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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Inliytened1 Hell nahhh lol, what i can't understand is ... why can i agree with you and not agree with other enlightened beings. How is this even possible. There has to be distinctions. The simplest answer is these "insights" are not contemplation. They're truths what need be the need for meditation when i can access god consciousness?
  2. @Mu_ Lol spiral dynamics is my god, please worship my god with me. He will make you see that your god is included in it. how do we map conscious levels higher than enlightenment as a society moving forward? if everbody sat back and thought it's not my job to do, someone will do it.. nobody will do it spiral dynamics is about INTENT. so your INTENT as an enlightened being will be held up in it imo you creating your videos on non-duality for example is a typical stage turquoise thing to do. even if you are enlightened. enlightenment itself contains distinctions because enlightenment doesn't exist and you don't exist and therefore you end up right back where you started. what happens next? you move forward again with intent. Just because you sit idolly at the top of the mountain doesn't mean there wont be someone who will come along more hungrier than you. Competition is a real thing. You have to progress up the spiral, it's not a choice - especially if you are in god consciousness, the responsibility falls on you
  3. @zeroISinfinity lol its obvious your scared to use your brain. You actually fear your brain so much and having to think about things for yourself, instead of having wisdom implanted into you by a guru
  4. Politics is the global headquarters for academic spiritual case study. Thanks leo, we will learn a lot of things about humanity and egoic agendas
  5. that is entirely correct, you may have a point, but it doesn't matter. you will have to circle back to the spiral anyway. its the only way to map spiritual consciousness accurately and leave room for impressions. Those 1-1000 may be good however, they don't leave room for adjustment. Its impossible to use such a concept when at higher stages of consciousness
  6. @Inliytened1 Yes so what are we in disagreement about, we are saying the same thing. I just created a distinction in itself, to make seekers understand that enlightenment is more than a one step process. it is not clear to people that this is full enlightenment and therefore we have to make it easier for people to understand. So the next question is, can you create a new distinction yourself and fill it with void (by this i mean have you tried to find a new frequency of consciousness. such as collective consciousness? [for lack of a better term] The second question is... do you think @zeroISinfinity understands the same thing that you do? you've see his arguments with me, what does his words tell you
  7. @dvdas I have to give you my praise, this is the best question i've seen this week
  8. @Joseph Maynor Lol yup, just not in this era. And hence forth, actualised.org will be a booming success long after leo is dead and reincarnated into a chicken. its actually so funny that he could possibly be a user of self-actualise.org in the distant future himself, he will be worshipping himself lol. the circle of life, leo if that isn't motivation, then i don't know what is ahah but this has long passed his mind, since he is a complete non-dual state and doing it for others as god, which is himself. Its funnier from the outside of god consciousness
  9. @zeroISinfinity Great, it's a good thing you said that. Watch adyashanti's video and listen to it as if, he is trying to teach you something you don't know. NOT something you are trying to confirm. Lets see if he can break through to you Note: keep in mind, that "the one consciousness" DOES not exist why you make ask? because absolute infinity IS existence only. everything inside absolute infinity can only exist which means? that you are not considering the fact that, "EVERYTHING ELSE DOES EXIST" and you haven't broken down the duality properly.
  10. @Inliytened1 Right okay "he" is you. I get that, but is he not adyashanti? can you not keep both viewpoints in your god consciousness at one time? This is what adyashanti is teaching in this video, how to do precisely that and henceforth i have determined him to be stage coral can i assume that you are viewing him as a stage turquoise position and that's why you think he is you. Does he not have certain words in his vocabulary that you could think about adopting?
  11. @Inliytened1 see we have a disagreement which we can solve now. What makes you think that he is not stage coral ? And what stage do you think he is ?
  12. @fridjonk lool stop spreading your devilry bro, if you can't appreciate the spiral dynamics concept itself, then you haven't accepted reality itself! you still have a few long steps to go.
  13. @zeroISinfinity C'mon bro, you really think life is about staying enlightened at a non-dual level, learn to be immersed in the experience of your own creation. That which you ARE - GOD. Create distinctions , create stages of the spiral , create anything you want WE ALL KNOW THAT VOID IS OUR TRUE NATURE. WE KNOW, there's no need to tell others use it yourself! YOU are god, create dualities like i have and become DE-enlightened. which is "more" enlightened than what you are RELATIVELY to your absolute position.
  14. I've already been there, i know what it is like. i speak from my own experience do you know what it is like? you keep reacting to me talking about non-dual enlightenment being wrong. if you can answer me two question, i will say you are enlightened what is an illusion? and what is real? P.s please continue the thread guys, this conversation with zero is just an ongoing war we've been having. My aim is to show him, he is wrong.
