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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Conrad Yes YOU are the most powerful being in existence YOU. YOU made up the buddha, you made up everything, including that flower in front of you. YOU just forgot HOW YOU made that flower. Now remember how you made that flower! match the consciousness of the flower and move its ass. You are the highest authroity! The void is non-localised, it has the "apperance or illusion" of being localised as it seems from the human perspective! YOU are LITERALLY the only being in reality! if you wanted to move that flower, you can move that flower. because it is inside of you!
  2. @Conrad conrad YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU AREEEEEEEEEEEEE GOOOOOOOOD GOD is not outside of you!
  3. @Conrad Right now "feel" the flower as if its part of yourself, detach your god consciousness from your human body and place it on the flower. See if you can imagine yourself into the flower you see and then move the petals or try to move it distinction alone is not enough to embody void and merge consciousness , you have to become "consciousness" that you see as one itself so don't view it on a the material plane, view it as it is consciousness with no distinct boundaries, think of it as an extension of your human body and easy as lifting a finger
  4. @Bryanbrax You did on one of your other posts!
  5. @Bryanbrax THATS IT mr 13 year old you tell him off ahaha! they are exactly the same thing, different depthness of god but one in the same! if he hasn't accepted your void, then he has not completely realised his void
  6. @Inliytened1 @Conrad I don't know how many times i'll need to repeat this and so i guess i'll repeat it as many times as it needs to be said But we are god, not buddha or buddha consciousness we are "buddha nature" or in other simpler words, our nature is "void" to consider yourself to be a participant in void, is indeed devilry. not accepting your true nature with complete responsibility, is devilry
  7. @Inliytened1 yes and do you know why? its because your mind is the one that gives notion of time between thoughts. When you are able to be flexible without the use of the words "i am god, there is only god, this is this and that is that" your void deepens. The more you "observe" instead of think. The deeper your void goes. it is simple a state where your looking at consious from the "outside" of itself, which then sucks it inside your void. To the point itself, where the void no longer exists. Its an "Experience" for lack of a better word, of distorting boundaries between finite objects. The void itself changes texture, you are able to BRING the "consciousness" back into your void. Therefore it will become APART of you, this is only possible in god consciousness. its simple as this, "if" in your void- you are not able to move objects in physical plane. Then your Void can be deeper. In other words, Void is mathematically equal to consciousness. They are indistinguishable from one another. This is the minimum requirements for total non duality entry. Still once you are alone in god consciousness or stage coral + any stages above this. ONCE YOU ACCEPT YOU ARE GOD TRULY. then you have free will, to bend consciousness as you see fit. Thereby leading quote on quote "humanity" to new stages of consciousnesses. So moving objects within yourself is stage teal or any siddhis really are stage teal. "Understanding god's metaphysics/ insights" are stage coral. The methods are different in each section as we've throughout the spiral. Why you may ask? because the spiral itself is you. It is not a concept, the boundary between concept/ actuality collapses. In other words, once your void is strong enough you can manipulate consciousness, which means for conrad, instead of buying weed, he could manifest a joint, right infront of his face and smoke it lol. NOW wouldn't that make your pockets full again. Your imagination becoming reality. Also i say this with complete conviction, it is simple "absolute truth about absolute truth" LOL its a twisty one, words break down here. So we have to reinvent new words, simple put i'm talking about absolute truth beyond absolute truth. Which itself cancels out when distinctions collapse (because there are no distinctions) i'm just doing it to create a distinction. so it collapses and is simply "absolute truth" again lol. edit: its ironic, when you go 360, you'll then reform new dualities - which you will need to collapse as god. I.e is it morally correct for me to instill infinite love into a female while she is with me , thus making her fall in love with me" lol! its actually quite funny, but void is a funny thing. its not always about "reaching" a destination, its more like enjoying a ride in the groundless now. "nirvana, the creation of your own seperate reality"
  8. @Conrad yes i understand, i'm just relaying to you how the void becomes deeper. I'm well aware that your in the void. THE EGO IS YOU(one)! you can take full doership of it and that is by increasing your consciousness it is not contradictory to the void its complementary Its because you haven't ridden the ox backwards that you think this is contradictory.
