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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. Just for everyone's knowledge - this is stage coral lol
  2. @Shin Yes but where do you go from there?
  3. not sure what you mean by yellow teal, i don't have that defintion. Yes when you enter stage coral, you start getting insights about consciousness (the meta-physics of consciousness) , this process happens after non-dual enlightenment. This would take on average about 3-10 years for someone to complete. After you've done this, you are so deeply conscious that you can create distinctions using the metaphysical knowledge which has become embedded in your system. However, none of the following two steps are possible without getting to a completely non-dual states (stage turquoise) because you will not gain true insights of consciousness, because you will be creating concepts from a seperate self. This is basically a default setting. There's no other way around it, god created it like this
  4. @kieranperez and this is why leo says you only become fully awakened after you understand truth= love after enlightenment, it flips back on itself. and relative beliefs become completely true. Still you need to be critical and think about what you should trust and what you should not. However, you are no longer asking yourself "what is the truth" because EVERYTHING IS TRUTH AND NOTHING IS TRUTH. they collapse and true non-duality is formed
  5. @kieranperez No we are going to get to the bottom of this! what do you find difficult about what i said? this is an interesting thread for people to learn from! i've already learnt so much from you!
  6. interesting lol, what siddhis can adyashanti do, i will check this out Yes, its possible through a method to elevate your consciousness levels or by pass consciousness systems and access mana streams i.e elements (light, dark, fire, water ,etc.. etc..) I guess i'm going to have to redefine my contextualise words of siddhis, i'll look around at classifying them with the names you've given. But the truth still remains, if you want to do it yourself consciously you need to become enlightened imo. Isn't that the whole point of life, to create relative beliefs You misunderstood what i said, i said the person with the paranormal ability will interpret it incorrectly. but you added a good point, the person who the interpretation is done for will themselves interpret it wrong as well lol. hence the term: unconscious siddhis
  7. we are talking about conscious creation, not 'one-offs' out of interest please state who such beings are, i would be interesting in investigating this. I have yet to see any enlightened beings with material siddhis. LOL i can garuntee you that its impossible to understand the natures of siddhis without being enlightened. Whether they have paranormal abilities or not, such abilities are useless because you filter them through a false interpretation of separate self. Hence the difference between unconscious siddhis and conscious siddhis
  8. The simplicity of this argument is as such. Nothing exists on the same plane except no-thing because consciousness is infinite, therefore your thoughts are simultaneously happening to you and collectively to all if such prospects are made. where ever you "think" the thoughts are located is where they will be located in actuality therefore, by default. The only correct statement that can ever be true is 'thoughts are occuring in god' however, all relative terms are true and false at the same time. Hence the absolute truth is absolutely true
  9. @kieranperez let me dilute the mods words for you you can only do it after enlightenment, so it is not seperate to non-dual enlightenment (that you assume to be "enlightenment") it is the practical use of enlightenment rather than staying in a brain-dead state (non dual enlightenment) for lack of a better term.
  10. @seeking_brilliance considering your profile pic, no i can't lol!
  11. @Esoteric from his youtube channel, i'm not sure which video it was
  12. Very low stage coral Note: it's not i think he doesn't know buddha nature, he's just terrible at communicating it. I feel very enticed to say stage turquoise, however he does understand that a meditative state (non-duality) is different to being absorbed in pure awareness, so i'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
  13. stage coral - adyashanti https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un_B_XN9D64 disclaimer: youtube doesn't allow embedding on the video note: to my surprise, adyashanti is not a stage turquoise being, he is indeed stage coral. he talks about disembodiment only being one segment of enlightenment. This video is more clear to understand de-enlightenment than peter ralston's talk. However, whether you will be able to resonate and understand his words is a different problem
  14. stage turquoise note: ralston adjusting his teachings for the pupils for their understanding of illusion/ enlightenment
  15. Stage coral Note: peter ralston's explanation of de-enlightenment is top notch! explaining it directly, can your metaphysics and mystical experiential knowledge resonate with it?
  16. @zeroISinfinity you have not undergone De-enlightenment , so its difficult for you to understand that the way you see concepts and paradigms itself changes with De-enlightenment. Similarly how you see concepts as illusions in enlightenment, it flips back on itself and the concepts are seen as real in de-enlightenment.
  17. @SunnyNewDay incorrect conscious paradigm of your liking
  18. Yeah its impossible to talk about, but important to map the method of how you did it and teach it to others. This is how life is a school.
  19. @lukej Yes i'm well aware all of this is possible. your consciousness is expanding past the dimensions of our earth, into different frequencies, hence you are seeing elementals of light and angels. your third eye has nothing to do with it. this is a misconception, your field of consciousness is penetrating into other frequencies. you have to leave all concepts of the body and its features behind, its pure consciousness after enlightenment, pure void. what we can get from this, an increase in consciousness emits a different frequency. Therefore it is possible to tap into collective consciousness frequency and instill your own consciousness intent.
  20. @Shin @Natasha lol, how about we call it the meta-seeker because they are trying to find meta contextualisation of consciousness itself thats how i feel right now natasha