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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Yog lol sounds like a cry for help which he is actually giving you a better chance of getting by “staying in the cave”
  2. @zeroISinfinity it’s like I said bro, you haven’t actually become conscious of your own mind. It’s subtle .... it would best phrase it like we’re here for you just not for you.
  3. @Nahm that’s not going to work ??‍♂️
  4. Basically it’s how sadhguru is advance, he knows. He is absolute infinity naturally just like Jesus was. It’s from inside the fractal out. See I’m only able to future sight because of knowledge. But it doesn’t explain his knowledge!!!! LOL basically Yeah you haven’t actualised god. You actualised a human, but you haven’t actualised a god. Basically, there’s no point me telling you the absolute truth in its entire complexity. It will be counter productive to your own lives. I guess curiosity really does trump fear. Thank you ?
  5. @zeroISinfinity ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️ Ive lost cognisance lol. Full circle ⭕️ means going full circle because of absolute free will. You can’t escape dualities. Transcendence only has a defined term relative to no transcendence which is the dualistic nature of words. Enlightenment vs no enlightenment infinite love vs not infinite love black hole vs not black hole possible vs not possible colour vs not colour you haven’t actually become conscious of your own mind. The reason you haven’t moved forward is because you don’t realise your actualising god over physical reality with your awareness and drawing bridges into possibilities.
  6. @tatsumaru their omnisciency was at a lower complexity than ours. In other word. God at that time could more easily congnise itself than it did now. Due to the complexity exceeding the belief in god. Stage orange and stage green and yellow all done believe in god. But purple, red and blue would have at that time. So in its easiest sense to answer: as nitzchze said we’ve killed god which was part of the cycle anyway. “Why” is not only a cognisant questioning as verbal as it is nowadays. You ask why with your being and they asked why with their awareness and must have come to the answer. By entering deep meditation with their awareness. But they wouldn’t have gotten rid of their ego or human -ness until buddha came along and that’s why he played a significant part. But I’m not sure about the timeline BC. This is only speculation back in time.
  7. @zeroISinfinity fine I get it now, my future is too powerful to implement now. Makes sense why would something that’s 1500+ years away useful now. I’ll love you for how you are then. It still doesn’t excuse your behaviour in my books. Being infinite love, is the same thing as being myself. Just not on a limited scale for now. I guess what is considered ego in this era, is not considered what is ego in the next. Hence I still think you have an ego. It is what it is I guess. your mind hasn’t cognised your own enlightenment. Even in enlightenment, free will exists. But this gets recontextualise in the future. I’m hyperconflating beings in the future with you. Thinking it’s common sense to understand the things that I understand when enlightenment becomes the norm, it’s forgotten about. Everyone has full understanding as much as possible there.
  8. For anyone in doubt, I’ve future sighted my own version of the future and it coincides with Leo’s suggestions and they are indeed inevitable. ??‍♂️ if you think that’s great, you ain’t see nothing yet. ? the future will surely be a great place! Let’s do what we can now to make it even better!
  9. @Truthority lol your seriously unenlightened ? the more I realised enlightened beings calling themselves enlightened are actually unenlightened on this forum is actually hilarious. My scope of enlightened people has gone from 40 to now 6/7 active members lol. Which doesn’t include myself. The devils have corrupt their own enligntenrmnt via unconditional love and self -deception. ? it truly is a sight to behold lol. The irony being because it believes it is now enlightened. LOL but trying to brush it off as there is no enlightenment.