  9. @Conrad yes i realise what you mean, but there is still an issue. IT MAY be true that you guys are "god" i've imagined myself out of consciousness into a void, a conceptual void. it still doesn't answer the question of why you guys are so different. This would suggest that there are even degrees of enlightenment. It's not virtue of random chance, its simply your understanding of god varies. in other words its a marriage between "the conscious self" and "the void". Like why are you still smoking weed and trying to be conscious of god when you are god. Looking at enlightenment as a single void, which it is, but why do you all carry different embodiments @wintersolider said the question of embodiment wouldn't be possible, if you understood enlightenment. Which is true because you "BREAK OUT" OF abslute infinity into ... void... but its like there's a correlation between how a person becomes enlightened and their knowledge structure. As an enlightened being, it would be like buddha, your whole "self" + "limited self" would align. it means in essence, you haven't flipped it back on itself. Which means there is depth to this one void. In other words, enlightenment is the dissolving of the mind. let me ask you: can you move an object with your being? others can, Which means that consciousness itself is the driving force through which the void comes through. simply put the deeper your enlightenment, the higher your level of consciousness on the spiral dynamics model lets use for accuracy. It means that void itself is what all these practices lead to. But development of consciousness is the only method to deepen your void experience itself. Every time you successful collapse a duality you are bringing void in, in other words, void or existence is a pool of infinite possibilities. It means that consciousness is not seperate to void, it is complementary. Except you need void to see it all as one. Everytime you expand your limited contracted state of consciousness (ego) then you are expanding your consciousness by bringing void into your life. its you taking part in the creation process itself as that void. and NOT the identification with consciousness, more it's like something you understand to be yourself. This is god trying to understand itself, but it never understand itself, because itself is infalliable to any description except existence itself. so after you become enlightened, the next step is to understand the processes which makes sense and then make something. I don't know its abit hazy what i'm saying. This process is only possible after nirvana, not enlightenment. Meaning its a process that extends always switching between consciousness and void, over again. The more you understand about consciousness the deeper your void, the deeper your void, the more consciousness expands, which deepens your void again, that then deepens consciousnes, deepends void, deepends consciousness, deepens void, deepens consciousness. in an active process, because VOID is all possibilties. This is currently my highest truth i would say Edit: i'm not sure i wrote this on the right thread, lol i think i have still momentary lapse in cognition from thinking
  10. which spiritual teachers talk about that which is prior to consciousness and awareness?
  11. @tsuki Lol ! i just realised you are consciousness, you are me lol. Existence is only being! therefore what could i possibly ask you for! like there's nothing you can give me. If you give me knowledge you have enlightened me. That would make you enlightened but you are existence, not consciousness. LOL some comfort would be nice, i just realised my entire life is a lie lol! like all of it, lol i've been conceptualising about something that isn't even there. Like it exist, but it doesn't. It exists in a paradox, existence is outside. so YES I would like some comfort from your consciousness lol! hit me with some, which is just myself trying to comfort myself LOL sounds so stupid! lol now i actually wonder what it would be like for an enlightened person to have sex. Would there even be a point to it. Still it would be infinite intelligence playing itself along. So in a way i feel happy that life is a dream playing out lol. I don't know mixed emotions tsuki need some comforting man. LOL being in reality literally feels like your in a cult , your in a cult created by yourself for yourself .Thats how i feel now, traumatized lol, i might aswell undergo an ego death because i see am imagining a psuedo- existence. Like i'm imagining what it is conceptually LOL conceptual enlightenments, make's sense now!
  12. @tsuki AHAHA please man! you finally made me understand existence is nothing! it doesn't even matter about consciousness, its prior to consciousness, therefore prior to everything lol. Its the neti-neti of everything and nothing.
  13. @tsuki yeah lol thats it imagine being 30 and have nothing to do, but you don't need anything to do at the same time. Interesting, have you reached existence yet?
