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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Nahm prince of hell , prince of the bullshitting kingdom going to bring heaven crashing down to earth!
  2. @Inliytened1 LOL bro! you don't understand what consciousness is yet! The very fact I say it, makes it absolutely true. WHO AM I ? I AM GOD LOOOOOL! the ultimate strange loop through infinity for infinity
  3. The now is eternal snapshots of 3d infinity, Meaning the truth of the matter is... 3d infinity is moving through time Time is not an illusion, it is real. Everything AND nothing is truth ITS ALL REAL and its ALL an illusion but this is only possible from god consciousness (non-dual) for it to be both simultaneously true. You can't do it from human consciousness. but it was only the first two lines that were for you, the rest of it was for everyone else reading.
  4. Yes because it's unnecessary to once you understand stage coral lol This whole zen and buddhist tradition as leo says "grinding yourself to nihilism" is ridiculous. That is not the point of life. The point of life is not to become enlightened. The point of life is to live. However you can't do this until after nirvana. after completing stage coral. your non-duality is good but its time to reach full enlightenment. you need to have insights about why everything is the way it is. This comes from contemplating into the nature of everything. Which will take a couple of years, just like it took a couple of years to reach enlightenment. But you need to do this from INSIDE your non-dual state, whenever your in it. You need to understand that everything = truth. just like how you saw in the first place that everything is an illusion. you need to do the reverse process and realise truth = everything and truth is not an illusion , but there is no difference between an illusion and real. Making it neither but you can't have this insight while you are stuck in your non-duality thinking its the end and this is why the quality of your life is suffering because you don't understand why everything is the way it is
  5. @Mu_ No there is a simple fact about this whole forum, if all stage turquoise beings, including winter solider. were to move to stage coral and complete it into stage teal. It would align the whole forum in the correct way. And protect all of us from collective self-deception. That is the truth of why i do this. All the misconception of enlightenment will go away when you non-dual beings change, because you will show everyone else the truth. Still i can not force you, i can only abruptly put the argument of such a possibility right in front of your face. for you to decide what you want all i can say, is it will be more bliss than anything you've ever experienced. Simply put, I'm going to send the self-actualised.org rocket straight into the stratosphere before i leave infinity and that will be my contribution to humanity. I know the truth about absolute infinity because i know the most about absolute infinity lol well probably leo does, but its like i said he doesn't want the title. So i'll gladly take it. my life purpose since the age of 12 -"change the world"
  6. @Mu_ Yes this is exactly what i'm pointing to Aliens are real, in a form of stage turquoise enlightenment there's no way you can interact with them, you'll think of them as an illusion at stage coral, you'll be trying to figure out their nature etc at stage teal, its the start of direct communication, you could telepathically communicate with them. not only that in stage teal, you'll start shifting your consciousness into different dimensions and finding about all sorts of things you can't see in this 3d infinite reality with our visual senses and overall sensories themselves. This is what the third-eye is about. an elevated form of consciousness, but its random. In stage teal you start having control over it the spiral dynamics model will cater for all forms of enlightenment meaning itself that non-duality is the lowest of all enlightenments possible it is the lowest god there is , as it is the first transition from human consciousness to god consciousness. Relatively speaking why? because total non-duality is so total it transcends even itself for over and over again. Which is why relatively the typical buddhist non-duality we know is the lowest form of non-duality itself There is infinitely more to consciousness
  7. @Conrad Thank you! LOOK guys the man understands @Nahm @Inliytened1 Tell him about everything and how to get there! lets bring him to nirvana ahaha!
  8. @Mu_ Lets just say I made a deal with the my devil So I've made my peace with not becoming god for now. Still it does not mean, i do not want you guys to experience the full blown version of god I am well aware of how amazing is and how it will change your life Yes, because i talk about the highest thing i've experienced, not something i'm hypothesising. I'll do the hypothesis when all of you go above stage teal, but how long would that take if you tried? 10 years maybe lol.
  9. @Nahm I agree, what you said is solid. Still, the simple fact lies in the sense that i have no interest in dying and become god. totally non-dual. You know what i mean. The sum of both equations I'd rather just bring everyone else there! and then if i feel like it later on in life, then maybe i will do so. SUCH is the benefits of being 'dualistically young'
  10. @Conrad yes conrad but i want you to get along with your environment more! look at the facts - you lost a friend - you left your girlfriend - now you want to go silent on the forum because you think we don't understand what your saying about being god Bro i'm saying there are consciousness levels not "god-levels" hypothetically .. they are embodiment levels that will actually let you live a better life To me personally this is what it means to be more god than the average god. ITS a relative term i use to show the difference i.e like the difference between an enlightened master and an enlightened person such as yourself
  11. @Serotoninluv your right , i moved the thread. after today, i will never have a non-dual war ever again. But out of interest in a single post can you answer this for me. How do you assume to resolve the inadequacy of information, without having non-dual wars? overall for non-enlightened beings, having non-dual wars is totally neccessary so they don't stay dogmatic to their perspective. Therefore overall for the overall health of the forum it is better to have a non-dual war restriction. However, this is more about enlightenment wars, than non-dual wars. if you think about it lol. none the less, your right in the end. A forum with rules, is a forum with rules
  12. @Serotoninluv Think about it serotonin its not derailing the thread, this is it right here what is the absolute truth. can we know it! i'm saying he doesn't know it ALL. He's saying he knows it so the absolute truth can be understood. Just as a layer before understanding the direct original threadpost itself that its a possibility we may not.
