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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Key Elements Well .... I can probably say that i retract that statement from yesterday yesterday i thought devilry exists today none exists so i'll rephrase it to low consciousness activities make more money than high consciousness ones because majority of people just want their survival needs met, the good thing about being in the 21st century is that we have to power to shape movements with one idea. An idea is never good nor bad, just carefully planned out or not. i don't have any critism about them because i haven't listened to them enough. I've listened to ralph more and i get what he's saying. I just don't get where he's coming from if that makes sense, is he enlightened, is he a chakra master, is his good ass prana coming from some vodo rituals he's doing weekly. I can't figure it out lol.
  2. I really like the term mu for this, its got a special vibe can't say its bhrama that doesn't sound right but its funny that we ever thought bhraman was a person. In fact its ridiculous that i've ever thought of god as a personification of humans Leo's truly right, if a triangle had a god it would have 3 sides
  3. Shit i can't believe its been 5 hours since i posted that truth video! I'll watch it tomorrow along side this video
  4. Dude i tried that smoothie and it was the best smoothie i've ever had LOL! sweet!
  5. @Key Elements Also you are talking about a design frame for a company, it will work. I'm not questioning that. its obvious you thought i was trying to avoid the question. I'm not, i'm simply stating that you should not over estimate your idea. That is all. Its very realistic that it will work, just don't over estimate it. Growth is great ofcourse, and you never know.
  6. @Key Elements Lol i get your point, i have no qualms, i can't tell you what is high or low consciousness is because its subjective. This shouldn't be based on right or wrong anyway. Its simply should be the case, if you wish to do it, then great. I told you that your idea was good. There is a realistic nature to businesses with growth artifical growth vs organic growth. Lets talk about how you can get organic growth, instead of debating whether it is a good idea for scaling or not. Yes businesses can scale unpredictably and rise to the top. As i said its always a platform company, so if it was high consciousness it would be great to see you do such a thing. If i speculate, rather all i'm doing is putting a negative spin on it. I truly believe there is a market for everything, you just have to find the correct location. You know yourself you can get people to buy into anything when it is more consciousnesss sometimes. You did say you wanted to work as a team, so i'm sure you'll be fine.
  7. Love is basically the moment you realise that everything is love and that everything is not nothing. The actual reason behind you saying everything was nothing was because your facing the path from a human. So your like "ohh it was nothing, ohh it was nothing, ohhh it was nothing" then when you get to the end your like "ohh its absolutely nothing" , then your still facing the end. Then you turn around and your like, hold on a minute, i'm saying it is nothing but there still something behind me. So you fully turn around and you realise. OHH that too was nothing, the issue is you never realised ALL of it was nothing. There's no dualities that can be made. And when that distinction collapses it collapses into sensations. THE sensation of I AM and you realise that your looking at it all, from inside. and you can't draw a distinction between it and you realise that its love and can only be love.
  8. @Key Elements My point is more simple than this To make mass changes in society, you have to move the location of money. Mass herds flock to money. That is how you have high consciousness start ups in a orange society. Flock money into high consciousness resources that generate more money. I.e enriching small start ups or green businesses. This is what you'd have to be aiming for, if you want to make mass changes. The problem is that your trying to create probably a stage turquoise and stage yellow company. However, the large corporations have you on green because they're "advertising" the resolution of the worlds problems, that they created themselves and funding money into it. Where they flood money, people go because now stage orange people want to get involved. This is not high quality at all. just because you sell books does not mean its high quality. my point is that the flooding of money to the areas that they are currently in stops an enlightened person from making masses amounts of money and change. We are talking about two different levels of scale change, so overall i agree with your comments. You are completely right and you could make changes in different areas and over time they will reap rewards. Just realise that the more core the root issue is, the less money you can make of it, because nobody has notice the issue. Surface level issue always make loads of money because well they're reinforced by our lack of knowledge about the universe and how our systems work. So i'm not disagreeing with you at all, i just don't agree with what you call scaling and then to say your going to scale to company like amazon is ridiculous if its a high consciousness idea. HOWEVER, i have a problem of needing growth always to be short term exponential, so i suppose this is making me biased in a way. If your vision is like 20-30 years then yeah, you could get to amazon level. But it will be challenging AF.