  14. its more like, there is nothing else to do, your in nirvana, and on a physical plain.. What would be left to think about? nothing, like you would understand why the trees are green etc. lol because its physical, you could brush up on minor things and you could not. But ultimately, there's no rule saying a teacher must do it. Its more like you start loving everything and so you do it for the "one" existence
  15. @Wisebaxter survival is always at play, so play unless you are in a Buddhist tradition looking to become enlightened. Then don’t play. Its perfectly fine
  16. @Wisebaxter also look up self - deception lol. That’s basixally the whole answer to free will
  17. @Wisebaxter the term ignorance is bliss is actually a funny one, it simply means ‘the day you are able to stop thinking about the question, is the day you will be in heaven” so the solution is simple lol, contemplate one and many and get to 0. Once you realise nothing is going on, then who is making the decision? No - one. (No-thing) Consciousness is existence itself playing out. In other words, it’s neither, both, none , one, so you’ll stop caring about the question. The answer is therefore not something you can derive by someone telling you. You will only receive slight truths. So in your position, it’s better to tell the person: there is no free will, because you are going to nothing. When you are in god consciousnes and you come back to everything. Then you will find, there is complete free will. Still you must have both insights for yourself and the one you are lacking first is the insight. That there is no free will. So realise first there is no free will.
  18. @Aakash Let me tell you that the reason buddha reached nirvana was because he contemplated the nature of things by extracating them from himself. This is the reason why buddhist teachings tell you to give up all pleasures. Simply to contemplate the nature of everything. and then give it up. The method is inefficent in the 21st century. Whilst buddha was alive it was easier, did he have to contemplate technology. I think not! Therefore its not even an understatement to say that leo's in the same place as buddha... he's just lol more well educated. so he's not more enlightened, but he is more enlightened LOL. and at the same time, there is only one void, so yeah i guess they reached it just by different means. But my point is in the 21ST CENTURY. LEO's teachings are the best for nirvana. the other traditions are too confusing. Still only self inquiry is probably the best, it depends if you do it to find nothing and to find everything. I'm not sure how meditation works, i feel like meditation is a cheat cheat method, but meditation is poor itself at getting you to nirvana, letting your thoughts pass won't get you insights. unfortunately you have to think. I guess what meditation is, is grace. Your essentially asking for grace from nothing to come and download all information into your head lol like literally "ohh lord will you bless me with nirvana" . like when buddha was meditating, he was probably wasn't thinking to reach enlightenment (no mind) and then when he was travelling around he was in god consciousness thinking. but he only talked abut enlightenment and never nirvana because its impossible. Still lol infinity has every possibilities, so its not unfair to say that meditation is like a blessing but the awakening isn't rich and this is biscally adayshanti, his awakening isn't rich. But maybe he's just not talking about it... i'm not sure, its like i said i haven't thought about any of this yet. My human mind busy contemplating other things. (not my god consciousness) I'm not sure lol, edit: lol i can write about all of it but in other words , nirvana is ultimate bliss and peace, because you never have to use your mind again... "supposedly" you still have to decide whats for breakfast, but you would have broken down the major dualities that this would become minor... like to break down the duality of "breakfast vs no breakfast" basically probably what the buddha meant by not eating. LOL its pretty long process. Still i'm not sure, there's actually a trillion more dualities in the 21st century than 450bc, so its not even comparable by any standards. LOL funny joke: Its comparable by "logs"literally ahaha like log1 is buddha and log100 is leo lol thats how many more dualities there are, but the major dualities haven't change. So once you break down the major dualities your done and your in nirvana. Its just like i said, its a human biases thing, i went to the self-actualisation school lol, so i'm obviously going to say its the better school of teaching LOL. also nirvana is existence itself, so prior to experience or consciousness
