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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @mandyjw pssst, psssssssssst , psssssssssssssst PSSSSSSSSSSST i never hear you say that about me
  2. @SerpaeTetra this is a said with spite. You should look into your own self before putting that spite on people on a forum. I would understand if you knew a person for a while and had maybe a personal inbox conversation. But you basically accused him for no reason. Im just pointing out a fact, nothing more
  3. @Anna1 LOL I hadn’t even finished what I was saying. So if you agree consciousness is your true nature and you are able to love your parents. By default of cutting out the middle man (your ego) then consciousness is the one loving. Now if consciousness is only a pointer, it’s a word- pointing to something. Then what is it pointing to ? The answer is love not consciousness. Consciousness is pointing to love. But this is metaphysically impossible for your mind to handle because you’ve defined these two terms serprrately. So we have to say consciousness is consciousness and love is love for the time being ergo the reason you guys like consciousness explaining things more than love.
  4. @Joseph Maynor that’s literally it, the effects of your American dream which allowed you to prosper Ohh so many years ago. Look how deeply it’s ingrained into you, without you knowing. What you said is 100% true in your given environment. “That’s just how it is” and I’m saying yeah that’s why “it’s just how it is”
  5. Healthcare is the least benefit to America economy. You would not be able to keep up the “American dream” without the fear of expensive healthcare. You guys really underestimate how the rest of the world views America. There are people in India that are told to travel to the land of the rich to settle down and make money. It’s obvious that you guys aren’t aware of it consciously. But America is the land of the free, the ranches, the cattle’s, the food, this has just transformed to business in the modern day metaphor. Its based on material wealth. This is why China will overtake you. The American dream is embedded too into your culture that your trying to protect. The health care is the least of your priority. Do you know why China will overtake you, they’re spiritually more advanced than yourself because of their culture. Once their authoritarian phase is over. There’s no stopping them. The ying yang will destroy America theoretically. America is scared, ain’t got no time for health care improvements. If you guys want to know the hard truth of business. Business prospers in densely populated countries. China is nowhere hit its peaked and America has. China are already ahead of turquoise stage principals. So it’s inevitable the American dream will try to fight back. THATS DENSELY POPULATED POOR COUNTRIES. gold minds on gold mines of money to make. Because you influence the culture itself. That’s exactly what happened in America
  6. @Mikael89 do you love your parents or any family relative / friend ?
  7. Do you know how useless it is to be on death row for society. Their lives would be best served elsewhere, rather than having ignorant people demonize them and use them as an example of falsified justice to uphold the absolutely relative social moralities. Thats literally how psychopaths get portrayed. “Ohh if we let these guys out of jail, we don’t know what they might do to us” us vs them mentality, us same normal humans vs them creepy went-to-jail, no longer pure humans do you know the greatest siddhi, photographic memory. Guess who tends to normally have them and abnormal IQ. Psychopaths. ? do you know how much visualisation it takes to commit a psychopathic murder. The number of fail/safety mechanisms you have to create. LOL, the would be experts systems thinkers for society.
  8. @zeroISinfinity LOOOOL SO FUCKING SIMPLE. ? if only everyone caught onto the wave right ?
  9. An ego has no remorse, consciousness has to turn itself inwards. A directed attempt will not work. So embodiment and being must be the highest priority and silence is the greatest teacher. Took me long enough to work out. That it’s silence outside of truth telling itself. You must tell the truth and let silence follow. That is all we can ever do Its not about egging on what should or should not be done. It’s letting silence work it’s magic, whilst you continue to tell your own truth everyday. The devils greatest problem is the need to say the devil was correct. It’s not because it may or may not be wrong. It’s because it’s counter productive in the grand scheme of things. Meaning that silence is the best long term teacher. Because it’s in silence we find ourselves. ? learn something new everyday. And in a way, I found my own answer to why not to be so erratic and boisterous about truth telling. Consciousness plays the long game, whilst the devil only plays for now. Much to think about over the next couple of years. Much learnt about what it takes to be a good teacher. Much appreciated everyone.
  10. @Angelite devilry , the consistent reoccurrence across all problems. Devilry , fear, judgment is the opposite of god, love ,understanding and truth. When a person shows love, do you have a problem ? No, when a person isn’t showing love, do you have a problem ? Yes but what is love by your own defined terms? The million dollar question. Watch Leo’s video - love for the advanced it’s what ever the person tries to defend with their devilry. So if love = devilry and devilry = hate and judgement. How do we solve this ? We expand the “love” the devil has a capacity for to include more people. This will have a snow ball effect and when peoples circle of concern expands to a universal love = all = truth = understanding= No unconscious devilry solving the root issue.
