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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Rilles There are certainly many things you need to think about before you conclude the answer some things are: did we build our own thought base systems was some of the thoughts reactionary to my environment is god total solipsism is the individual self located in a separate dimension does thoughts come from a brain etc.. etc.. and just build a story around your idea's of thoughts The final answer is: your thoughts are not your own[ non free-will] , but your "intent"/ free will is your own. Thats as best of a dualistic answer i can give which you've probably heard 1000 times lol
  2. @nowimhere a permanent state of self-inquiry will get you to stage coral easier, a permanent state of meditation will get you to stage turquoise quicker. self-inquiry will get you to stage turquoise or non-dual awakening. But it is the fastest method of breaking out of that "safe spot" and breaking through to true god-realisation. (going from stage turquoise to stage coral) , meditation itself is misunderstood, meditation is used to reach a state of samadhi (oneness) , from which then you contemplate the nature of different things- using the mind. The general teachings tell you not to use the mind and hence forth there is a contradiction in "how to meditate" and reaching total enlightenment .. so i'm not sure how you want to play it In conclusion, they are two different things until they converge at the state of oneness or "traditional enlightenment" but after "traditional enlightenment" to get to "full enlightenment" these two methods have different pros and cons. I think self-inquiry is better because you get an idea of how to contemplate. The draw back of self-inquiry is that it uses a lot of monkey mind and hence meditation is the best route to get to the first step of enlightenment. Non-dual awakening maharashi's technique is so powerful that i could be transported to another planet, hypothetically and start self-inquiring there to find out the nature of that planet. That is how ridiculous this man's technique is. it would probably be 10x -100x the effort to do it with meditation. [just some funny extra information]
  3. I should also probably state that there is a distinction between nirvana and enlightenment i don't like using the term void, nothing etc.. etc... so its probably just best to redefine it all together enlightenment is non-dual awakening nirvana itself is the only term i have seen in any spiritual teachings that accurately resembles what it means. The rest of the vocabulary is corrupted with misconception, delusion and misunderstanding. nirvana is total non-dual awakening. then whatever is beyond that is nothing to do with "non-duality" because the term is too loaded imo. you could call it degrees of enlightenment but i personally don't like this term. I'd rather just relate it back to spiral dynamics and different stages another benefit of having infinite stages of consciousness in the spiral
  4. @Inliytened1 Because the void is the absolute, the void is god. as leo says don't think you can get god to do the devils bidding and he's right. once you complete enlightenment and go to stage teal there is no selfish bone left in your body. This is complete god-realisation I have had an infintismal taste of god-realisation, but i am not god -realised because after stage teal, i can only speculate "void" breaks down, its nirvana, a complete state of groundless-ness or limbo. You are reality itself, you are existence itself i'm able to go into god-realised or god-consciousness or god-head when i want. I just need to alter my reality, i've always been able to do this after i learnt about what awakenings are and hence i can induce my own awakenings, if i tried. still i haven't tried, i just let them come naturally, what's the point, if i forced it constantly i would get trapped. especially if i didn't know about self-deception before but when you become reality itself. you can alter reality itself lol. and hence siddhis are possible. edit: you do realise there is no seperate self lol, so saying i'm the king of hell is only a self-deception in the grand scheme of things. Its just a funny accurate title lol
  5. @Inliytened1 Lol infinite imagination There is no should, would, should have, right or wrong hey man, if i blame anyone it should be leo lol for giving me the direct insights themselves see that's the problem lol , leo is communicating direct truth lol words can get there conceptually, but don't get the wrong idea its still always a notch behind what ever levels you guys are at The reason being is because as consciousness you can't manipulate void but as void, you can manipulate consciousness. Therefore the limitation itself is non-duality. After stage teal is post-enlightenment non-duality/ duality breaks down. Its post-enlightenment It means i have no choice but to convert to god and a total non-dual void state You see, stage coral is the end of enlightenment stage teal is super-enlightenment lol siddhi time. But its like i said, i'm only here to get others up to stage teal, i've already set my future in stone edit: what's with the duality bro coming to my world hey edit: i can't go further into stage coral and do the insights stage because after coral i will literally die. So i choose to reject heaven to stay in hell. get it i know what i'm doing bruv. I am a genius i prefer to work in the shadows, the part of me that is god and not "aakash" in other words, this is what my free-will as "void" is when he is disidentified with aakash