  19. @zeroISinfinity you are correct in what you speak, i am defending myself from going to such place, but there is a reason (ego) . Still what i talk about is no lie, i don't generate my insights off leo, i mimic it and think to understand about it for myself, therefore the insights are genuine. it is like i said, you can not blindly follow a teacher to omniscient its virtually impossible. The traction in your insights or the quality of your insights get embedded into your conscious and then they become your reality because they're absolutely true the deeper you contemplate it. I've been embedding my insights into my reality for this whole 6 year process as i always do things on my own- i never learn from teachers, so it's no wonder that when i came to actualise.org i embedded things insights myself with the help of a better teacher than any other teacher i've ever had. The proof is self-evident for having an omniscient experience. The things i say are not beliefs ... they're like i said truth. nirvana is beyond beliefs ... because beliefs are the opposite of insights. so realistically omniscientcy is this, the collapse of duality between beliefs and omnisienttcy. Aself" this is dualistic, to have "no self" this is non dualistic. Anyways the end result is always the same, the sameness of all distinctions, the collapse of ALL dualities etc.. etc.. etc... etc.. nirvana is therefore the following statement This statement is neither true nor false, this statement is false, this statement is true, this statement is false and true, this statement is BASICALLY ITS THAT VERY LONG WORD THAT LEO USED IN ONE OF HIS VIDEO @Leo Gura if you could provide the name, its too long that i forgot it. Anyway, this is the true meaning of nirvana, because this is the true meaning of "no mind" hence i said buddha couldn't teach you it because he couldn't teach about riding the ox backwards to everything in his teaching of nothing. People would just get confused ironic that makes every teacher's words true lol, there's just no way to explain it to people. and so we call it enlightenment going from one to 10, but they're all talk about their experiences being between 11-19 and by virtue automatically 20. so everyone who is reading, you should not use your mind to get to enlightenment, the statement is correct, but its also false in the sence that you need your mind to reach nirvana. The collapse of mind into awareness! never to question its "self" as everything has become truly ONE. THE ONE TRUE BEING The REAL method and not the misconception method. Hence i say leo's teachings is the most accurate in history. But he's essentially saying the exact same thing as all the other teachers. except he's the first to talk about infinity is everything as a teaching. HENCE HIS NIRVANA VIA TEACHING IS BETTER THAN ALL OTHERS, but HIS NIRVANA ITSELF IS THE SAME AS EVERYBODY ELSE. WHY? because there is only one! lol, its the same one, infinite consciousness.
  20. @zeroISinfinity Lol that was literally the exact message of my speech. maybe i said something profound, maybe i never who knows "The simple reason buddha claimed he had reached total enlightenment was to get people to mu, after mu the words "total enlightenment" stop making sense. "
  21. @Key Elements The simple reason buddha claimed he had reached total enlightenment was to get people to mu, after mu the words "total enlightenment" stop making sense, which is why people get confused and suggest that they have reached the same level as buddha, but what he really meant to say was, BUDDHA consciousness is total, not that the buddha (human) had reached total enlightenment. Therefore, riding the ox backwards becomes a notion suggesting the following words: I AM GOD (nothing) AND I AM INFINITE (everything) , the misconception was everyone who starts going backwards realises that you can not communicate a message and then say at the end of it, wait i think its wrong, its the opposite. Contradictions can't exist in absolute infinity because meta language will only allow a single initial interpretation. Therefore, what buddha's consciousness meant was i had reached nirvana (nothing) which is different to mu (nothing) , but there's no way to communicate nothing + nothing, in a single teaching. Its surely to get diluted. Anyway, what i'm saying is even buddha had no need to be doubtful after hitting mu, everything else was just a bonus. so we have the zen message: kill the buddha when he' sitting in the mall shopping for clothes may funny version of it, but you know what i'm talking about kill the buddha when you see him walking or what ever it is .. its because when your riding the ox backwards! the responsibility falls upon you. You see buddha did not realise his enlightenment wasn't complete- like many others, but like everyone would deduce Consciousness MUST BE COMPLETE. so he stated, total enlightenment is nirvana. The issue was that he mistook nirvana to be his completed version. The same thing happened again and again and again and again with sages. everyone thinking their enlightenment was total. now we have arrived at the 21st century and simply put, leo has taken the misconceptions out and has arranged the pathway to the correct nirvana. because we unpeddled self -deception. Meaning if you