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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Inliytened1 fair enough, you aren’t wrong with what you said. Just only partially correct. You do not know what total enlightenment is.
  2. @Jack River LOL touche, don’t get caught up in the web of knowing. Remember it’s about the things you don’t know.
  3. @Inliytened1 kundalini energy is not being. It is jargon used to prove the paradigm of non duality. It is a false being. Again created by imagination to reach a specific consciousness level.
  4. @Jack River ? no, we have different knowledge structures and experience. Meaning words are only relative. In other words, have you integrated duality into your structure or do you still believe it to be illusory. The truth is there is only real, in relative terms. Any jargon used to disprove or prove this point is also jargon. The real question is do you believe what you wrote above to the be the truth or only partial truth.
  5. The answer is no they aren’t on the paradigms of anything before turquoise. Yes at stage turquoise and then no again at stages higher than turquoise. And the twist is: even at turquoise it is not. But I’m only adding this in for information. It doesn’t benefit your question.
  6. @Jack River yes, the present moment does not exist. It was created by you. So you have a choice to be conscious of this or not. The purpose of life is not to become enlightened. It exists as a merely a possibility for those who seek truth or to end suffering. Enlightenment is a concept of engaging with tools created by your own imagination to reach the absolute. Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are still the absolute. Therefore anything you will is fine.
  7. @Psyche_92 yes but you have the choice to be conscious of it or not presently. Again the present moment is a tool created by non dual teachings to understand god. Saying it is always present will not work at the persons current level of consciousness
  8. Skepticism should always be balanced with appreciation. Maybe you guys should look at the positives of the educational system and balance it out with your views on how it could be improved. It would get destroyed, but the collective ego will never let it happen and therefore changes will be made in relatively small proportions. Thus it will never get destroyed in reality. It’s an infrastructure that is impossible to destroy.
  9. @Ayilton loooool that’s so funny, sometimes you have to reinvent the wheel.
  10. I can conclude the following things cognitively against my experience in 20 minutes of meditation work: - knowledge and theory work is required for enlightenment - enlightenment is infinite, and hence you need the knowledge and theory work to support your findings and remove obstacles - giving self up to being IS NOT the same as total being. - your mind is a vital tool for enlightenment it will help cognise your findings. - my meditation now is completely different to my meditation 5 months, due to my knowledge. - anyone who is enlightened has not accepted the fact they are god yet entirely - give up your whole life to follow truth or pack your bags and go home - it could be possible that nirvana is actually the place of not knowing, the reason being is because you are destroying boundaries and imagination, you are in constant liberation - intent is the key to any spiritual practice, why do you do what you do? What is your deepest desire ? - you have been sitting here for eternity , imagining - to give up your will or doership is only an illusion. You are god. Your knowledge structure behind it is false and this is what non duality teaches against - what you actually want is total liberation or death from your imagined life. This is what non dualism is about, you just aren’t honest about it and so you will mask it up with the need to end suffering . Henceforth the discernment with psychedelics because this is not what the path of psychedelics offers one. Psychedelics offers you the truth. Non duality offers you a false death from your suffering. - nirvana is actually a simple term to understand. Lack of a fixed reality. Which means that god has layers of defence mechanism for its own ego, because this itself is love for its creations. If god was to reach nirvana, it would be the end of the Maya. Total enlightenment. The end. - enlightened beings still think there was such thing as being human and hence they are ignorant of how powerful god is. - LEO MAY reach nirvana. At this current time it’s impossible to know whether the self deception of god itself has infinite layers. I would think if I was going to make this design. I wouldn’t do it, the reason I wouldn’t give it to someone easily is because they will abuse it and therefore I would make it as hard as possible for those deserving. However thiswill play a part in infinite will, as the person would need to have the will power to seek out such truth. And therefore the need for INSIGHT is the highest order of knowledge. - your mind is inherently self deceptive by design. If you stagnate you will get trapped. - there is actually 2 gods in our current human definition. 1 is god the absolute and 2. The level of god at any given time frame. Humans think they go from 0 to 1, but really they go from 0 to 2, but really what’s going on is 2 is going to 2, but it can only be denoted symbolically as 1 going to 2 or anything but 2 to 2.
  11. @DrewNows lol makes sense but we are all brown bears on this forum ? This is how we drill non duality into people. The white bear is actually the dualistic being after they’ve left non duality behind.
  12. @DrewNows lol! I don’t know why I always think of a dog ? when I think of animals associations.
  13. The answer is you will gain non dual awareness outside of time and space.
  14. Yes and what is the standards you’ve defined as you see one as ore important than the other ? Also let me clarify what I’m saying here about strange loop. It’s that if you take a different perspective, your base level will automatically fall, via your own analysis. So everyone is constantly rising and dropping back down to beige. It’s a strange one.
  15. @Anton_Pierre do you know one of the best thing I learnt from sadhguru. He said the self improvement industry is destructive to ones mind. This is the truth. The point of non duality is to see everything as one, as your state of samadhi suggests. So what need be the importance to improve ? There is no reason except survival within a society. My old work mate taught me an important lesson: it was work smart, don’t work hard. Therefore pick your priorities according to what you want out of life the most. Emotional intelligence as howtobewise stated is this exact case: how do I see everything as perfect. Embodiment is how do I see everything as perfect including my dualistic self without need to improve.
  16. @Shiva I would agree, I think for yellow the SD model does not destroy your world view but increases it. For tier 1 their whole world view will be destroyed and therefore it is counter productive to learn spiral dynamics
  17. Agreed, work so hard that you see the ego as perfect in all its current state and that includes yourself. The ego is a tool developed by non dual spirituality. Only use it as a tool to realise how things work. People or devils as you like to think of them are amazing, they are perfecto exactly the way they are. This is ultimately what your working towards.
  18. people will not absorb information they don’t want to. Just because you know it is the solution to many problems, does not mean they will understand by looking at it from a quick glance.
  19. @CreamCat it’s greatly confusing but the dynamics of SD changes when analysing different things. When your socially at a specific level, you might not be at an individualistic level. For example, if you are eating food and sleeping everyday then you have completed the basic requirements for beige. It’s a more complicated structure and rich with strange loops. Hence you can never peg someone at any level and it should only be used as reference points for understanding that section.
  20. LOL because they’re meant to make you more enlightened than your typical enlightenment and therefore ofcourse there would be no empirical evidence. So your skepticism is working against you here pal. Would suggest there is an error with the collective ego of enlightened beings. Now wouldn’t that be embarrassing for them ?
  21. @winterknight RIGHT BECAUSE MAHARASHI DID NOT QUESTION WHETHER THERE WERE STATES and hence it is not provided or catered for in his teachings. This is one assumption we have found. Let’s make up some more. Maharshi did not know how the mind function maharashi did not know what knowledge was maharashi did not experience the world via google let me put it in a funny way. Maharashi was an ego, he just wasn’t conscious of it because he was too busy fighting an imaginary ego he created for himself.
  22. @Truth Addict truth your thinking of experience and intellect from a human point of view, which is why what winter is saying is correct. The assumption is that you are a human with these features. However, if you really want to rap your mind around it, you have to accept that the intellect and experience is not yours alltogether. Intellect breaks intellect , intellect changes experience, experience changes intellect and experience changes experience. All are true