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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. Thanks ! I finally understand why people don’t understand truth. Thanks you saved me a lot of stress. Also, this guy’s quite advanced from just a few lessons from you. Positive teaching
  2. @Mikael89 not quite, I gave you practical advice, but of these answers which ever you choose is unconditional love either way. I’m just saying tis up to you
  3. @SoonHei let me rephrase what does being in spirituality terms mean
  4. @Mikael89 put it like this, if love is what you want, you’ll get love. If love is not what you want or told so. Then it will be what you get. Truth be told, it’s really up to you. One can tell you there’s love and one can tell you there’s not.
  5. @zeroISinfinity no! You never answered the question again This has nothing to do with “Aakash” What does “being always it” MEAN!
  6. @zeroISinfinity no you’ve told me what experience being is. IM asking you a completely different question that has slipped your mind. I asked what does being MEAN
  7. The problem is that we can't reach a concencus of what being actually is. for some people being means loving for some people being means nothing for some people being means being in the present moment for some people being means identifying with consciousness for some people being means to be Has anyone actually contemplated? what being actually means?
  8. @zeroISinfinity Because they have the same degree of enlightenment! LOL! its that simple AHAHAHA or different degrees of being should i say. which is defined BY YOU! you haven't cognised your own being. This is the issue. You don't actually know what the truth of the matter is and so you can't orient your being. But i guess it is what it is.
  9. @Mu_ @SoonHei both of you don't actually realise what it being means for god. This is why your enlightenments are sub par.
  10. @zeroISinfinity YOU ARE NOT HUMAN! THIS IS unconditionally love telling pure love that it is not pure enough! you don't get how tricky it is, that's the problem really. I'm not arguing that things happen how they will. but you don't understand that your own position, to not be involved IS A POSITION ITSELF its free will
  11. @Mikael89 nothingness is like 20% of the truth. So i mean yeah he's 100% of that 20% truth is the most radical thing because of self-deception.
  12. This whole answer is a surface level answer and has no real value to truth other than god being the doer of all. sounds to me like someone who's totality of reality is pouring into others Now wouldn't that ironically be the actual meaning behind his own answer that he "can't keep account of"
  13. unconditional love breeds self-deception breeds totality breeds absolutists breeds false equivalencies
  14. @Truthority yes you are far off it, i've already future sighted this and it won't happen for another 3000 years. its not possible in this day and age.
  15. it doesn't change your position, even you saying this LOL. you haven't understood the fundamentals from which you derived such an answer and whom you derived it from. in reality, your adding confirmation biased to your own reality... even if you believe the meta is doing the talking for you. it will reinforce for you. unconditional love breeds self-deception.
  16. @Truthority ahaha was the spur of the moment with the serious part secretly, it is a compliment. i say these things although i give you credit for accepting reality, i must say. i've thought about taking the route you did and well, its fine and all. Just not the highest truth in my eyes as you would like to believe yourself so.
  17. we're not, i'm saying who says this is 100% true?
  18. Who says your assumed position is 100% truth?
  19. because for leo it is so, his highest truth is that you wouldn't do it if you were self-less for you, it is not so because your highest truth is selfish to you it is a selfish act. so its wrong to higher levels of conscious society, suicide will be wiped out potentially, therefore the higher truth wins out. but currently, suicide exist without a reason as to why it really occured. in the absolute sense. suicide occurs out of a love for death to ones own "life"
  20. The mover is you thinking there is a mover in the moment that needs to be dropped. where did you get this notion from? someone who's mover is not the mover in the moment it is dropped ? where did they get this from someone who's mover is not the mover in the moment it is dropped? where did they get this from someone who's mover is not the mover in the moment it is dropped? where did they get this from someone who's mover is not the mover in the moment it is dropped? where did they get this from someone who's mover is not the mover in the moment it is dropped? where did they get this from the actual issue you what with your enlightenment, is that the mover is placed in a correct position of your liking, in a developmental chart of the mover. The highest mover and that is where you got the notion from above, now what varifies their mover for your mover? TRUST
  21. http://prntscr.com/op2vgd This is probably the most accurate picture to explain our "awareness" is each a dot for individuals the "black" is the design of absolute infinity for an indiviudal white dot to become absolute infinity, they would need to be A design of absolute infinity and that's what spiritual teachings are but the white dots are individuals themselves , if they are given free will to morph into anything then what impact does the absolute free will actually have on the model? the impact is that the white dots can become black dots but how much have they actually become black dots, have they actually dispearsed and become all the picture, have they transformed the other white dots into black dots for example or is that still happening in their white dot? the answer is: its still in their white dots, their white dots have become black so these black dots say tell the other white dots "i've found the truth" but if every white dot changed to black would the white dots die? the answer is: no because they haven't actually changed from white dots into black dots they're white dots thinking they're black dots but what they find is that they're black dots thinking they're white dots so are they black or white? the answer is both! but where has this all happened! STILL INSIDE THE DOT! the dot is your individual awareness inside absolute infinity but this time what's happened is the barrier between white dot and black outer has dissappeared But they are still the DOT, the colour of it doesn't matter so some don't care about the thoughts, some do, but their dot is still creating their own reality the real deal is all dots in BLACK OR WHITE forms + the individual dots + 3 black dots , 1 white dot + 2 black dots, 2 white dots + all of the surrounding nothing This is "god" outside the whole of the picture itself. Similar to how it's outside of you, RIGHT NOW.
  22. you created this whole statement based on "i do not know truth" The answer is: its literally up to you what you decide to do with it take the responsibility out of it, by giving up free will of the situation or take responsibility back after taking the responsbility out they are equal statements, but false equivalence because taking responsibility out back is the higher truth for me but to you based on teachings and other spiritual teachers you would take responsibility out as the highest truth your being needs to orient grounding somewhere