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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. 2 makes it easier for you to surrender to become enlightened 1 makes you value the life you have currently both are right, i guess this question comes down to what you want more, to live life or become enlightened first you could do both at the same time, but its conflicting holding two viewpoints simulatenously, youd just want to stop thinking and so you will automatically want enlightenment, this is what happened for me, but there's no time frame for how long you would have to keep it. they are just concepts and ultimately will have to be chucked away when the time comes, you can't have any preconceptual notions of enlightenment before you experience what it means to be being.
  2. @Druid420 lol , good, then maybe this will help emotions is a seperate concept Anatomy is a seperate concept brain is a seperate concept regions of the brain are a seperate concept all these concepts bind together to form the concept which is known as a human being , but ultimately they are all linked and seperate at the same time
  3. how so? from my current standpoint, any back rationing used to justify a point is done in a multichain approach A-B - A-B - C A- B - but it doesn't matter because what ever you say is wrong, so the chain stops, and repeats itself, until something new is added and then it repeats over again, i guess in a strange loop form like you've said, but how does this have to do with physics and metaphysics
  4. @tsuki sorry, i don't understand the question
  5. that was a good question, as it stands, i won't know i'm right unless i became enlightened myself but i've done enough contemplation to be sure that, that is 91.45678% true however, i can shed some light on it by saying, no i do not. why you may ask, its because i can not explain this rationally to you. LET ME ASK YOU KIND SIR, you are a druid, is magic real?
  6. most of what you wrote here is unfortunately incorrect, but it was a great insight nonetheless you have a gut that processes food, but there is another gut, it is where your instinctual senses react to your current state of emotions signalling the best possible move you feel for yourself. This gut however, is not a gut but is located near the lower abdomen region. This conceptual gut is part of your metaphysical make up your heart is for pumping blood around your body and supplying cells with oxygen, but there is a conceptual heart which is located in your metaphysical make up, which is located near the heart, but is not physical, your emotions are not physical all regions of your brain work to operate your spoken mind, but the left typically has structures suited to organising and rationalising, logic is not located in the brain, logic is a belief system we hold the right hemisphere is the same its just operating your body and keeping it alive, but the right typically tends to be harmonic and creative, you can not access god mind with it and it is not where your conscious mind syncs together.
  7. the question is more related to who is making the decisions if your identification is you, then its you if your identification is god, then its god it is not about what decisions are made, that decide who is making them but at the same time as a rule of thumb - the quality of decision improves the higher your consciousness level
  8. @Preetom thank you, that was a nice an inspiring read For, the ultimate aim of every desire is to enhance and intensify this sense of existence this is exactly why i do it because And to be of interest, a thing must be related to one’s conscious existence of everyone
  9. @Preetom good boy going home, its time to leave school, class has ended!
  10. @zeroISinfinity Bro you don't need to tell me! i feel ya man, its explosive! but i'm completely done with concepts! i'm ready for complete surrender. fuck changing the world, if it happens it happens! but this comes first
  11. @Leo Gura yeah that makes sense, thanks i'm going to get started asap, since there's now a very clear path. Yeah i realised, i say me smoking weed was good for a lot of contemplation, but it wasn't actually that started my spiritual joruney, it enforced it after i went to amsterdam to smoke weed but i took truffles, the truffles gave me the biggest dejavu i've ever had in my life, i literally remember the dream i had, that i was living out step by step. This lead me to question, if we're actually just living out our dreams in reality and that everything is predetermined, and when i smoked weed, i thought what if god is giving me singals every moment, thats directing , so i started looking around at my environment and thats when i noticed karma, every time someone done something that was "bad" back then , they would get hit with karma within 24 -48 hours. But i was doing this all in my head, so lol, they weren't the best definitions of what it is. However, none of this would have happened if my mind wasn't naturally curious about figuring what makes up reality itself, god or atoms! so i actually have no doubt that 5-meo is something amazing.
