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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Truth Addict assumptions about the what reality is based on what reality is not. If you were enlightened you will see through all illusions and so it’s the same as there being no illusions “created” also there is no created illusion really. There isn’t a creation process. Reality is direct imagination. That’s why our beliefs become our reality of illusions that we’ve built for ourselves about us thinking we know what reality is. Whenever you have a question about creation. The highest answer anyone can give is that it’s DIRECT a way to understand this is. If god wanted to create a universe with trillions on trillions of Planets it wouldn’t be done in steps. First create space, then create light and then create particles. No this is not how it’s done. This is an analogy remember so don’t go thinking god has hands lol. But to put it simple he’s so powerful he would click his fingers and a microsecond after the finger has snapped he could bring into existence trillions on trillions of universes with all the things that are in it like planet earth, myself and you. That is the power of god. This is how small of a portion our imagination is compared to true being. We have to imagine one thing at a time to even imagine the one thing we are imagining in our heads. God is imagining all of existence at once all in its god mind. The creation process can therefore be said to be pure imagination because imagination is direct. Like if I asked you to imagine 100 dollars you already have a picture of a 100 dollars in your mind. That’s the exact equivalence of god imagining the whole of existence. And this process is going on for infinity, god is constantly creating/ imagining new possibilities within absolute infinity. So while we are thinking of 100 dollar bills, he’s dreaming/ imagining/ creating everything you see inside absolute infinity so if your imagining the world is material via your assumption of reality being material. Then that’s exactly what you’ll get a reality where your paradigm is materialistic and there is no god. Just physical objects
  2. I’ve realised. the forum seems to be in perfect harmony. the recognition of a stage coral, is supporting stage turquoise with more accurate knowledge, by limiting the amount of existential questions people have, which then makes pursuing enlightenment and non-duality faster. That’s if they aren’t into truth and want to end suffering The destruction of mind through various teachings is essentially what enlightenment is. Therefore showing the commonalities in each respective degrees will balance everything out. Coral is important because it makes you realise how spirituality relates to daily life within consciousness. It is both contemplative work and spiritual practices that must be done together. Otherwise it’s harder to navigate just generally around daily life and even the enlightenment field where people are using different meanings behind words, which you don’t know how they derived. Stage turquoise and spirituality is important for direct experience. Stage coral is important for helping you understand the illusions themselves. Through nothing other than: NUANCE the point of seeing a single thing from different perspectives. UNTIL your egoic perspective of that thing I.e hate, war, questions about politics, etc .. are rooted out. Leaving your mind quite. This is not something that is counter to spirituality rather an add on benefit. If one tries to understand systems thinking. The quite mind will open yourself up to awakenings and the seeing behind the veil of illusions by direct insights through stage coral will also give you awakenings. Meaning a serious practioner of both could possibly wake up 2-3x as fast. We could find tailor specific solutions towards people I.e you might actually like to think, so it’s better to contemplate. You might like to do self-inquiry then. Or if you just simple like the feel of meditation and you enjoy doing it then you continue with that practice . What I’m trying to say is. It opens out options. Picking a practice you like is , in my opinion 30% of the work. It makes you more curious about finding the true self. Think of it like hide and seek. If your playing hide and seek in a maze you’ll get frustrated. Now imagine you had x-ray/ infra red goggles and you could make out roughly where the person is hiding. But your in a a maze so you have to tactically map a route towards the goal of catching that person. That’s what picking your favourite practice is like, it’s removing the obstacles in your mind, not the fastest way, not the easiest way, because these are subjective. But the funnest way! Like sometimes I used to sit down and do meditation for like 20 minutes. Knowing enlightenment could come at any second. So the intent was to find the true self that was hiding. Overall I had a lot of fun cornering it or unveiling my own beliefs about what it is. You know enlightenment should be interesting, your finding the secret to the whole universe here! The very thing that is the whole universe. Like the overall aim as a master here is to make it fun. Fun breeds curiosity and interest. That feeling of fun and sense of aliveness when your like yeah this is something I can get into and do quite a lot of. If your doing practices, I really want you to think about it. Are you having fun ? Are you having fun learning and studying about spirituality. Is it actually interesting. Like I said the potential of synergy between stage coral and stage turquoise could improve seekers hunts for truth and everyone’s knowledge in general via an echo chamber effect. By my calculations it’ll supercharge awakening exponentially as a community cascade effect. Demonising would reduce, clarity would increase, systems will be built, metaknowledge challenges and overall all round good debates with insights. Call it my parting gift for when I have the balls to go through an ego death and become selfish again! So I can survive in materialism and become rich.