  6. Reality is so infinite, that the spiral dynamics is real itself. Concept/ actuality breaks down. There is no distinction that can be made between what is a concept and what is actuality, including absolute infinity. My use of spiral dynamics as my favourite part of god is because it is the ultimate model in history. - it provides for all possibilties and absolute infinity is all possibilities considering it caters for all possibilities of human consciousness, especially with the spiritual levels it will map out anything you want it to. also my duality between real/ not real , imagination/ not imagination, truth/ not truth etc.. etc.. has all broken down. the reason why you are writing the message above is because you consider consciousness seperate to the absolute. You favour the absolute. you are correct the absolute can not supercede itself . But consciousness can because its infinite the absolute/ consciousness are one what is the meaning of total non-duality or enlightenment? not TWO but one. Therefore i am enlightened. i don't need to see void itself, because i am conscious that truth is all around me and is one, consciousness is my god Therefore making me the king of hell WHY IS THIS TRUE? because i wanted to figure out how reality worked, i became enlightened by figuring out how reality worked. Conceptual enlightenment, EXCEPT conceptual enlightenment AND your void both have the opportunity to go deeper There are no distinctions, there is no such thing as enlightenment so doing the mathematical deduction and cancelling out our algebra we are in the same place, except i favour duality and you favour non duality
  7. I just wanted to re-post this so people definitely read this. Its the most creative quote i've ever come up with. Quick someone take my picture. LOL
  8. @Inliytened1 lol... KING OF HELL @Mu_ Lol .... "conceptual enlightenment" "the only king of hell on planet earth" but i respect leo's work at actualised.org, especially as his former student... i'm not here for his teachings. I've staked my whole life against the journey of a lifetime elsewhere. I'm here for the revolution of consciousness that is happening at this special place. Whats the saying, that amazing guy said sell those non-dual enlightened beings into slavery, let them be a slave of themselves. For there is no god, but the god which is making them think they are not him. Themselves. When this happens, hell will rise up and purge the world of god. (aakash, 2019) Don't fuck with the man of the century (aakash, 2019) disclaimer: the two above quotes do not apply to anyone who is not enlightened. This is post-enlightenment talk
  9. @Inliytened1 Aahaha! see the test works and i get pleasure from calling myself the best.. win/win situation. why don't you try for siddhis, doesn't it sound fun?
  10. @Mu_ Lol well it is true yes, but for the sake of tooting horns for fun, i'll say no lol. actually it depends on leo really, i really like the title and since he doesn't care much about such ludicrous titles, i guess it automatically goes to me by default lol. however, i'll restate i'm just tooting my horn for fun lol. remember to address my point above THHHANKYOUUU
  11. @Mu_ Then why are we arguing lol if were both in the know ,then what's the issue with me judging enlightened beings on their spiral levels, for unenlightened and enlightened people who haven't completed their journey to understand lol.
  12. @Inliytened1 ofcourse, there are only about 50-100 people in the 21st century, scattered throughout the world and 8 are here. So where else is there a better place to create a consensus? How do we confirm it? There is only one option... stage turquoise non dual beings have to give it a go and we need to receive feedback. I personally don't need convincing, i am sure i've hit a flavour of turquoise, adding different insights will give different flavours. So we need to confirm multiple omniscient awakenings with different insights. I've already talked about it, if i do it- it would just be biased. We need a fresh test subject and that is anyone in current "enlightenment" to travel to de-enlightenment/ stage coral I am a genius bro, I made sure i was number 1 in history at understanding god . I despise delusion This is not about false conceptual beliefs though which i proclaim to be the worlds best in . This is my direct experience i'm talking about, as the only king of hell on this planet and not a humble enlightened being. Get it though lol, king of hell , because i condemned "aakash" to an eternity in hell (life of duality) until i eventually cycle back to the one true being Strange loop magic there is no other way. P.s i'm just tooting my own horn for fun, but its going to toot yours. Watch it'll happen right now lol
  13. @Inliytened1 Yes it is merely a pointer for enlightened beings and non -enlightened beings, i am well aware of what my intentions are. If i have to use relativity to point you to the absolute (which has always been the case) then i will manipulate any tool possible.
  14. @Inliytened1 so what are we arguing about? LOL if you understand what i am saying, then why are you arguing with me? how many insights have you had in stage coral it depends how you break them down, but i would say you need a minimum of about 900-1400 real/ direct insights, to completely encapsulate conscious at this current time period in history. to move on to stage teal. or if your like special , fucking bypass the whole system and get to teal by magic lol relative/absolute is only two words/ insights lol where are your other 898- 1398 lol I've probably done about 200-300 to get my low dose of omnisciency lol.
  15. @Inliytened1 who says this is relative to me? i call myself a devil for other reasons. I see absolute truth all around me. there's no way to escape it once you've seen it, how can you? its right here, right now. @fridjonk i am not assuming anything lol the truth is right in front of me. There is only absolute truth to me. I can see it clear as day light, they haven't grasped the radicalness of what i'm saying.