  12. @Leo Gura i see, so all this work , with actualised.org is to get people to the point to get the person to admit to themselves, that anything they know, the truth is not that. It can only be known by surrendering completely so was it the 5-meo that made you realise absolute truth or was it the practices you did like self-inquiry etc, since 5-meo the consciousness is like a spike, it goes up and then it drops ?
  13. @Leo Gura so when you said that consciousness was boot strapping itself up to gear higher consciousness. It was an attempt to word absolute truth. Making it an absolute truth in conceptual terms . But it itself is can’t be the truth because this is a subset again. The words itself can not lead you to the truth so then by definition, what is a relative truth you speak ? Anything that doesn’t have roots in a part of absolute truth ?
  14. @Leo Gura I think in that moment, I’ve literally outgrown your teachings. There’s nothing more you can teach me about TRUE reality. If I want the truth I have to get it myself. But there are still dualistic value in your teaching, probably the best on the planet. Just not the thing that is most important. The truth with a captical T
  15. @Leo Gura so what your essentially doing is creating an understanding of the best dualistic version of what Buddha realised? So every teaching in the world is a concept itself. Even stating that there’s different degrees of enlightenment or that there aren’t different degrees of enlightenment. Even saying the world is becoming more conscious or saying that reality works in this way. THIS is what you meant by don’t conflate absolute values and relative values, but the word absolute is a concept, OMG, that means I only have a concept of what love is. I finally understand, enlightenment can not be explained in words, even using the word enlightenment is not true. Your doing exactly what it is I described in the other text, your creating concepts consciously. I’m having the most biggest ego backlash of my life. Ever word I’ve ever heard from all you enlightened people nahm, ajay, winter soldier, foxfoxfox it’s all bullshit. Even “I” is a concept! There is nothing that is not “I”. I feel totally defeated, it’s too total i cant imagine it, I literally can not imagine it because “it is” is a concept and “it is not” is a concept . A concept itself is a concept, there is only truth and there will only ever be truth. Even the word truth can not define it, i liteeally do not know how to write what I’m trying to explain right now it literally does not exsist, lol reality literally does not exsist. But I have still not had enlightenment because I don’t sit down and actually do the practices. That is literally the only reason, and will ever be the only reason not to get there Wow.
  16. Wow I never thought of that, the soul is the body lol in its dualistic sense
  17. @Leo Gura see this is what I expect enlightenment to be and what Buddha reached and Jesus. At this stage I expect true paranormal powers to develop because what you’ve essentially done is rid the mind itself of all limitations as a tool to be used. Enlightenment is about back tracking, so when you hit 0, your meant to go along with the flow of the universe consciously, this to me is the point where you start developing concepts yourself based on truth. But concepts are limited to pure imagination, in other words, there is nothing you can not not do. At this point you should be able to create aliens, not physical aliens, your reality itself shows an alien in front of you. And I 100% believe this because of kundalini, my natural dmt levels sky rocketed and I induced hallucination of a flower into my reality without any substance taken. Reality itself broke down. But im getting besides my point, the question is: is this what Buddha realised and why it says in the 2nd fetter that you have to believe Buddha reached the highest enlightenment possible
  18. To make it easier to understand, in non duality there can only ever be you. And therefore you can only be the one creating your own reality. But in duality terms , you as not god are still creating your own reality entirely. So even in both cases you are still creating your own reality. Except from non dual perspective it’s from the truth, it’s not a perspective or a point of view, it’s what is. But from your perspective until you understand what a perspective is you should definately take the approach that what ever you think is incorrect ALWAYS. That’s what I do, but as I get closer to non duality. Truth is slowly seeping through.
