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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Nahm yes I completely agree, you’ve really fucked me up name first the love and then the release from my human self. Ive stopped even identifying with my human story. I think I’m going to come home.
  2. Yes it’s abit obvious on a human level that is what’s going on. I am well aware of that, which is exactly the reason why I symphatised with your answer. And claimed it to be true. This omniscent state is where I hit actuality slightly for the first time. To be honest the reason I asked about the infinity was to deduce If the process was active or passive. From my experience, it is this. Letting the present moment be. That is the completeness of it. Declaring the infinities are only methods of reaching this conclusion. Thereby all one needs to do really is be, nothing more. One does not need to learn how to be self. One simply is self. They do not need to meditate and declare distinctions. I.e I am infinite peace, I am infinite happiness, I am infinite intelligence. This would be a method. To be absorbed is to have no method or recollection of such activity going on (from the god heads perspective) it is all happening within the design. Self is beyond the design q
  3. @Nahm nahm now that I think of it, it stabilises on all levels and your decision- making process becomes way better. Realistically your asking do I love Aakash ?
  4. @Nahm and that’s justification You are correct in this matter. Suffering itself , willingness itself will bring more suffering to the associates and the cycle will continue.
  5. @cetus56 thanks. So it’s like deduction, 5 becomes 4 4 becomes 3 3 becomes 2 2 becomes 1 1 finally becomes 0
  6. @Nahm you know what the issue is, it’s my parents thinking I’m god from my behavioural changes. But sure go ahead i want them to be unconscious and still think I’m Aakash, likewise with friends.
  7. @Nahm YESSSSS could you lead me to which video would be the most helpful at this point in time for full clarity!
  8. exactly self inquiry speeds it up. My legit question! Is this question lol. Has Leo told me all the aspects of self inquiry in his videos or is there still more he hasn’t said that you are aware of that he Hasn’t got to relaying to the infinity series. At this point in time, I would say his slowness to be able to capable of telling me everything is slowing me down. Recently, his video on how reality works, seems to be the last helpful episode i could probably utilise, to understanding the end point. So I want to know if realistically he has said everything but I’m just not intuiting it However, I’m aware this may be an assumption/ ego.
  9. Insights are direct truths, as direct as truth can get in dualistic terms.
  10. @cetus56 have you actualised all the infinities ? Are there a limit to the number of infinities there are ?
  11. @bejapuskas yes but I am not using my mind at a human level of consciousness. I’ve already left that realm. Mind is a facet of god well infinite intelligence is, if you don’t sort out your metaphysics you will not become god consciously.
  12. @Nahm bro I understand where your getting at, I can only “meditate” at certain times of the day. From fear of being suspending in it for too long. But I’m saying whilst you are “meditating” HOW MUCH TIME DID YOU OBSERVE EVERYTHING before it became total. Metaphorically, since it’s in eternity.
  13. @Nahm yeah I am aware I am doing it, but I’m consciously doing it to figure it out. The truth is you yourself have to understand the infinity set, I am saying did you take Leo’s word for it, or did you figure them out yourself by looking at everything. Since you are totally enlightened what degree of Leo help you to find the infinities, has Leo found all the infinities, have you found some infinities that Leo never found. I am sure that Buddha and Jesus found all the infinities, I’m sure they were given to them by gods grace, but to do it consciously is a different matter all together.
  14. @Mikael89 yeah man, I’m delusional you are right, there are still traces in me because I don’t want to leave my family and friends. However when the moments I do enter god consciousness when I am alone, I forget about them and focus on the work.
  15. @Mikael89 lololol what makes you think I’m parotting, I understand the English language just like anybody else. To me love is love, war is war, there are no recontextualised words apart from some. All my conclusions are made by myself with, the help of leo’s recontextualised volcabulary on self actualised.org. Thus allowing me to contemplate reality myself and have direct experience of the applied meaning at a recontextualised level.
  16. After infinite love hit consciousness, I couldn’t make distinctions anymore because I loved everything. Then I looked at my hands and my body and I couldn’t tell if they were real or illusions. It was just neither and both, i cant explain it. There’s no words to describe the consciousness of it. Could someone explain what’s happening ?
