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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. Your will is gods will. You want to eat an Apple, god wanted to eat that apple. You want to slaughter a sheep, god wanted to slaughter a sheep. Its as simple as that. This is infinite will however when your talking about gods higher will then it is enlightenment. Henceforth enlightenment is only granteed to those who are ready for it. After ravaging through their gods own lower will needs. Moral of the story: do what you want bro it’s okay
  2. @winterknight your view on the “i” being the cause of the deconstruction of intellect is only partially true. The reason why you should rethink your arguments is because you learnt from people in the past. Intellect deconstructs intellect because any knowledge is founded upon distinctions which are itself untrue. That includes non duality and spirituality. Therefore by being a practitioner of such subjects. You- yourself are not conscious of the problem of stating you are fully enlightened using the subject non duality or advita vendate. Experience on the other hand is deconstructed via knowledge and overwritten using new experiences. The reason psychedelics never worked for you was because your very mind is grounded in advita vendate. Meaning you are not open minded to the experience of it proving your own experiences to be incorrect. Rather you used them to reinforce your reality (advita vendate) as correct and as such that is what brings you to write the statement word above for word. You praised Ramana Maharishi teachings to deeply and this limited your expedition to the true self, hence you are trapped inside a false self, unable to know where to question your own assumptions. Because it’s simple really, why would ramana maharashi question his own teachings ? And therefore nobody else has questioned it and as a result. Your left with people stating they are enlightened and know what they’re talking about from his teachings. Edit: you are correct ofcourse, just only partially like the rest of us.
  3. @Anton_Pierre your a great guy! Love your enthusiasm. Will try cold showers
  4. @Nahm There was NEVER a human in the first place. Lol there is no dualistic version! This is nothing to do with dualism or non dualism. Im saying your awareness ITSELF is NOT the absolute awareness. The absolute awareness WILL KILL YOU. Your imagination itself will kill your imagination boundaries. This is the true purpose of killing “i”. NOT WHAT IS TAUGHT IN NON DUALITY. When we sit down GOD IS INQUIRING HOW TO KILL GOD. Your human version wishes to seek sanctity, it wishes to seek those things it can love i.e infinite love, infinite intelligence. Things that will make your human life better! NOBODY ever seeks truth because they want to know truth. They want to rid themselves of their problems or gain something out of killing their ego. In my case, how to make a million pounds. I’ve said already I am conceptually enlightened. Still no validation is given to this? Why ? Because it is not acknowledged by spiritual seekers on this forum. LOOOL You think in my right mind, I would lead my friends and family to this forum to read my private thoughts. LOL no fucking way. Yet it happened because of infinite intelligence LOL! It’s perfection to a T. It’s unfair for me! But good for whatever the future may hold for the universe, even at my own expense. Edit: sorry I left out the last bit, I won’t kill myself consciously to reach real nirvana. I have like 1000 people in my life, each counting on me to be fit and stable for duty, I’m not like Leo takes this seriously that he isolated himself as he knows the costs of his decisions.
  5. How does one overlap no mind consciousness AND allow the expression which is self to continue human consciousness? Note: I’ve worded this very specifically, to increase the quality of the question.
  6. @Nahm because I’ve already stated I won’t walk the talk as I know the ramifications. You see the thing with Buddha and Jesus was this. It’s impossible to map consciousness once you’ve given up your awareness. I can only speculate the wind will carry your body. The mapping is only possible if the body passes it along and therefore it’s possible for Buddha to do this and Jesus to not pass it on but symbolically die. Take the oppposite conscious awarenesss can be mapped and hence it has as far as it has been mapped. Meaning, you have one of two roles to play in the cosmic play. Die or not die. Currently you are not dead, but you’ve imagined yourself to be dead. So this is what has been imagined for you by yourself (aka truest self) there are degrees. We will each receive the degree of enlightenment which is most comfortable for us to handle and beneficial to our life. Only those who are pure of heart will die and experience the absolute. Were talking 70+ years of practices or if you don’t have that long psychedelics, to ease the temptation to experience the absolute.
  7. @Nahm right that was worded perfectly and magnificent as always. That is exactly what is. Now, give up your awareness itself. Because YOU are imagining that.
  8. @Leo Gura yes Leo! This is it! This is what I was trying to get at in my question on another thread. This possibility, it is what needs to happen. This is why we can’t tell what Buddha meant by total. A) from your current understanding and experiences, is this possible without the use of psychedelics? B) will this phenomena occur permanently from a position of a total non dual state or a completely integrated dualistic state (I.e the fictional character) Disclaimer: I get we are only speculating and hypothesising at this point in time (the eternal free fall)
  9. @Nahm so how do you function at a human level?. I understand the duality in my wording, it was best I could do after thinking it through. When you make a decision are you aware that you should not be aware that you’ve made that decision ? This is at the heart of my very question.
  10. The eye is but an eye and the same goes for suffering. Who says you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t ? “Honey, I'm Home” said preetom to his wife. ? “Honey, I’m home” said preetom to his second wife ? as she smiled back waiting to cook him some beef. Preetom which is your favourite wife ?