  19. @InfinitePotential this is the problem with trying to grasp it with a dualistic mind, you need it to be one or the other, but the truth is you have to experience it yourself without using your mind, to find out what it was if it was neither. otherwise what you said it wasn't becomes another duality defined by what it is. then you will go full circle and realise it is all those things and so you arrive at is is both something and nothing but right now you have an understanding of something, but not what is nothing, only a concept of "it is not this, it is not that (neti-neti)"
  20. this one is simple to solve: death itself is a concept, so when is a person actually dead clinically- when they're heart stops beating. but even if it starts beating again, in reality nothing has happened lol, but conceptually it has, the person has come back to life! real mind bender
  21. @OctagonOctopus yup and then it will be term a near death experience because it happened at the time of near death. Its ironic but i would say one thing that definately happen is that the near death experience has itself already simulated the death of self in a nanosecond, you get enlightened for a fraction of eternity, (metaphorically), infinity leaves the physical plane into pure imagination, it imagines what it wants to imagine just as what is happening with us right now. we think we are the ones living our lives but we aren't.
  22. one thing is for sure, your brain does not have time to process what is happening, nor produce this NDE i'm not sure if i can phrase this properly, but it could simply just consciousness splitting into infinity, the problem is when you regain consciousness, multiple concepts get placed back over it, probably even a fractal of a second after the splitting has occured and you've gained consciousness inside the NDE, concepts such as time, place, where, when, who, "i" see the thing that hard for people to grasp is, 1) how "i" identification works 2) that conceptual laws don't apply to pure consciousness or god should we call it for understanding 3) the NDE is the same amount of realness as when you wake up from the NDE a tiny example thats understandable as a concept would be that in NDE time, time could be 4 hours = 1 nanosecond in the real world, but overall this is not true, because time itself is a concept
  23. @zeroISinfinity when i looked at that picture, it rippled throughout my whole "me"
  24. its actuality quite simple, the whole of humanity is predicated on one thing: you want something specific to happen because you don't want something not to happen. Such is the beauty of death, it allows you to know what you really want. So if you want to know why something is happening, just ask yourself, if that thing did not happen, what would you be scared of, and this is how you take the first step towards making the inward journey. Fear is a passage way and also an inspiring emotion that can make many spectacular things happen.
  25. Addiction: any thing you need to survive your sense of self or identification, this is extended to your biochemical make up, as well as metaphysical conceptual version of yourself My reasoning behind this is because you need to do it more than once to sustain identification, if you stopped doing it, you would cease to be you in a way. if you need cheese on your burger all the time, this is an addiction if you need to do personal development work to become a better person suited to your environment , this is an addiction if you revise last minute for an exam only, this is an addiction if you need to play poker, this is an addiction if you need to feel stimulated, this is an addiction if you need to be in an abusive relationship, this is an addiction if you go to gym to feel pain, this is an addiction if you need to win trophies to be a successful football club, this is an addiction if you need to go to school by law, this is an addiction (as stupid as it sounds lol) Addictions are not always associated with those things that have been labelled bad by society, you can be addicted to anything. the term good or bad is only added after by social standards, so bunking school (not sure if thats the term in america, but it means not attending classes) is BAD and therefore can be considered an addiction, as i know so well from my experience ahah current understanding of addiction is: do it once , its acceptable do it twice, its acceptable 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ..... 100....1000...10000 its all acceptable by social standards and scientific research do drugs more than 3 times your addicted eat cheese on your burger more than 100000000 times, your not addicted wear clothes to be revealing , this can not be an addiction buying expensive furniture , do it more than 10000 times its an addiction my point is: it varies by social standards because its a matter of opinion, so addiction has not been defined yet. The reason being because science is linked to everything happening from the brains perspective and therefore its associated with metric value and quantity of uses done BEFORE PERMINENT, neuronal structure change. This means, the number of receptors needed to be activated to send the impulse through your brain. https://www.drugabuse.gov/news-events/nida-notes/2017/03/impacts-drugs-neurotransmission if being in an abusive relationship makes you feel depressed or sad, you actually are addicted to the way it makes you feel, it may not translate like that when you really want something to be otherwise, but its just what is at this current timeframe. Note: the amount of power you have in an abusive relationship is an independant factor, to this. I'm not saying its okay for relationships to be like this, just providing objectivity for understanding