  9. You know what i feel it is Its always this problem of being a baron nothing, its very true that most teachings talk about love as a unique crux of their teaching. Now that i think about it, its like this... someone says there is nothing, but really what they are saying is that there is something.... to say there is nothing, is for it to have no substance, this would prosume that there is actually a substance to which there is no substance of . Like NO QUALITES AT ALL So really nothing is actually a description of a no substance substance its a description of that substance having no actual substance to it. In other words a Truth- substance is actually the only name you can give it at this point THAT would be Love. So its quite subtle but i feel many people do this, because they're enlightenments straight ontop of each other, I honestly think that its about opening the heart. Like when @zeroISinfinity told its love and i changed that nothing substance into love, the love shot in me in the eyes. I couldn't see because i felt like an arrow of love was going into my eyes. it was like a feeling of gratitude, like "ahh i'm finally home" and you yourself fall in love with it. Like even yesterday, you just fall in love with it. It is you understanding the purpose of all of it through direct experience that its nothing but you did it not because you loved yourself but because you are love-itself, love-it-self, not even itself , it was just love. Like how can you go the whole journey and not find it love AND THEN IT FINALLY HIT LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL THE SENSATION IS LOVE AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH THAT'S WHY WHEN WE FOLLOW OUR SENSATIONS WERE FOLLOWING LOVE THAT'S WHY I IS ALWAYS LOVE JUST A LIMITED FORM THE FULL FORM IS THE PUREST THING BECAUSE WHEN THE DUALITY OF I AND SENSATIONS BREAKS DOWN, YOU FIND THAT THEY ARE IDENTICAL AND THAT YOU WERE PURE LOVE THE WHOLE TIME. ABSOLUTE SENSATIONS = ABSOLUTE SELF. TRUTH SUBSTANCE. LOVE SUBSTANCE. PURE TRUTH = PURE NOTHING Its exactly that how does one get to 100% purity, everything else is part of absolute infinity. Its the breaking down of all dualities which leads to the pure series.
  11. Okay can now find the axiom points of Leo's work whenever i please, i get what he's done. Don't need contemplation anymore for the next couple of weeks i should refrain from this and get a whole load of direct experience down. My biggest problem was that leap from infinities to pure's ... I couldn't fathom undifferentiated reality, purely because of the paradox between I VS OTHER, but like with everything, it's all a strange loop until you become the strange loop one. A strange loop is the only axiom that can carry two points ahahaha talk about cheating that's why we talk in paradox's with language and someone can never tell you the truth directly, except between opposites and then the absolute of a single opposite. Will have to see for myself, before giving my opinion now. Because i'm just riddled with paradox's and no direct experience.
  12. Legit, i have no clue how to do research and if you ask me no "millennia" does it is one of our biggest downfalls i think too much of our mind has been filled with useless content that its difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff mostly what research comprises off in integral work ... which often starts with what question should i ask google hmm i know let me use ... no key words , ask a dumb question and only click the first 4 links , then ask another question , repeat , repeat ,repeat
  13. Oddly enough the only axiom that can ever stand in language is I Thats why ME VS OTHER is the last duality to be broken, which is basically non-duality vs duality to absolute non-duality the actual reason why the I IS THE ONLY AXIOM THAT CAN STAND is because the duality pairing with I IS SENSATION of I its axiom lies in direct experience. That's how we are able to use language and words, its purely because of the attachment we have to I Even animals can look at themselves and say "yo bitch i'm gonna eat you" its the "i" saying i'm hungry through its own sensations. So what it means to be a limited form is your very sensations of that limited form. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE "I" Once the duality between "I" and "Sensations" breaks down, this is total enlightenment The reason we are attached is because our sensations and I aren't connected to each other. and by sensations i don't mean like perception or emotions or a feeling in general. I am mean that sensation of what it feels like to be you. IT breaks down to PURE I PURE LOVE, PURE NOTHING. and sensations go back to being. as the connection has been collapsed. There is "no seperate i"
  14. This is also why godel proved the existance of god, because all knowledge break down because they need two axioms minimum, the only thing that does not need an axiom is direct experience and therefore can be broken down to a "non-dual amount" without actually being a "non-dual amount" because do you see by saying " non-dual amount" or " non-dual" its still one, the axiom count is still one, so no matter how much you write or think, you are never going to get there.