  13. @Conrad Yes bro finally! i've found some leeway room with you and broken through to you 0.00000000001% okay wait a minute, i'm not going to waste this opportunity I'm not going to explain it to you, i'm going to get someone else to. @Nahm @Inliytened1 @Serotoninluv @cetus56 dude okay keep that thought Some i @'d please lol help me out
  14. @Conrad Yes lol dude and i am pointing you to something different than your god. my pointer is telling you that having direct consciousness of god and embodiment of god in (duality) is two different things. First of all , you have to understand what consciousness is by understanding the nature of duality and the nature of non-duality. Currently you understand the nature of non-duality (1/2 of god) you don't understand the nature of duality (other 1/2 of god) AND the reason i know is because if you did... you would not be critising people for treating you, with injustice Why? because you would know that the nature of "injustice" is absolute goodness which you don't. so yeah. your only 1/2 god realised pretty much. Which doesn't make you not god. It just makes you half of god. Which i've been trying to communicate to you for weeks now.
  15. @Key Elements I see, that's very interesting the funny thing is .. it follows my story thats exactly how i arrived at the truth myself. i was always searching for "the best possible life" and someone when i touched enlightenment , it made more sense. This is the vision i had for others, back when i wanted to create schools etc. as i told you. now i have changed plans to just settle down and live a normal life. While engaging with enlightened beings LOVINGLY on the internet of possibilities that are even above what they know.
  16. @Conrad Re-read what i wrote, i didn't say to be silent about it. I said to CREATE A CREATIVE WAY OF SHOWING IT. besides the use of i am god , you are god etc.. create a pointer as i said above, my pointer is not towards consciousness itself, but my pointer is to infinite consciousness + infinite imagination. The pointer to the fact there is things to do, even if you are aware of what consciousness is or are not lol. pointer to the duality of non -duality but this post, doesn't take away from what i said before you are not aware of the full magnitude of god, you are only aware of about 55-65% of it
  17. @Conrad yes many people have not understood what consciousness is and is therefore stuck in debates about what it is .saying you are god and refering to yourself will not help the situation for either yourself or them P.s edit: this also includes you for you to say there are others who don't know what god is is your own imagination fooling you into thinking you know what god is and they don't lol ideally if you knew what it was, you'd be trying to formulate a way to show it to others. I.e my way is moving people up the spiral--- even though consciousness is the spiral itself . Its a funny one
  18. @Key Elements lol yeah debating is long, still i'm deciding if i did a good deed. information is important. Hence you didn't know about the inner spiritual path. interesting,thats cool. i look forward to hearing about your method
  19. @Inliytened1 Yeah your right, its been 3 weeks and i've only managed to get 3 to change their views! i feel like its time to retire. i made my sales Time to kick it back and watch
  20. @fridjonk well i try not to disappoint as the best-est ever
  21. The point of life is to create your own reality. your true nature is infinite consciousness you have limited access to its full potential, still you have the free will to decide what you do with it and what sort of reality you want to create for yourself. if you want to create god, create god if you want to create artwork, create artwork if you want to create a online shopping basket full of your favourite clothes, create that what ever you create, is fine. However, bare in mind, the twist is to align yourself with god itself [what ever that may be for you] the totality of it is total, you are imagining all of this and so the devilry inside of you is to not accept that fact that you are god. but if you do choose a life of devilry, you will get a life of devilry such is the point of infinite creation. once you realise you are all one consciousness what is there left to judge?
  22. @Key Elements What you say is true, but don't you think your underestimating the power of an idea ? the ah-ha moments always start with an idea and that's why its important to convince people. It itself is survival. the difference between insights and beliefs is clear by day. That's how you can tell how embodied someone is and where they are on the spiral dynamics model out of interest, what is your process? my process has now turned into "i don't know anything" and i'm aware
  23. @inFlow he's being literal lol. its not enlightenment per say that ends karma, its imagination that does.
  24. @RendHeaven providing critique is what i do best, because i am never wrong more consciousness, more love! better forum
  25. it looks like just with zeroisinfinity, we have reached the conclusion of our debate aswell. This is exactly the relative point i am trying to make with spiral dynamics. the truth is embodiment is different and that is what i was mapping onto the spiral, TO ILLUSTRATE. that whatever you think is the highest god. Is in fact, not the highest god yet. My point about tracking up the spiral pathway to more consciousness (theoretically) will deepen your embodiment as god and therefore you will be able to do more god-like things. the only way to demonstrate it in practice is for me to say there are simply more enlightened beings than the level you are currently at. It's simply the truth that someone must accept if they decide to continue on the spiritual pathway. Yeah this is the highest stages of coral and the beginning of stage teal. This is what an enlightened being with true embodiment will be able to emit. Its the start of super powers basically