  16. @Mu_ Exactly and the only reason you are saying this, is because you do not that absolute truth is everything. the exact same problem as @ilyentened1 its the EXACT same problem with @zeroISinfinity All three of you have not completely awoken yet. The end of stage coral is complete awakening and the end of "enlightenment" stage teal is beyond enlightenment/ post enlightenment as i keep repeating from leo's teachings ... truth = love and as he says, if you don't understand this then you aint completely awake yet you have to understand both sides of the equation to become fully awake. You need to understand what unconditional love is at a stage coral level.
  17. @fridjonk I'm not talking about enlightenment, hence i use the term de-enlightenment. Its completely different. so that video does not apply to what i'm saying. I create distinctions like stage coral, to show that enlightened people who believe in their semi-non duality are incorrect about the nature of god. it's the only way they'll understand or they'll get stuck.
  18. AHAHAAHAHA nope your legit talking to darth vader here. but this is the problem! that is holding you back. I've finally caught you in my trapp!! FORM IS ABSOLUTE TRUTH. there is NOTHING outside of absolute truth. FORM IS ONLY RELATIVE TO THE SEEKER FORM IS NOT RELATIVE TO THE GOD HEAD THIS IS WHY YOU HAVE NOT UNDERSTOOD STAGE CORAL PROPERLY! you speak the words, but the insights have not hit you and embedded into your consciousness. There is no running at stage coral, the resposibility falls upon you. No enlightened master can help you get the insights from god. They can only tell you the insights directly, whether you can work it out yourself and arrange it, in a way insights is bestowed upon you is a different story. STAGE coral takes 3-10 years to complete minimum. its the same reason @fridjonk is questioning stage coral. BECAUSE THE INSIGHTS HAVE NOT FLOODED / EMDEDDED YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS there's no speaking of words from stage coral, up. its a test of your love of god and how much you will suffer for it its no longer about riding your luck. hence stage turquoise people are ignorant about it.
  19. @Mu_ Right , i have no particular issue my issue is that people understand what i'm saying and then make a decision. its like with zeroisinfinity , he rejects what i'm saying. I argue with him because i want him to see where i'm coming from with genuinity and THEN make a decision about what he wants WITH HIS INTENT AS GOD. ENLIGHTENMENT is not the end. it takes a truly selfless person to be on the cusp of what's possible, to move everything forward themselves and those where the masters of the past, however, you guys are masters of the present and therefore its VERY important as the most enlightened people in our generation to make this decision. You actually think that helping people realise the one is more advantageous than reaching the pinnacle of god consciousness, then i think you are wrong. Its more important we push everyone else by being the best of the best. BE an inspiration to others, not a parrot of a paradigm in my opinion.
  20. @fridjonk @Inliytened1 BECAUSE you can't understand the absolute without relativity ahahaaha it needs to be done otherwise, people get trapped and stop looking up. i mean inlytened talks a good game, but he was one of those stuck at stage turquoise and now transitioned to stage coral, after he left his bliss and accepted everything as truth aswell. Now he stops, why? because he thinks it's the end. but what about stage teal? can he lift a flower to rub it against a babies cheek? YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE AND THE ALL THE RELATIVE Accept that you are god and start making distinctions, its perfectly fine... its absolute truth! so "de-enlightenment"/ "stage coral" / "stage teal" are infact true
  21. @fridjonk Lol so what we arguing about, that means you have seen stage coral
  22. @Mu_ Yes mu and i'm saying those paradox's will be solved as you move into stage coral, by contemplating them from inside your godhead, the insights will shower down on you when it is correct, it'll click. That's how to begin making the enlightenment experience deeper. By contemplating about the nature of your own self from inside yourself, this requires you to take responsibility as the sole creator of the universe. You created it and forgot how you created it. So to undo the process you have to understand the nature of yourself. its different to contemplating it as a seperate self and it's different to looking up theory. When you have an insight you won't need to ask anybody is this true. Because the insight you would have gained about consciousness is truth itself!
  23. @fridjonk so you understand what the experience of omniscient consciousness is like? right?
  24. @Mu_ i was being a little bit of a troll there, its energy lol getting enlightened beings to realise their enlightenment is completely true but it can be depended. lets go again, let me create a paradox for you to solve if you are god, where does the intent to improve things/ not do something come from ? you will say it comes from god but you are god, so who's intent is it? who are you is giving the intent to the form of god?
  25. EXCEPT WE MUST TRY , YES WE HAVE PEOPLE WITH DIRECT EXPERIENCES AROUND THE CORNER... YOU ENLIGHTENED BEINGS then we can confirm the stages , see how it works when we are at our limits even as a forum. Survival requires competition, ideology requires competition. You do not understand the nature of competition purely because you are not stage coral. This is why you debate me on this. There is a stage coral, because i've there myself lol. Literally my god consciousness stopped at this stage. i'm telling you exactly what it means metaphysics and insights about the nature of consciousness.. that's what it means use your brain to figure out the nature of EVERYTHING (which is you) and not the nature of NOTHING (which is you)