  3. @pluto this is for someone who wishes to be quite about truth and just lives a normal life. What do you make of it?
  4. @Truth Addict let me tell you abit about how language works. I L L U S I O N do you recognise that what your seeing is letters on a screen. If your telling me that you see the what your seeing is “the word illusion” this is a metaphysical reference or the beginning of attaching meaning to SYMBOLS in the form of “letters” and “words”. The illusion is all meaning and connotations attached to the “symbol” because the truth is, it’s a symbol on a screen. The truth of the matter is your belief that you see the word illusion, is in itself an illusion itself. Now applies this to every word you know. Is there actually a “word” or are you making it up that there is “a word with a meaning” instead of just a symbol. The non-dual terminology for an illusion is: something you think is real, but is actually not in truth... it is an illusion. This is what is meant by actuality A nuanced approach would be: illusion is part of a system of designed needed to split a single thing into two parts. Thus creating a distinctions of two parts. To question is the illusion an illusion. Would be asking the question is the part in ACTUALITY ... ONE OR TWO the answer would be if an illusion is an illusion itself, then having two meanings of the same words. Cancels it out. Because you can only ever attach one meaning, unless you are able to juggle loads of different meanings attached in different context. Therefore the illusion itself IS actually an illusion. As a result the following statement can be made true. It is both one and two, they are indistinguishable. Therefore there is no such thing as an illusion. After you have realised that everything is an illusion. Breaking down the duality between illusion and real when you do the exact same process for the word real. Basically you will discover in the end that all words are illusory and therefore can not give you truth. However, this is actually relieving because you understand you can’t use mind to grasp truth or actuality. This is the purpose of the word non-duality. It means mind can not grasp is because the meaning and belief behind mind is not seperate to truth. It is inside of truth. But it’s mind is a very complex thing which people don’t understand. It’s not the human that has a mind. It’s mind is of god. So tailoring the mind to god ultimately is what will break down the mind to its correct form of understanding truth
  5. @SOUL I can’t sustain the lifestyle things have to go full circle ⭕️ and I have to go back to selfishness if I’m to survive. Which ultimately leads to Change in thought process and in turn no valid insights worth suggesting on the forum.
  6. 1 2 3 all is one - You (non duality) all is none - god (enlightenment) all is three - neither and all (Trinity) all is two - either and or (duality) all is none = (all is one + all is two) = all is three in this equation all equals none = all equal one = all equals two = all equals three The collapse of trinity or the absolute truth is any of the following all is none = (all is one + all is two) = all is three 3 = 3 = 3 (because 0 is the same as saying all three or none is identical to all ) The absolute truth is indistinguishable. All is absolute truth. Concluding that total absolute truth is outside of absolute truth itself. absolute truth can not be distinguished from inside the trinity. We can only conclude the highest truths: Which is: all is none - enlightenment (enlightened nothing) all is one + all is two = enlightenment version 2 (enlightened non-duality + duality- conscious experiential beings) all is three = enlightenment version 3 ( enlightened nothing = something ) All different but equally the only highest truths possible ever This takes into account everyone on the forum, without ANY exception. This is statement is true for all of us regardless of any state of consciousness or non consciousness state or degree of enlightenment vs not enlightenment, all duality , all non-duality and all enlightenment. To collapse it in real time- we have to do nothing. its already collapsed and is what is. no amount of choices we make will change the outcome and no amount of anything we do will change anything. if someone understands what i wrote here, then actualised.org forum will increase efficiency by almost 300% or more tbh
  7. @Truthority Where did you learn that you learnt it from a teacher. Don’t think you can do everything yourself. Even the teacher had to teach you how to go inside. Quoting non-duality is Not helpful sometimes to others. Still I appreciate the thought