  11. @Leo Gura in the book god is nothingness what chapter are you on, i am on chapter 10-12 for sure. I am curious to understand the depth at which you understand nothingness currently. preferably not the answer: its difficult to put my own experience into this linear sequence, just a guestimate is fine, its a rather accurate book you have found
  12. To be honest, I think only you can contextualise the dream personally. ive seen people post their dreams here but I can’t see how a person can get a definitive answer.
  13. @Elham Any spiritual practice, eventually you’ll realise your dream is totally whack and it doesn’t resemble your actual life and your good from there.
  14. Great extract bro ??, ring ring who’s there? Happiness calling nice to greet your phone call happiness, now I am happy.
  15. @zeroISinfinity Drop deeper into the ocean, for it contains sharks and fishes from where you see it to secure a safe place. Follow it until you no longer are swimming.
  16. A strawberry eaten by a maggot is perfect A human with a problem is perfect the hand full of dirt is perfect you are perfect Poetry is perfect surrender is perfection THIS is surrender ? yearning will blind thy sight, but even slightless you will yearn for light. So what should be , is that which you seek. What you seek you will not find. Therefore be what it was you were intended to be, with zero degrees of how it should be.
  17. Bad relationships most probably, because people be saving yo ass for no return in the short term. Living by yourself will reap no consequences on others in the short term or long term. There is not escaping the heirarchy either way, hence there will always be a full reintegration at some point of comfortability or whilst not in comfortability.
  18. @possibilities yesss possibilities open up a cartel yourself if your at stage turquoise going to stage coral.
  19. @d0ornokey fine , yes I do because I hate ALL paradigms without understanding their conceptual importance first. The only one I agree with is humans are instinctive animals working off intuition. To be honest I’m not even in beige comfortably yet. My instincts to not get caught in a trap for “survival of myself” is a beige concept and therefore the only way to let it go was to realise you can’t encapsulate reality into any ideology. Thus opening the doors to move up the spiral Hence I do not like turquoise because it doesn’t work off using imagination instinctively. They’re not instinctively god. They’re passive gods. Hence the development of coral imo. Passive gods walking with the bliss. GOOD gods Who are about love and not about destruction. They don’t want to kill some bees but let it go into the wild when it’s in your home. Although this may be my lack of development to understanding the full ramifications of reality. But it will happen eventually- someone may open up a 5-meo drug cartel.
  20. @Preetom Yes Preetom, you are correct. Thank you. ? Yes you are right, my own wanting for the life I envisioned is the reason my almighty concepts are my way. Thanks , it’s okay I’ve given up now. So I look forward to doing the practices and becoming a force of change.
  21. @Preetom ahahahhahaha just make them up really , they’re all as real as each other loooool! ? there’s no distinction difference between love enlightenment and conceptual enlightenment. ? it’s just one consciousness. Which neither of us is completely aware of . Look I’ll make up another enlightenment that exactly as true as what the buddah made up. It’s called Apple enlightenment, eat apples everyday for 20 years and you’ll be an Apple enlightened being the outcomes are different one enlightenment you become an Apple eating master, the other you become a love master. Maybe I should create a religion out of this concept of god. I’m going to tell people that god is an Apple. And that it can’t be revealed unless you eat apples for 20 years straight. OR MAYBE we should create a religion around love ? relativity isn’t just in the domain of rationality my friends. Relativity applies to anything that is not absolute. But the absolute itself encapsulate the absolute. So your left with: THE TRUTH IS: “ABSOLUTE INFINITY “
  22. @zeroISinfinity don’t get it confused, love is a facet! Love itself does not exist or not not exist . Still it must be nice to be shrouded by infinite love! Must be a hell of an experience. Would love to try it one day!
  23. This is what it is saying bhraman is god - non duality creating god - duality god created the illusion of a god. So he created the illusion of a separate god from himself. Which is reality we see now. But it is one and not too. So here it’s talking about different version of god. God the absolute and god the definition by human standards. As you would except it to be written because your mind only understands duality for now. In its purest form of context it is a strange loop. Which states the following: what ever your understanding of “god” from your human vantage point is not the absolute bhraman. So what ever your current reality is NOW is not the absolute. X infinity. The creation process is DIRECT, it’s not a creation in steps. It’s what is!
  24. @Preetom someone who is aware of oneness but doesn’t have the added benefits of enlightenment. Non dual awareness , infinite creativity, pure joy in being, bliss, peace etc .. lol but your concepts become your reality! Because even if you don’t identify with them. They are still entrenched in your life. An enlightened being who is blind, is blind. Literally here’s the only thing you need to understand “infinity” this is the only concept in your life which should have the highest priority. you can create joy, love, peace! And why would you not! Hence it’s not about right vs wrong. It’s always about pros vs cons. You shouldn’t sucker people into enlightenment because it alleviates their pain and say for this reason it is the right thing and everyone should be enlightened or everyone should seek enlightenment for this reason. NO. This is not true enlightenment is. But ofcourse you have to put candy out for the baby to eat, or else it will seek something else in the kitchen. So enlightenment is a win/ win situation and hence it’s so popular with us