are not in an omniscience state, then you aint aware of what consciousness is, because thats stage 11. WHY IS THIS THE CASE? BECAUSE omniscience gets you to stage 11. ALL NON DUAL TEACHINGS GET YOU TO STAGE 10 VIA DIRECT TEACHINGS. hence i started a conscious war self deception is the reason for getting to stage 11. Its like i said buddhas teachings couldn't include a stage 11. so he could never communicate what he meant by nirvana by virtue of language of contradiction in absolute infinity or existence itself wouldn't allow the contradiction. Therefore to conclude: even these people that thought they were highest were sorely mistaken, so you should take peace in realising what ever level of enlightenment you teach at is fine. so yeah pretty much as the motto goes: do what ever the hell you want , its all perfect anyway edit: anyways on my scale of riding the ox backwards, there's a specific reason why i say leo's is true nirvana unlike what other teachings suggest including buddha. Its not to fault the masters because they also exist in absolute infinity. its like in leo's video why doubt after a certain stage. Edit 2: eventually you will have to kill leo yourself, so it doesn't matter who the enlightenment master is, you have to kill him and go beyond him. That means that you have to face a certain period of "unknown" and this is basically as leo says about authority. Its just part of the process, otherwise you get mu. disclaimer: i guess i should probably write, just like all of you are biased to your schools, i'm biased to mines . aahahaha
  22. @Key Elements haven't you noticed its quite easy actually Words are the tell tale, call everything an illusion and claim your enlightened or claim you are god or claim you are infinite loving consciousness = step 10, repeat non dual ideology or (REAL brown bearing aka parroting) = step 1 - 9 but its neccessary Answering all questions accurately from direct experience (WITH loving intent) = step 11- 19 phase out of reality, so even love will not be a thing, just a really nice guy or woman really - 20 its simple, consciousness can not sustain itself and devilry therefore embodiment will always tell a persons, base consciousness levels. So sadhguru can't be evil, not because he doesn't want to. Its because he's embodied to such a high level, it gets rooted out of you. although its hard to define stage 20 and even 11-19 i haven't figured it out yet. Which is why i've spent the last couple of days questioning enlightened people lol. although it gets easier after 10 tbh, because people can only say truth lol. but i haven't created a mental scale in absolute terms, because well because of other reasons so when people think of sadhguru, they think of him at 10, but he's probably at 17/18 lol. i'm not sure really there are no correographing numbers to actions, its just levels of deepness, rather than steps. Who has the most deepest enlightenment. So the scale is adjustable. like to me sadhguru is more enlightened than rupert and adyashanti
  23. @Key Elements Yes contrary to what one may think, its absolutely fine, to teach when one is not at the highest level. I would say as long as one is using what ever he/ she experienced in their direct experience. Again this is if your going forward on the ox, if your going backwards then you can use the sources without issues, because they are themselves contained within infinity and therefore true. So it depends what way you want to look at it, what is your LP, i thought it was just to teach people languages , or have you adapted it to teach people in those languages?
  24. @Key Elements Yes everything is riding the ox backwards and nothing is riding the ox forward. but we always start needing to ride it forward this is part of "everything" so once you rid the ox backwards, you understand any phenomena that happens in experience is indeed consciousness and therefore possible, contained within the whole of absolute infinity, so there's no need to judge whether an action is possible. When your riding the ox backwards the ultimate aim is to say this following statement everything is true This means to leave your skeptical mind in the past, because it exist only in the moment of past/ future/ subjective appearance, all the things needed to get back to ox. But instead when your going back your not using your rational mind to figure out how its false, your using it to figure out how its real because it is entirely ABOLSUTELY TRUE, there is only aboslutely truth. Therefore to question whether there is an alien when your riding the ox backwards is a laughable notion, the answer is yes. Whether it exists as a concept ,within a movie , within a book you read or really out there in the stars. Its not to prove such a statement was false. We are talking about absolute perfection here , the need for everything to be as it is.. this occurs when nothing and something break down and that is nirvana ... the end of the 20 step process, enlightenment is the end of the 10 step process