  15. THere's also a funny thing because you now have A duality from going to the absolute and now you need to go back aswell. kinda like all dualities undone or you could call it "all unfinished dualities"
  16. i'M Profoundly shocked right now, i can't believe i'm being given a direct map LOOOOOOL WTF i wanted one and hated the world for not providing one AND THEN WHEN I GOT ONE its too good to be true WHAT THE FUCK LOL
  17. PURE NOTHING OR PURE LOVE OR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS , PURE ABSOLUTEE ^^^^^^^ THE ABSOLUTE ONE(ACTUAL) --------------- DUALITY 1 (DIRECT EXPERIENCE PRACTICE) ^^^^^ ALL ABSOLUTES ^^^^ THE ABSOLUTE ONE (ABSOLUTE INFINITY) FROM HUMAN AWARENESS ----- DUALITY 2 ABSOLUTE LOVE + ABSOLUTE GOODNESS ABSOLUTE CONSCIOUSNESS + ABSOLUTE SOMETHING ^^^^^^^ ALL INFINITIES TO ABSOLUTES^^^^^^^^ DUALITY 1 -INFINITE LOVE DUALITY 2 - INFINITE HATE DUALITY 1 - INFINITE INTELLIGENCE DUALITY 2 - INFINITE UNINTELLIGENT DUALITY 1 - INFINITE GOODNESS DUALITY 2 - INFINITE BADNESSS DUALITY 1- INFINITE CONSCIOUSNESS DUALITY 2 - INFINITE UNCONSCIOUSNESSS DUALITY 1 - INFINITE SOMETHING DUALITY 2 - INFINITE NOTHING THE ABSOLUTE ( PHYSICAL HUMAN) ^^^^^^^ALL DUALITIES TO INFINITY SERIES ^^^^ DUALITY 1 - WRONG DUALITY 2 - RIGHT DUALITY 1- GOOD DUALITY 2 - BAD SO all absolutes and infinites were the same LOL, they were just difficult to teach because you have to make everything one, they all join together and are basically one because it's non-dual and there's nothing. The problem was that it needed to come from direct experience. They were just bridging the gap between the absolute as a concept of you and you as absolute infinity actual and visual and then your physical form
  18. Yes it is inevitable that someone will have to reframe what leo is teaching using different examples in the future. They will get outdated, what we are talking about is things beyond form itself. form is always changing and so these are constant. Do you really think people are going to know what an i phone is in the future LOL. no they will not. They will rephrase only the examples because what leo says is absolutely true LOL it's a mirror reflection of the absolute, because the absolute is beyond the infinities because its absolute non-duality, the collapse of non-duality , non-dualit ahah I just got an insight into what the break down's of dualities are as explained in the dualities is, when he says absolute! fucking finally! do you know HOW LONG ITS TAKEN ME TO GET THAT. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL I FINALLY GOT IT TRUTH WITH A CAPITAL T, WITH NO OPPOSITES its not that there's good or bad, its just absolutely good . It can be no other way. ITS ALSO A SINGLE POINT LOL ALL the absolutes collapse a) because they were foundational You can't talk about it, because it is it. Now i have direct experience of it. I get it now. EHEHEHEEHEHEEHE i think i just completed the the youtube course outline! but i'm probably wrong... i will write this all out in clear writing
  19. Yes i'm not saying everyone should do it. I'm just saying that you have to let your thoughts process then emotions process, then eat something, drink some water, take a piss, have some good night sleep, then wake up and now your ready to make a decision.
  20. This is the last video of Leo that i will need to watch. ( i haven't watched it yet, this is before i watch it) The conclusion is this: Knowledge is infinite and mind is infinite , hence infinite intelligence infinities are not the same as absolutes when understading the design Understanding must be pulled from being, because understanding is infinite The reason we can say absolutes are absolute is because they exist even when the infinities don't These are statements about the nature from my awakening yesterday into a glimpse of it being is nothing being is love being is eternal being is neither dual or non-dual being is still being is a pocket in space being is 1st order being is outside of everything and simultaneously right in the middle of it through you being is one being is being is permanent, it does not awaken to its nature, no awakening happened They are all words for "not there and never was" We can say absolute truth because the truth is prior to any infinities that relay to the world. infinities exist because something exists. The truth is singular. It can be accessed in one whole go. THe awakening to infinite understanding etc etc.. does not taint the enlightenment itself. But then there is the issue of understanding reality which is its own issue. It has nothing to do with enlightnement and yet sets a presedence for understanding enlightenment and true nature itself. Therefore where do insights comes from itself, because as i said being ispermanent, it does not awaken to its nature, no awakening happened So awakening to all these branches is a job for after. infinities exist actually because they are just more form and content, even nothing is just more form and content to get to enlightenment. Until the actual enlightenment happens. its just formless form. A game of guessing what the true self is like. So note to self, infinities are for understanding purposes. To help guide seeker to the absolute. How to point to the absolute, right say this is the absolute all else is infinite. Screw all that stuff. Absolute love, not infinite love, but infinite love is explained in the dual terms looking back at absolute See things look inifnite from the finite perspective and that's just inherantly wrong. So we can see infinities But from the human perspective