  10. @Aeris LLOL i wrote this in the wrong section aahaha! major fucks! using phones and forum is confusing! someone move this to meditation,consciousness! please
  11. @wk197 it's like i said, the reason people who are enlightened can't cognasize their MIND to balance their experience with functioning logic and knowledge is because they don't understand that enlightenment ITSELF is STILL a DIRECT EXPERIENCE! what psychadelics do is DIRECTLY put you into god consciousness, because you lose your reference point of being a human at HIGHER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS what happens though is if your materialistic, then your pass off the DIRECT experience of enlightenment as a hallucination or "not it" to get over this you have to get out of the materliastic paradigm and even be enlightened itself to understand this So psychadelics basically re-structure your mind itself and this causes healing to your existential identity. so yes it can heal you and yes it can directly enlighten you
  12. Your going through ego backlash so i suggest you do that too. its only strengthening your ego, which is counter-productive to your own path.. silence is the teacher
  13. Many teachers unconsciously work like this. “Trial by death” a teacher is never looking for a needy person those are the worst student. He’s looking for passion. Let’s say 1/2 way through my journey, Leo asked me to up and move to America to access his YouTube accounts and teachings. Would I be willing to go ? This is what a trail by death is. To show you would. However the truth is that teachers are busy themselves so most will not have time for you. Which makes trail by death even more important. You have to persuade them that it’s worth sacrificing your whole life for. That’s mutual respect for the sacrifice they made to reach their level of mastery. It’s courtesy among teacher and student.
  14. @andyjohnsonman ahah love you man, thanks for the notification!
  15. Basically most enlightened beings aren’t completely enlightened simply because their understanding is partial. They’re actually still stuck in maya as well with a lot of enlightened beings on this forum. Understanding is love and truth is understanding which is inseparable to love. The maya that they’re stuck in is “I am love” but it’s too difficult to explain. If you can’t account for how you yourself created your own self, then you aren’t fully awoken. BecUse you don’t understand what it “being god” means.. but at the end of the day, I guess this is seperate to enlightenment itself. I’m saying they are enlightened just not to the highest degree. If you can’t understand that direct experience is all there is, then you actually have miles to go lol. And I don’t mean in the human conventional sense. Beczuse fhafs how you arrived at consciousness is all there is and then love is all there is. But you never asked yourself “why”. Lol the end of exestential question is the to why creation ? Love is the answer so it’s a shortcut. But lol, why is this the case. So at this point in unsure of a enlightened being who advocTes love and an enlightened being who understands truth. It’s very sneaky similarities, but it comes down to understanding. The more one understands the more enlightened they are. Kind of thing. So the better quality of teaching and that would represent love. So if the teaching is not about love or god- then it’s abit of a no brainier to understand that it’s not the highest understanding. But in the end there’s no difference to any of them ? How this is clearly a false equivalency. LOL. It doesn’t matter which way you slice it, all their direct experiences are different. They only way you could say it’s the same is if all direct experience disappeared. But because this hasn’t been understood, I can only presume there are false eauivalencies with the term enlightenment and there is from my no way to reach god. Which is what your talking about. There are just different highest truths which can probably constantly change since direct experience is subjective and this is what I expected with an enlightened society to happen. But it’s like I said, I thought omniscient status was far into the future. I didn’t expect Leo to say it’s true now. Which all means that consciousness is what you see in your direct experience which is no different to love or truth or understanding. It’s all one. Which is obvious consciousness is all around us, so what you said is a true statement. It’s just lacks the depth of understanding that love binds it alll together and is the higher truth to handle false equivalencies in other words all these are indestructible and can only be transformed, never eradicated because t would put itself outside of absolute infinity and existence which an impossibility y
  16. What does infinite intelligence have to do with self deception ? For what is it being self deceptive and intelligent what does diversity have to do with goodness ? For whom is it good for ? What does being have to do with creation ? For whom is creation serving ? What does consciousness have to do with free will ? From what reason is consciousness giving free will you see when you deal with systems of design such as my echo chamber, you always find that there’s a principality driver, a focal point orientated around the whole structure which is vital to the output of functions themselves to actually give them definitive meaning. So for example, with the echo chamber, i’m not going to say where the driver is. But the function of each output (each member) is to increase consciousness. The absolutes are the exact same “functions” for absolute infinity. Consciousness is actually still a function within the driver itself, why ? Because what purpose does consciousness have besides being a defined word for sentient vs non-sentient being “originally” defined in context of spiritual teachings. So what is the purpose of all “1 terms” and the answer it’s point to is... being able to love it’s own self and this includes yourself . Therefore in teaching love = consciousness but in its truest essence, love is being itself. The binder of all absolutes to design of reality itself. Therefore love = consciousness actually and consciousness =/= love. Because god is formless, it doesn’t need consciousness to survive. It doesn’t even need love to be itself because it’s unconditoknally binding. So what was the point of creation ? To CREATE love of itself. To be able to love it’s own self. The point of creating consciousness was to have a facet that doesn’t contradict unconditional love but let’s it take any form. Because if we all had the full power of unconditional love, we would essentially LIMIT or MAKE FINITE , infinity itself. Ergo, love is all that there is. And consciousness lets you experience this. Because god is beyond the design himself he created an illusory world to showcase himself to himself and the purpose of why he did it. And that would happen to be enlightenment. People get confused, they think that direct experience is eliminated after enlightenment. It doesn’t, it gets decontextualise to direct experience of god and ergo it is possible to understand god for this reason and know what love is and why it is the answer to everything. And the completion of ones awakening ~ aakash patel ~ since nahm forgot to leave me out of list of great people ? i remember mikeal you said somewhere that why is the most useless question to ask. This is incorrect, why is the only question one can ask for god to understand its own self. And for you as human to understand. Why is the fundamental of existential questioning. It figures the more times you ask yourself why something occurs, the greater understanding of reality you will have.