  17. IIII SEEE ENLGHTENMENT IS NOT TIME BOUND. meaning nothing AS nothing + something. Not nothing as nothing. They’re two different nothings. When we say nothing we’re talking about the absence of “something”, which is everything, but it’s a paradox because something is nothing. Like it’s the exact thing as saying form is formless and formless is form. YES I GET IT NOW. Total enlightenment is Possible in anyone’s lifetime because enlightenment itself! Is prior to all words, all symbols, and duality as well as all states of consciousness. It’s only one consciousness. That is the absolute truth. Do enlightened beings surrender themselves, without trying to figure out how god is doing all of it and that’s why they become totally enlightened per say. I’ve seperated the boundaries between having an ego and not now. The reason I ask is because when you come back to something from nothing. Under Leo’s teachings you use infinities. BUT HOW DO OTHER NON DUAL ENLIGHTENED BEINGS DO THIS WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF LEOS INFINITIES does it just get embedded into your non dual awareness, the more time you spend in it. TO BE honest after this omniscient state I’m starting to cognisise what it would be like, you would be totally enlightened Like your body would be moving on it’s own, your thoughts actions everything. Eventually the distinction between real and not real will vanish. Or physical and non physical, you would be in the middle. You would be completely timlesss, like the power of now is just a pointer. There is no now really to be honest, given how many infinities I used. I was in a pretty good state of omniscience. I’ve been slowly building it up in these two years without even knowing. You would be conscious of all the finite things and infinite things. Like the accumulation of all enlightenments possible. Infinite understanding is of the mechanism, but there’s infinite knowledge so you can get lost in the river work, infact it was probably easy to become enlightened back in the older days because you imagined less. Basically it’s what I said the uniting of all facets. I think before enlightened beings said it was a grace of god. But I’m not sure, the way Leo’s teachings are I could do this myself consciously up until the point I would hit one consciousness and I guess that’s the grace. Its literally how did god make this. But at some point while your omniscient you actually realise you are changing your own level of consciousness and it’s not happening for you.
  18. Yes yes I realised that in omniscience, there was the separation of consciousness from human conscious, then the rebuilding of god. It’s like every answer is contained in one bottle of juice, you just have to look at it long enough in higher consciousness realms. Like I realised Buddha could have looked at a piece of fruit and found all the infinities, you can literally look around you and say look there’s infinite intelligence once you are in god consciousness i cant explain it, but now I think about it.. I thought there are infinite number of infinities but there isn’t. Its also obviously to me after consciously going omniscience that my ego is trying to survive for my parents and family like always. Its psychological issues, of because they were so kind to let me trek up here, so I felt if my self left them, then it would be unfair lol. I’m merely curious about it then would like to drop all the way down Thats legit what made me realise it was real, the times I do go completely non dual for momments to get insight.
  19. @Conrad yeah lol that omniscience, maybe if you have already realised this, then it’s actually quick to go from non dual to omniscient. Still there’s no way to test it
  20. @Jkris dear jkris leo is infact saying new things in each of his videos that have never been explained before except for the mainstream spiritual teachings from previous spiritual masters most of your points relate to non dual enlightenment. Only the ones that have ground state god is everything. But do not underestimate the life lessons that previous enlightened beings never learnt because the democratics and libertarians weren’t around. The Buddha never travelled to many places. Similar Jesus life was never documented. It is possible through understanding of self that Buddha did infact develop a omniscient consciousness, I can agre to that. In his era, it was easy to figure out infinite love, perfection, imagination, power, eternity, peace, self deception, it is possible that he was conscious of that just by looking around at everything and hence he says he’s torally enlightened. But his teachings were only about nothing, the tradition he passed on was nothing. If he taught people perfectly then the highest consciousness state would be omniscience and we wouldn’t have non dual enlightened beings stating that Leo’s teachings are nothing but nothing. Still we can’t be sure, it’s pretty much proven under Leo. So id pretty much rather take him to be much more enlightened at a higher degree than our predecessors. The possibilities are as such 1) the teaching have got diluted and non dual beings are at a diluted form of what Buddha pericived to be total enlightenment. Still wintersolider says he experiences what Buddha experienced as total enlightenment and he does not talk about any of the omniscient states. 2) current YouTube enlightened beings are not teaching well enough or are not totally enlightened even at their non dual state and so they’re passing on mediocre enlightenments 3) Leo and all the mods are just letting me make a fool out of myself, knowing that the Buddha and Jesus did reach total omniscient consciousness but just isn’t saying 4) I am wrong and omniscient consciousness is part of nothingness 5) the Buddhist teaches would not emphasis the word illusion so much and this would the fault of diluted teachings by a decrease in enlightened states being inherited by people 6) all enlightened beings are omniscient in their consciousnes and claim this to be nothing. And that I am wrong and just behind. I think these cover most possibilities.
  21. @Keyhole thanks I’ll keep that in mind. I won’t be using words as you suggested just going back to my old self really lol, the bubble is always in the background, not maintaining it is maintaining it. Leaving full leeway to just be materialistic.
  22. @Keyhole lol I’m still in the middle of a war with non dualist. ? too bad I won overall after this post. So I can quit it now anyway, tbh I don’t intend to go further lol. It’s the life of existential lonliness for me, also, not a big fan of non dual enlightenment after Leo’s teaching me omniscience, it’s abit dry and lifeless, Id rather suffer than be enlightened non dually lol. A life in the godless material paradigm.
  23. @SerpaeTetra ohh I’m sorry you feel like that, it wasn’t my intentions to confuse people. Umm to be honest, your right, I never expected to have 3 awakenings in two days. Still it is what it is. What we can basically learn from this is consciousness changes drastically minutely, when you are trying to change the state of consciousness. I can assure you, I don’t have time for that lol. Nobody does, who would fake post an awakening lol. That’s too difficult for someone to predict what is above their current level of consciousness.