we can't comment on the absolute except saying futile words, really they are just one words, that people normally knock off for their experiences along the journey, so it gets confusing. Really the infinities are actually how the absolute operates. So they are things to wake up to before or after your awakening if it wants to understand itself. To the absolute, things just look absolute and that's why they are absolute. So only the absolute matters, but understanding is just an added benefit because great foundational theory is how you reduce confusion to enlightenment and true nature itself. Plus it allows for infinite possibilties and infinite expansion and infinite creation. See all infinities looking from the human point of view outwards. Bring the paradox closer together, i like the idea. The absolute is therefore the only thing that matters. And that can't be talked about, only done via practices. So he's just talking about absolute infinity. But the absolute is pure love as i had the awakening to and nothing. a) to confirm this with beings on the forum, they probs going to say that i'm just mentallly masturbating again ahah b) to find out if the beings have actually awoken to the infinities, or just watch leo's video and then say okay yeah now its there, because that's the nature of the universe. Well the problem is, they will say they are the nature of the universe and thats fucking fine! BUT did you have the awakenings! lol just because you are the universe doesn't mean you had the awakenings into understanding, OR does it ?
  21. @DrewNows yes of course one goes beyond the perspective. i'm saying thats the perspective they should start with. Eventually you will get to a stage where the basics of your life are sorted emotionally, financially and even spiritually because its an inward assessment. That you will let the moments happen to you, instead of introspecting. Introspecting is always done at the begginning of life, not towards the end. If you've done it at the end, its because you never did it at the beginning. its not something you can avoid. You truly do not know anything, so you introspect. Learning is introspecing because you are inquiring into the nature of the self. With this eventually when the self presents you with situations, you have the knowledge and wisdom to handle such a situation. Simply put there is a quote that i found profound from a young age an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Do the mathematical numeracy for this quote and you'll find, the solution to a problem is not to react in the initial manner you were going to react. This means that it would take at least 24 hours before you can make a decision about what to do. See, if someone punches you in the face. You would have to wait 24 hours to knock them out. When your angry and thinking how he's wronged done you, maybe you will have 24 hours to think how you created the situation instead of being put in the hospital or putting someone else in a hospital. Critical thinking takes a long time, it's not something that you make quick decisions on. All critical thinking leads to wisdom. Simply put if your friend is punched, do you punch the guy ? The answer is obviously no, an eye for an eye makes the problems worse. Too bad, your going to knock that motherfucker out because he hurt your friend for survival. That's fine , knock them out. But if they punch you, you don't punch them. Unless they are doing it seriously. If its life or death, then you get a knife. (not that i've been in that situation, just i wouldn't hesistate if my flight or fight responses come down to it because i've already critically thought about the situation by resolving it as simply as possible) I will tell you a story, i once had a girlfriend and she was getting bullied and you know it was friendly lets say how kids are. So i let it go on for a bit then it got too much. So i said stop, we had a little scuff, so he said come to the park after and well settle things there. I didn't go to the park, he had 20 guys waiting there. See an eye for an eye + critical thinking.
  22. Psst its a viscious circle, anything i say comes true only for me. i'll leave it then
  23. AHAHAHAAHAHAHA i swear i'm such a character, i'm now reflecting on how much advice i could have took, if i wasn't so adamant about this damn truth. like it wasn't actually half bad, sure it wasn't that good. But wasn't half bad either. Still philosophies haven't changed, everydays a new day to find truth once again. Still like i said godel's model is absolute. I had nobody else to turn to, and now what ? was it luck ? I say hey guys THIS IS IT! And i have a sour taste left in my mouth because its only me. Nobody else to blame for not realising, the only one who feels a need to talk about it. delusional when your alone. delusional when you speak. a mind problem. Still will work levels down in trust. Will trust spiritual beings for now and after that ride is over mingle with normal beings as silent one as planned, sorting out some issues along the way, depending on what i find in the LP course.
  24. I do admit, i get it now. i physically see that people raise their consciousness and their whole reality changes. before i was looking down on people in judgement to see what they know now i'm looking up and i see it as quite a beautiful thing solo seekers life of truth. ohh how far youve fallen. I remember why i do it, its so i don't have to do it. like always, it could have been a different life if you listened. How much further? ... still a long ways until it matters no more