  17. @Angelite it’s not that lol, no body wants to adopt my metalanguage I created for everyone? , it seems like you have much motivation ! That’s great to hear.
  18. @zeroISinfinity as I keep saying, that “no awareness” is first person direct experience. So it transcends awareness actually back to awareness again and the absolute becomes your relation to such relationship. Im not sure, there’s something in her metaknowledge that is correct, is all I’m pointing out. @Angelite interesting, your certainly going places
  19. @Angelite at best it looks like your awareness has expanded outside of your mind. Looks like you may indeed be enlightened. Still I have my doubts, from the way you worded things. It’s a representation of what I called the god particle and you called it allah still this May be my misinterpretation giving your words heavier meaning in sensical logic.
  20. @Leo Gura in how many hours are you likely to release it in thanks!
  21. @Leo Gura I see, I had a bit of an epiphany when I was taking a whizz 10 minutes ago. What if my view on things is too utopian ? LOL, it’s like we’re all trying to creAte a utopia and the one who’s most realistic wins. But why must they undergo ALL the same mistakes, is this simply because tier 1 is stuck in their own frame of reference.
  22. @Leo Gura okay I’m not disagreeing with the spiral dynamics. I’m all in agreeance with what you said theoretically. However, China Actually use their dao-ism and balancing of ying and yang within their systems itself and dealing with countries. Chinese culture is about doing business through partnerships. Now I’m not saying they’re not devilish. Because there is a lot of corruption as to be expected. But what I’m comparing is the rate of growth from China vs America in the next century. China will actually sort its problems out faster than America has. Simply because they are anti-America in nationality. Are you trying to say that ego development has to drop nationality after stage blue? Because I feel like this is only done at stage turquoise. Even at stage yellow, your trying to develop more functional systems, but your main goal, is always going to be favouring your own country.
  23. Hmm maybe I took too large of a perspective on death row matters. All in all, I’d have to agree with Leo, it’s ultimately a mind too invested in its ideology to change. The whole point of a prison system is for self-reflection to occur, for a person to be bent to societal structures. In its rawest form. So if a person is too far gone to even reintegrate principality and morality into, then there’s probably no point. How do you assess this? You can’t becausr when people are released from prison they either join stage red affiliates or start From scratch at stage beige. Whilst society has pulled so far ahead, they’re left behind and have no choice but to act in criminal ways as they don’t wish to suffer. But this would all be in hindsight after release. Death row people are what ? Peoples who’s reality doesn’t orient to social standards. At the end of the day, if it doesn’t benefit everyone. Then it’s better to kill them. But I can’t seem to locate a measurement, so a VR test of their ideological tensile strength would be a good idea. Leo’s probably right ideological attachment is a probably a good measurement. If you stuck a Jew in front of hitler and got him to say a couple of things. I’m sure hitler would react, even if it was for his freedom.
  24. @SerpaeTetra that’s great to hear ! ? don’t we all love to judge people. Myself included, like Judging you for judging him. It’s a never-ending circle ?. Its like I said, American dream is ingrained deeply into you guys.