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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. its exactly these types of comments that i hate, this is all i got all my life when i said its possible to do it. people just need to think and understand properly Note: since this came two minutes later than leo's comment, i couldn't post because of the time limit put on the posting consecutively. I never even read leo's comment above till after.
  2. @Leo Gura Yeah, i know this myself but others i'm not so sure about. Its just i feel people don't understand how large of a section government and politics is. everything is simplified to its easiest one liner ... "ohh we should build a wall because we know opium poppies are used in columbia to make cocaine and its being smuggled in from mexico and this is affecting our children" OR "we should stop unemployment" BUT they drastically underestimate how big of a feild it is and then they say they're right or left for this reason. When they don't even understand how money supply even works! its easy to put everything into big bubbles and fight with each other. but nobody seems to understand how things work man. SHIT MAN, you got me real upset man! thinking i've done this much consciousness work and never once thought of all those things that you mentioned.
  3. Can you list me some political problems so were on the same page (just for my understanding to get on level playing terms) my point is, these are things that are considered when dealing with finance, that delve into greater political agendas on scales that the war between right vs left philosophies fight. Does the average person including yourself and i, know that when were talking about politics were actually talking about changing laws, laws literally define what is and what is not reality. Thats its not actually science that is doing the major part of this maya we are living in? why? because we have all agreed laws to be absolutes. you don't have the instinct to kill people not mostly because of your moral philosophy, but because there is a law restricting you to. Otherwise you would have killed a girlfriend in your past for dumping you, since morality is challenged during times of emotion as they are not absolutes, we agree as society that everyone is different. However, we don't agree as society that laws are not absolute.
  4. okay lets test this theory, how much should i pay at the toll booth to get into the state of california how much can i ethically charge before it becomes extortion what does it mean to extort how much should each state charge to make profit for their political agendas? this is one example of countless situations which have not been thought about when discussing government and politics lets say this is the project, how do i apply libertarian and conservative viewpoints to this project (the healthy parts)?
  5. @Joseph Maynor i completely disagree, i'm feeling very emotional right now so i can't express myself, so i'm going to clear my head first then i might respond you know leo might say that we will experience an enlightened society and live on mars one day but i'm so sad that my ideology that i currently hold of myself is not going to be alive to see it.
  6. I've been sat here for 20 minutes trying to organise my thoughts on this whole topic as well as what I've read and honestly, i feel like crying. really, i'm lost for words and don't know how to articulate my thoughts on what i've read
  7. Okay so I’ve made a decision I am serious about enlightenment however it is not in the realm of normal. I’m just making an inaccurate observation but many on this forum seem to not have a big extended family or just their interactions are limited. That you can spend so much time in isolation and still get away with not speaking about normal judgementative things to people and speak with them only about truth. Well not many people like to talk about the deep things in life they want to talk about shallow things and simply have fun critising how stupid someone is for something they don’t see rationale. Anyway I think I’m going to wake up early and pursue enlightenment, rather now I’ve been doing it throughout my day but that’s affected my abilities to have normal conversation and to live quote on quite a normal life. I just find things too confusing about reality that I freeze a lot of the time unable to make decisions so how will waking up early anddojng like three hours a day of reading, meditating and practices likely to lead me to enlightenment? If I pursued this my whole life ? Or is it a given that you can only reach it if you dedicate your whole life to it ?
  8. @SoonHei loool that is the funny part isn’t it. There is nobody to get enlightened so do the practices until it happens. But how does this thinking work for you in practical life, so the life where we are living on a rock and not in god consciousness
  9. @Preetom yeah you hit it on the money, a) am definately going to read scriptures and definitely going to pick the self inquiry process. I do think abstractly because I’m thinking about constantly changing the world and how to go about doing it with the right perspective. But it seems enlightenment is a road block to this problem. So I must know the truth first before I make a decision. So yeah. Thanks i really appreciate what you said and it gave me inspiration @SoonHei likewise really touched my heart what you said because it’s was simple and accurate!
  10. @winterknight yes I am willing to spend my whole life on it. Even though i don’t get along with normal society any more, I’m willing to live the lifestyle they live. To me I want to experience many things before I die. However, I can’t let go of the truth it will haunt me until my death bed. If I’m being honest with myself, even if I don’t become enlightened. If i do it up until the day I die. I won’t even say ohh I wish I could have tried more in a way. I just wanted to know if it was a viable plan
  11. Thank god , I was so worried this might be the case. Okay thanks for the guidance.
  12. As an enlightened person you speak truth because false is not in your list of words. What about the normal people living out there who like to talk about Kim khardasians ass and American football. It seems it would be frowned upon as an enlightened person to speak lies of this because automatically they would have to make distinctions and judge something. I.e Kim k does not have a nice ass you might say to your non- friend or “fuck you the red socks suck” this in its right mind would be impossible for the enlightened person to think because he makes no distinctions, everything is one. So my question is: can the guy who is enlightened, play the roll he does not believe to be true to get along with the people around them to experience life through that facade with the other characters it is said that the enlightened person plays the fool talking non sense and gibberish as others don’t understand- which is fine. But why not just play the facade to keep others happy I.e family members or friends who ARENT spiritual at all ?