  8. What I’m doing is religion done in a conscious way. Where I know what I’m saying is devilry. But from my younger ages, I was myself skeptical of religion. So I have animosity to the process of religion. Which is why I don’t like playing this role of the preacher with self - validating claims. But I’m saying I’ve already the self - validating process and I’m telling all of you. It’s impossible. Nothing can be said about it. So we just give it a name. “The true god particle” dont make me get religious please lol with saying stuff like How do you know ? and me replying with because god himself told me where is this god ? Points at the sky, you see absolute infinity my friend, he’s living as absolute infinity itself unconditionally loving to all that claims habitants in it. With ultimate free will. He is indescribable By any measures except by understanding it is being itself, which is playing out every possibility “inside-outside duality collapse” of absolute infinity. He is us, but we are not him. BUT this does not mean that we are not god. We are god, just an extension. We are all limited versions of him. With limitations placed everywhere to design absolute infinity itself. Which will be exceeded constantly. Expanding to infinity forever for eternity. Pssst such stage blue stuff, it’s not even pointing to anything of “truth”. Such devilry more Fantasises and ideas the irony, delusional for faith, it’s most certainly pushing my limitations of the ego to the brink. Going full circle from skeptic to believer. I’m resisting the death because a preacher is nothing like talking about absolute truth which is “truth”. So much I would sacrifice everything and take a vow of silence to just nor do it. In all honesty. Absolute infinity is a bitch for choosing to design absolute infinity like this. Similarly it’s a beautiful design. Existence itself is quite beautiful. But we have to stay humble, because even though we are it. It’s magnitide of power , love truly knows no bound well this is probably stage red/purple. It just sounds like stage blue (lack of a better term of understanding) trade 40 years of my life for anything but the absolute truth ? I don’t think so. I NEEED TO SEE THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH FOR MYSELF, So it wasn’t optional whether to give in to faith/ belief or not♟. No-one is going to stop me and trap me in falsehood. It’s like I said, the chances of me being wrong about absolute infinity is infinitesimal. Due to the nature of it being unprovable. You truly can’t account for that which you can not prove. EXCEPT when talking about god. Because the infinitesimal section is skepticism. Therefore all beliefs must hold some truth in it, but can only be placed together relatively. So yeah, the delusional then goes full circle and becomes, yep you guessed it. It becomes totally sane. And why is this the case, because the justification and assumptions on which this is predicated is indeed only relative to an absolute standard. So it’s just part of the process folks. Btw this is more a statement for everyone to understand my position as opposed to a direct reply to the post above. But it’s because I know that my own justifications don’t cut it. That I don’t like saying it. So yeah I guess my work with the forum is done. Just go back to learning to become rich through self - actualisation work and Leo’s in-depth insights on how to become rich
  9. @WelcometoReality nah it’s not about being contained in. It’s just the same concept as how the concept and belief over everything and nothing are contained within “that which can not be named” ... the same with enlightenment it’s contained within and therefore that’s how it’s indistinguishable from nothing and everything. Because the trinity itself can not be collapsed completely. All enlightenments are “attempts” to collapse the trinity. Meaning theoretically the trinity in it’s written form is the highest truth of god. And any non duality in its written form is the highest truth. Similarly any perspectives and paradigms are the highest truths. We just create our own reality about which “sorting hat” most fits us based on your “sorting hat” beliefs. Absolute relativity. (2nd degree absolute truth) The only thing that is absolute truth is you are god. (Only absolute truth) “that which can not be pointed to/ that which is not provable” anyway its only a belief so I mean you don’t have to take it on faith. But it’s the only way to take it. And then basically from there decide what you want for your life guiding through all the relativity , with aiming to go for which ever highest truth you want. Which ever way you want to relieve “suffering”
  10. Anyways, it’s like I said. It’s just what it is. I compromised myself with faith. There’s no turning back now. So preaching isn’t my thing without self- validating information. As a personal preference. I’m already getting tired of it. Atleast enlightenment was empirical. Just depends how long this ego death will take to go back to unconsciousness/ to what degree. I mean it’s all unconditional love , right. Ahah
  11. @Inliytened1 yeah lol I wasn’t talking about that god. LOOL! But yeah I agree. To be honest even saying it is aware is too much. Any word is too much about it Lool!