  11. @zeroISinfinity love you too man! Thanks
  12. @Angelite I’ve done what I needed to do so; I’ll reply to you like this. Beheading and any form of violence is wrong, anyone who is conscious can see its not okay to harm another person. But we need to find ways to help them and the systemic route issues that are occurring daily, causing the same events to occur, over and over again. As the main problem isn’t being addressed. Imagine a flower, if someone horrible wanted to kill it with a pair of scissors. Cutting the individual leaves would not do it instantly. This is how we’re currently addressing systemic problems with each individual debate about it addressing the leaves. The real way to kill the plant is to separate the leafs from the roots by cutting the stem. This is one way of dealing damage, however, what’s to say the plant cells in the stem will regenerate and keep the plant still “alive” to grow back later. The real way to kill the plant is to upheave it from the roots. Pull the whole thing out and discard it. That’s the ideal way. Thats how we should tackle systemic root issues. Which requires consciousness , love, truth and understanding.
  13. Somehow I have the confidence to fully surrender now. I mean o was so worried about having to constantly fight people to change their minds about positions. However, I’ve now even placed myself outside of that. My most valuable lesson ever learnt for when I start up my company which will be a plaque to low consciousness. LET THE SYSTEMS DO THE TALKING. let actions be wise and tongue pierced sharply for truth. Life is about experiencing life! The true life ?
  14. When I was in Kentucky I walked into Walmart and they were selling guns there. That’s not even funny, I was shell shocked. You would not see that anywhere in European countries. You don’t understand how dumbfound I was that this was even possible.
  15. @Mikael89 they are talking about ego in all its form. Can’t argue against the text, so you win this one. I was just talking as a metaphor, A child is like being in the present moment but happy as an adult. But they actually really enjoy what they’re doing, find passion and joy in it.
  16. @Natasha yes it doesn’t contradict anything to do with normal life. Child spirit and adult life are mutually exclusive . But currently adult life is exclusively independent
  17. @XYZ yes which is why all it comes down to minimising everything. As a conscious being you understand dualities exist in any ratio besides 100:0 or 0:100. This is an impossibility. But when your transcended the fact you keep your body healthy is not because you need it to survive. You also realise it is also part of the whole of reality. Therefore you take care of it or use it in a productive way to serve. This brings you to absolute selflessness for the first time and complete ego death. You see awareness isn’t located in the body. But you can only identify with awareness after you have realised what’s it is. (Not your personal awareness) but the moment your personal awarensss merges or is seen as an illusion. And all that resides is pure awareness/ consciousness that exists everywhere. Once you are this, then there is no need for you to actually a) participate in reality ever again (no self) b) participate in the changing of reality itself. The option is yours, surrender self for autonomy. Otherwise you are surrendering self for option C c) serving world or take option D d) don’t completely eradicate ego and be present at the same time. Either way all are “enlightenment” in these states, they will all react differently to any given situation. Therefore we can’t even talk about enlightened beings because we now need a metalanguage to apply to their specific needs. So from a human vantage point (you) there’s no point questioning what an enlightened being would do . Still it is helpful ... so it’s as I’ve said MAJORITY of enlightened beings tend to do A OR B, demonise D or they themselves are unaware they are D. In all these cases apart from D, technically survival has been taken care of because it’s no longer identified with. But it’s not quite as realistically taken care of as people will presume about enlightened people. The ideal in my opinion is option C and that is what I described in the first place
  18. @Mikael89 fine I’ll redefine again. A human child is different to a childish god. It’ is not the baby we look at and say those things about it. You don’t look at a 2 year old and say that. You say he’s/ she’s got great spirit, great childish spirit. That is what I’m talkimg about. The ability to create, be imaginative, sleep when needed, learn new things, try new things. It’s the eyes of a baby when your looking at the world for the first time, when it’s unknown to you. That’s what Pluto probably mean when he showcased the video. That’s what I’m agreeing with
  19. @XYZ unfortunately yes they can. Once a persons needs are completely met, which is what enlightenment is about. Then what is there to do besides love the people that are beheading you. You don’t fear death because your eternal, but only when you realise.
  20. @DrewNows yes we can. Nothing personal intended was just doing the same aswell.
  21. @Mikael89 sorry, that was my fault. I didn’t write it correctly my point- just be like a free child in life, what ever that means for their life. I call it free-spiriting. That’s what I told my ex. Also that was a very funny meme ahahah
  22. @pluto that girl even if she is a free child, is what everyone should be like. So I understand where your coming from. This is the point I try to advocate to the people around me. @DrewNows Natasha has my +1 vote on how she looks at the situation
  23. @zeroISinfinity @DrewNows Ahah think what you like, I’ll pass on becoming god. It’s not favourable to my current lifestyle lol. Rather go down in history as a business man, rather than god ??‍♂️. I am already enlightened like the rest of you lol, it’s like I keep saying you guys don’t know the depths of it. Full ego destruction is full ego destruction without self left to say no to sharing love to anyone and anything.
  24. @zeroISinfinity @DrewNows Listen fuck that LOL, I’m not actualising god. I’m going to do something incredibly helpful. ? I’m already happy doing 1/100th of the Change that’s possible from the position from a devil. ?? this is where you guys are just meant to say: it’s all of the mind. There’s no need to help people ?