  13. Bro there is nothing wrong with it that is the problem. If I could sleep my entire life until I die, I would accept it. Just like if I could do nothing but game my entire life and die I would accept that too. But think about it, he might be right about living as consciously as possible but there’s another side to the argument and that’s exploring as much as you can. Unfortunately being around humans and NOT telling them they are wrong is in my opinion apart of it. You see people like sadhguru and mooji and Leo basically go around their whole lives telling people they’re wrong. Which they are not wrong for and love the truth itself. But there’s a paradox because you can only speak the truth, otherwise it’s a facade. I think that it should be fine to play the many faced character. To explore everything
  14. Fine I’ve had enough, my mind can’t reason with the paradox and the transcendence you guys come from. Im just going to have to become enlightened without starting wars for sure.
  15. Yes exactly and you as an enlightened person would be integrated into the whole by choice. I see so if the tool decides that it wants others tools to perform in a certain way or understand something then it will go about doing so. Ueah that part is something new I’ve learnt now. You identify as whole of reality, it’s different to thinking on a human level in its entirety.
  16. So what you guys are essentially saying is that everything in reality that’s happening is essential for DUALITY (diversity) to survive. There’s nothing actually bad or that needs change. It simply what is? So for example global warming, has its simbiotic relationship with nature to the extent where it is needed. So eradicating it is not the option, the thing is we shouldn’t do anything about it, because what ?? Like everything is necessary I get it now, but what about the unnecessary parts ? Do we change those ? Or are you telling me tis is ego games aswell. We would go back into the dark ages if everyone was enlightened. So it’s actually funny , that for there to be enlightened ones to do nothing essentially they need people with egos to be doing something in the world of exsisting change.
  17. @zeroISinfinity but where is your love for everyone else? For the homeless , for the children in disease countries, for the rich spoilt kids , for the unspiritual ? my Only claim against what I’ve said is that everyone’s different and wants different things even when they’re enlightened. So some enlightened beings would have sex, some would explore nature’s others would help mankind. So what? It’s just that thenworld doesn’t exsist your just doing what you want ?
  18. Okay zero I agree with you, that should a person not wish to live in society, they will do what your doing. Nahm, so seeing the perfection and transcending it in a case, is the way to go about it. I’m with you on that, as it’s what I originally thought. However, where does your role and responsibility come into it when you understand consciously the nexcesitt of it, it’s delivery and trying to change the outcome of unnecessary wars. I agree before yesterday I did understand the importance of war for survival of concepts but what you guys taught me yday was there is a way to decide a conscious outcome. TO ME this has to be understanding the absolute and reflecting reality to mirror it I.e showing people that the country they believe in AMERICA is a concept, SO THEY ARE DEFENDING A CONCEPT is all that’s really going on. (I’m not stating it is that simple, but it would be along those lines) conscious warring would be like which concepts would we like to kee that benefits everyone. And to me it’s very simple, enlightened people are the ones who understand god and are able to make higher claims of how the world works. So it’s obvious that as CONSCIOUS gods you must decide what survives. I am ego, if I went to war now and said this, this concept should survive. It would still only suit my personal agenda in reality as I have not seen the absolute. Unlike an enlightened person who’s vision is basically nothing, you don’t have any personal agendas.
  19. You see this is my whole point about fighting different wars and unconscious things in the world. According to zeroisinfinity everything’s perfect in absolute terms, but the absolute is relative aswell. He has no wish to change things. Changing things is of the ego. So in this regard there is no wars going on and all is fine! @Robi Steel have you understood they are in a different paradigm to you ?
  20. There is no war to fight not the war against unconscious people not the crusade of enlightenment not the war against terrorism or drugs not the war against science these were all wars created by my ego to feel special everything’s fine, but I can create something not make something better by declaring war ?
  21. @Leo Gura ok kkkk, wow that’s difficult , very very difficult, I’m not even sure that’s possible to pull off. For example, your version of good in this case would be anything that harms the greater diversity of life itself. So choosing the wage war against certain humans is fine. But this is only possible at way higher conscious, like very high. That’s far away if that’s the case. So your saying that absolute is regardless such as the greater good of diversity (that you’ve become consciousness of) and that the relativity is to follow, but the mechanisms by which the problems are solved are judged to be good or bad in the correct way - consciously. As one surviving unit, aka as a whole not a fraction. So relativity will only mirror absolutes in a way, they will never be solved by the simplicity of the absolutes. This is what old heretics tried doing, like ghandi with putting down his weapons and sitting. It simply wouldn’t work in all case scenarios?
  22. Sometimes I have the energy in me wanting to be released because I’ve thought of something funny that I wish to share. I understand this is serious work for all of us,, so I’m sorry as I have actually made a few over a while , I wasn’t thinking about the larger picture and how it would affect others growth So yeah
  23. What is serious ? if you have to ask, then you haven’t learnt how intimate the process is. Ahh I got loads of love, was just admitting when I am wrong to do something much love to you too
  24. @Leo Gura I didn’t understood what you meant. But there’s a fundamental problem I have before that I’m saying that is the war really only happening because I’ve said that this is a problem and it needs to be solved immediately. But if I was enlightened would I just say there’s no such thing as war and let what ever happen, happen not because it’s infinite love of god (because you are god at this point consciously) it’s just life playing out, everything’s fine. Or like will I still say, no this is a serious problem that needs to be fixed ASAP. like it’s no joke, people don’t use their imagination. It slowly dwindles away the older you get.