  12. @Inliytened1 yes that is true. But this requires everyone to admit their position is relative. So we can but everything in hierarchical order. You can’t expect people to grasp a believe in something that isn’t provable. So the best thing is to create highest truths to let people choose and just link it all to “enlightenment” which is what happens. We just haven’t created “equal and different” distinctions inside of enlightenment. Which will then get deluded in the future until someone resolves the trinity. It’s a repeating process
  13. @Inliytened1 yes it’s all within absolute infinity, void, etc. I get it, I already know the truth. It’s just think about it. Let this sink in. If we are allowed to create our own realities entirely through unconditional love. Then there’s nothing that is absolute. This is so counter-intuitive, but the reason why self - deception is prevalent IS BECAUSE it’s unconditionally loving. you HAVE to accept everything as relative without exception! Which makes psychadelics insights MORE true than enlightenment. That’s how counter- intuitive this is. Psychadelics is the infinite path. Infinite then goes full circle and becomes static. Contemplation is an infinite pathway. They are infinite that’s why they are the highest truths for the “god of consciousness” it’s like I said you have to pick one because we need to ground somewhere in nowhere or we can’t function . I’m just being fair for now and saying it’s all highest truth. But it’s all relative. It’s like I said things are always made true via a concensus vote because that’s the only way. So it should like i said I’m too immature and under educated to make it happen. I’m just going to have to go another ego death and go to full selfishness and probably take a vow of silence. It’s devilry itself because it’s unprovable. So yeah it is what it is. I corrupted my own position by wanting to know the highest position possible.
  14. @zeroISinfinity my worst fear is a fear that can’t be gotten rid of, not able to become the full truth. That’s the result of being in a limited finite body. But it is what it is. Psychadelics seem to get you a taste and that’s just the best we have to go with I guess .
  15. Yes and this is where the trinity part and belief in god comes in. The same goes for enlightenment when talking about the god beyond enlightenment. Which itself confirms that there is no difference in distinction between consciousness being an partial illusion and “that which can’t be explained” also a partial illusion. Making any distinction about the whole of reality in any form a partial truth and all equally as highest truth beings as each other. It’s an infinite cycle between all things that are absolutely relatively equal. so yeah this all makes sense. It’s like I said it can only be grasped relatively equivalent from a position of ego. To know the ego is god (you are enlightened god) , but god is not enlightenment. Unprovable by direct experience and knowledge. However knowledge and belief is the only way to trust it. It makes any claims we make about free will/ non free will. Individual not dualities and a product of our own creation by an authority figure because that’s how self - deceptive it is. We can’t do anything to escape only having highest partial truths . Nonetheless, you are right consciousness does not exist in enlightenment terms
  16. @WelcometoReality yeah the catch-22 is that it’s given to you without your permission. So you have to drop your knowledge structure. So what I’m saying is residing in consciousness is infact the same as abiding in truth because it’s all one and you need that for the development of consciousness because it goes on for infinity. Living a good life is the same as the end of suffering when it’s done consciously to a high degree
  17. @Inliytened1 yes this is why I call them “enlightenment” but it doesn’t excuse that fact about why there is confusion. Its quite easy for me to tell that, all the words pertaining to “that which can not be explained” point exactly to the Same thing. This means there is actually no difference between using the word nothing and consciousness. Agree ? So what I’m saying is that the realisation of absolute infinity itself, leads to the truth. I’m saying there’s no need for people to say that figuring out how consciousness works, will not get you there. Because it is exactly that very Practice (contemplation aka using mind ) that can get you there. And I’m saying it’s the recognition that it’s beyond the trinity. Which is the final pointer that makes sense. It’s beyond all types of enlightened beings, who individually take a single teaching as their baseline. Especially when it all leads to the same place. Except with contemplation this time. I’m saying with enough contemplation it will happen. Well contemplation of Leo’s work kind of. It’s nothing a person can do by themselves, like he did probably. There was too many variables which i wouldn’t have able to figure out, it would have taken me like 80 years probably. What im saying is understanding truth consciousness and love can get you enlightened. Using contemplation. Not self inquiry, not spiritual practices. But by using psychadelics ALONGSIDE contemplation. OR without psychadelics Contemplation + directly changing your reality contemlation is not using your human mind. Contemplation is looking into gods mind via use of the god particle What im saying ultimately is: reverse engineering consciousness the misunderstood word correctly into its correct pointer. With all enlightened beings here agreeing to my claims about this trinity above. Will basically solve all issues in my calculations. Edit: which I now realised is not what I was trying to get at initially, and was at the same time. So I’ll take this as it leads to the same result, even if it’s not what I’m talking about.