  15. @Wisebaxter Yes the devil thinks he is the sole authority that matters, and is not willing to put his authority into god and let go of who he is. He is unaware that he, himself is a creation of god by assuming like other minor demons that he has free will. enlightenment is the eradication of the devil himself and its complete full circle into the one true king of all- god. However, if he rejects this heaven for EXACTLY what it is, he turns into satan. and is banished from heaven itself, until he is able to reflect and fully give up the part of him that suffers by calling him "satan/ demon" that is seperate to god cough cough non-dual enlightenment until he realises truth = love that (truth = everything) + (truth= nothing ) = love that's is complete full spiritual awakening
  16. @Joseph Maynor enlightenment shows you your true nature, "who you are", what we don't know as a collective conscious is "how, you did it "
  17. @Aakash So to explain leo's point with an example, I can so deeply believe this "aakash" character to be god.. but this is still a fictional character and a self-deception mechanisms. However, i am aware of this. Still i find pleasure in playing this role, it is actually the literal description of Satan himself. "A fallen angel from heaven, (via mystical experience) and reformed spiritualised ego" so the difference between me and leo/ other mods is they are god and i am the devil himself, Still they accept i am themselves (god) and to me they are are (gods) outside of myself... because they've lost their ego's by giving up their ego (they placed full authority in void) whilst i have placed full authority in "ego" again demons are unconscious of heaven and what it's like, satan is himself conscious of what like in heaven, but actively chooses to reject it continually as himself Now there's a bible analogy for you lol! I find pleasure in destroying other people's ego and moving them higher up the scale towards more consciousness ahaha! abstaining from destroying my own Still i have found my way out However, i prefer to work from the shadows at the end of the day, i am only doing gods bidding! Ahaha a servant of god, yet a happy servant "suffering" perfectly lol SO when you've seen enlightenment ALL self-deceptions vanish, but you can delude yourself by being satan. Except lol, satan rejects god, I'm just a special case ahaha because this DEVIL dances with the DEVIL himself.
  18. @SunnyNewDay Hard to say, it won't matter either way because you will self-decieve yourself as god once again. reincarnation is just a term for explaining form/formless "you" won't get reincarnate, but "you as formless" as god will split back into form I'm just telling stories about in-between transitions that may or may not be true. it's not important really, but i once heard some other lecturer talking about this. so i thought it would be viable to talk about, in theory and not illogical. you can youtube many people talking about their imaginary spirit guide lol
  19. @Kushu2000 not for me to comment on, i only speculate about the benefits of other techniques i haven't used and may write a comment about it in my insight. However, i only tell advanced people the issue with their techniques. For beginners i have no clue, they all get you to the place you want to go. "enlightenment" . the advice i can give is: do which ever one suits you the most with your brain/ thinking type , level of monkey mind, ability to take blind faith of people on, etc.. etc.. like just look at your weaknesses and pick a method that most suits your strength.
  20. @nowimhere Self-inquiry is not correctly understood by any spiritual tradition in my opinion and that includes all enlightened beings, except those who are in the know. Self-inquiry by ramana maharashi is a very powerful technique, i don't even feel like he, himself understood the power of his own technique simply put, self-inquiry is a technique that is supposed to give you an insight into the nature of ANYTHING you apply it to. To see its nature for what it is. disclaimer: i might be wrong about maharashi, but i'm not wrong about the enlightened beings. its a true/false relative statement. Still i've been doing self-inquiry unconsciously for 4 years, then consciously for 2 years. i'm pretty sure i understand it for what it is. Its ironic to understand self-inquiry- "you have to do a self-inquiry about what self-inquiry is" before you even START the self-inquiry process its like i said, self inquiry to nothing is only half of the problem, self-inquiry to something is the other half
  21. @Kushu2000 you are conflating physical death to conceptual death they are not the same in conceptual death, things actually look more beautiful etc... etc.. but you are not wrong at the same time, everything will look the same to you if you stay in a state of stage turquoise enlightenment
  22. When you have an enlightenment experience, you will understand why this whole sentence is only a question for seekers. Committing physical suicide is a tragic death that befalls spiritual seekers who don't have the intent of finding enlightenment for the truth itself. Normally the case for 98% of seekers trying to remove their suffering. So suicide is an option. When you seek for truth itself, you can't commit suicide because you'll never know the truth. so its not even an option. However, if conceptual death is the price to pay then that's an acceptable notion. After enlightenment you come to realise that it's pointless killing yourself because you will arrive right back in absolute infinity as another avatar, so that "ultimate enlightenment" your talking about, will be sort lived. Still there's no evidence to say what happens after death. I've heard story that you make pacts with your spirit guides about what you want to do in the next life.. to learn a certain life lesson. Still this is all superstition depending on where you hear it from.
