality alot of the times we project reality onto others almost instantly and not recognise that things are always perfect as they are but the biggest thing i have learnt is THAT I AM PERFECT I AM PERFECT EXACTLY THE WAY I AM, AND SO ARE YOU i don't want either of us to be any different to how we are, I don't want the world to be any different to how it already is why? because instead of rejecting it and trying to manipulate it from my own perspective i'm only here to love it as it is exactly as it is poverty, homelessness, rape, murder, terrorism , racism, are only concepts of the minds by peoples beliefs, although they might be seeing things as good and bad! they aren't wrong but only relatively, you have to accept their viewpoint and transcend it to realise everything is perfect, everything is love and everything is ultimately you But i'm stuck on my contemplation I AM PERFECT HOWEVER, am i perfect whilst i have an ego or am i perfect when i don't have an ego ? my answer is i am perfect when i am able to love, because as an ego you still carry beliefs that are unable to let you love reality exactly as it, you always want change whether its to yourself or reality... "i want to become more sprititual", "i want to meditate more" , "i want to find true love" it never ends, any desire you have is an inability to self accept yourself completely and accept the present moment i managed to go on a self-discovery process and realise the reason i want to become enlightened, i want to become enlightened because i want to be able to accept anything and everything and love it, love is my why.
  18. my awarness never dropped into heart, don't even understand the phrase
  19. @FoxFoxFox @David Hammond i view this simply as just to live my life normally, which to me is just to carry out my life as normal and not attach to it, "I am", to me that means whether its good or bad, happy or sad etc whether i end up depressed or whether i'm suffering. all at the same time as nothing actually happening besides being
  20. @Nahm LOL thats so cute, big enlightened self talking to small enlightened self who is thinking its finite and confused! yet the same people Love is so cute
  21. @FoxFoxFox for my desires to be eradictated, is that what your talking about
  22. emptiness is form and form is emptiness i feel like i don't have a boundary i feel absorbed into reality and one with reality i feel like the cupboard, the chair, the table, the air i feel like i'm the only one here i feel like i'm all shapes and sizes i feel like i'm solid, liquid and gas i feel like there are no distinctions which are true, i am all encompassing either side of the distinction i feel like i am all form i feel like i am all formless i feel light , but this is not in my body i feel this, i feel it in the space i feel like i am space or more accurately empty i feel like i don't know WHAT IT IS I AM i feel like everything is one i feel like i'm whole i feel happy i feel peaceful
  23. @FoxFoxFox i'm already over it, its not what i'm trying to do really to be honest i've gone back to the begginning before i even knew about sprituality existing and am just going to live my life normally as i would and try to better myself as a human being