  18. interesting this is what I say enlightened something + nothing is. Like I can look around, even though it may be an illusion. It is like you said if I were to think of it like that. However it is actually no more truthful than saying everything is an illusion except nothing which is NOT an illusion. Traditional zen ,Buddhist, advita ways of looking at it what do you make of what I’ve said
  19. @Aakash lol yeah maybe I interpreted it wrong. It’s as you said the I was seperate when it shouldn’t be travelling down that path. I was just joking about the secrets, I didn’t mean it literally and the answer to the riddle to confirm is being. LOOOOOOL think about how funny it is if you didn’t get that answer. The answer is the person would be reiki ? which was reference to the seperate I Possibility to be “being” funny riddle when you realise the truth in it. “I am magic” see im as smart as they make em in the factory farms done in public schools.
  20. @Aeris yeah the word illusion, means “masked over” what’s true. So to say something is the “base” when it is not. Is the meaning of illusion in this context. Real and not real are dualities, which your mind puts over this base. To describe this base. So it is not the base itself. The base is the base. The statements about the base like illusion, real are descriptions about the base, but they aren’t the base itself. @WelcometoReality Yeah there isn’t but this basically just destroys my whole knowledge structure because then it’s inconsistent. God is a mystery. So to even suggest how it works is not it. But the same isn’t for consciousness, because (well for me) it can be said about it because it can be something across varying degrees. However “nothing” can’t come in varying degrees. Like how can you build a knowledge structure around something that can’t be talked about. You would have to define it against something that can change thats if you agree to the say that consciousness is contained inside of nothing
  21. Wow I must admit, beliefs are a huge disease. Like so much unnecessary suffering when you realise it’s all an illusion.
  22. @Preetom looool yeah I can see the problem this poses now. It would be obvious to say it is a human who thinks there is consciousness and is making rules in consciousness. It is indeed thought stories and Maya Still even though this is true what is happening. It is not about ignorance or anything like that. Simply what I said myself is taken on belief, and can’t be proven. What I state is: that even this is still happening inside of god. So to conclude that everything is an illusion is the highest truth, to consider it is something aswell is the highest truth, to say it is consciousness is the highest truth. Because all of this happens within. There is no access to it, because you cannot be it. By direct experience or other so my point still stands enlightenment albeit the highest true. Does not mean we reject consciousness OR everything. What I’m saying is, it is a belief, not something that can be known from inside of it. Which all of us are as finite self. Whether that is enlightened or not. I know it sounds like I’m talking about enlightenment, but it’s unknowable. So for us to define consciousness against nothing is an incorrect statement. They are exactly the same but you can’t be both. Because they are exactly as relative as each other. Giving it possible to be highest levels of consciousness to be taken as the highest truth but you can only pick one infact me being enlightened makes it even worse! Because It strengthens the belief. However, It’s a road block, many won’t take it on belief. It’s a predicament, still it seems I must go silent. I can’t speak with full conviction with words of enlightenment and then I can speak with full conviction about consciousness. But it seems counter- productive. It would be like a madman talking even though it’s true beyond provable. To bark or not to bark, that is the question. Still its an impossibility to split it up. So I’ll leave it. But if I’m going to be honest. I’d rather be in consciousness than enlightenment. Well because I believe it. So I guess it is what it is. Ahaha I’m actually upset to leave the bliss and peace behind ?. I guess I won’t argue with you guys but I’ll just raise the “consciousness” of others. Funny joke: “consciousness”
  23. Man even the whole process is made up LOL! Man that is so funny. There is no process to get here. Like it was always here regardless of the process. Indeed very funny.
  24. There’s nothing to do besides abide in the “silence” it seems. It’s like we all just pick one word to ground ourselves into a “reality” and then poof once that word goes lol. LOL WHATS LEFT more words! Ahaha to describe the thing that can’t be described. Quite funny actually. Its void, no it’s buddha, no it’s consciousness, no it’s awakening, no it’s stage turquoise, no it’s jesus, no it’s a black, no it’s nothing. No it’s love. Well this has put a spanner in the works for now.