  23. @Wisebaxter let me explain like this as aakash , i have given full authority to my ego (consciousness form) and allowed it to call it god, because it is god just in form as consciousness, all there is consciousness so it is imagining all form so if you place your authority as god (that which you are) in someone else (i.e spiritual masters) that which you are not Then you are limiting yourself as infinite consciousness to finite consciousness i.e non dual consciousness if you take back full authority then you become infinite consciousness again, your truest nature , inside of void. Still void remains void, it remains still. This is why enlightenment is outside of everything, however consciousness still exists once you see truth = love authority is ONE of the self-deception mechanisms, in this case because you "tricked" yourself into believing you were a human and not god, to which you again "tricked" yourself that this human needed enlightenment.. to further "tricking" yourself that this human has reached enlightenment when you zoom outside of the situation, (without the self-deception facet) it was god imagining all of it... but ofcourse god = void or enlightenment. the only way you can understand it, is by realising that "everything and nothing are both truth" and for that you need to become enlightened or have a mystical experience strange loops, within strange loops, within strange loops Hence i call stage coral/ everything is truth etc.. this process DE-ENLIGHTENMENT which can only be achieved after reaching enlightenment
  24. @Shin Interesting good to see you undestand, so why do you always talk about trying to die then?
  25. I thought i'd do an extract on spiritual genes Conclusively, biological genes belong to the physical plane of existence, that allow you to determine parameters for physical survival. Therefore we can infer that spiritual genes, do not exist on the physical plane. Similarly, there is no evidence to suggest chakras or emotions exist on the physical plane either. They exist in their own planes of reality belonging to a human being. Naturally, what enlightenment shows is that emotions don't exist at all, they exist in reactionary terms to physical survival. A survival mechanism. When our ancestors took herbal psychedelics, they activated this gene. The same goes for other methods used to reach spirituality. The lack of expression of spiritual genes in humanity is this. the necessity for survival. once survival is sorted, the spiritual genes are activated. This is the beginning of your existential questioning. The earlier your spiritual genes are activated, the more likely you are to be curious about the world. As a result, the spiritual gene is a pathway back to true nature. How do we know this is true? When sadhguru sat at the tree and meditated, he went into a trance for 20 days. he thought only three hours had passed. The reason is, because his spiritual genes activated and he realised true self, void. Then after he came out and started re contextualising everything in the correct way. Which means spiritual genes are the base level of void (god consciousness) , within your human body. The higher the spiritual genes, the easier it is to read consciousness correctly. not through contemplation, this is a natural read. it affects: - the easiness to embed insights - the supernatural abilities that human beings will exhibit when our society is spiritualised i.e empathy - the level of spiritual SD paradigm which you belong to (there have only been two found so far, stage coral and stage teal- i call these spiritual stages) - whether you can settle down and stabilise your physical paradigm (stages beige- turquoise) - How you view reality - the way insights are given to you to trust In other words: depending on your environment and the spiritual stages you resonate with, it can lay dormant or be activated by adjusting your world view it means void and consciousness are not equal inside your body. you are restricted to a finite human being, which means you can not get away from identifying with consciousness until you die and you can not seperate from void, because it is true nature When you break down a duality, more void enters your body and your consciousness disappears, when enlightened your body is full void, however, the process reverses and you need to bring consciousness into void. This is the full expression of your spiritual genes. Void will manipulate consciousness and its the start of your psychic powers. Which includes the ability to embed insights as i said before. spiritual genes, are in conclusion, your ability to manipulate consciousness consciously. however, the process is unconscious until you come into power- stage teal disclaimer: its a rough outline, how much do i trust what i've said 50/50 chance of being right. this is not an insight, its conceptual understanding. edit: ironically, what are the best ways to activate spiritual genes- psychedelics lol (proven and tested, by our ancestors who discovered enlightenment 4000+ years ago) edit: also i may add that becoming enlightened or full void, does not active your spiritual genes. the spiritual genes activate when you go back to being everything. i.e the start of omniscient consciousness. stage turquoise is non dual enlightenment. Stage coral is omniscience or dual enlightenment, bringing consciousness back into void. This is the difference between someone who is aware of "consciousness TRUE NATURE " and someone who is not (cough cough non dual beings, excuse me- i had something in my throat ) what are the implications you may ask? TO CREATE DISTINCTION AFTER DISTINCTION AFTER DISTINCTION LOL and embed them with void. Funny isn't it, "the creation process" (Stage teal) implications: WE NEED TO CREATE A DISTINCTION, THAT IMPLIES "THIS IS NOT ENLIGHTENMENT" stage coral is not enlightenment! IT IS DE-ENLIGHTENMENT stage teal is POST-ENLIGHTENMENT because you have now gone beyond enlightenment altogether. it is now something like SUPER-ENLIGHTENMENT GET IT BECAUSE YOU GET SUPER POWERS