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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @zeroISinfinity realistically speaking your a love junkie. Lol who person who loves because it is god. Not a person who loves because you genuinely love what it is your looking at in all it’s distinctions. In my opinion anyway you are physically not capable of handling being. Because you are not awarenesss! You are the sum total of all awarenesses in all their states. That is who you are lol. Right now you are in one of those states. Which is a state of itself because there’s no boundaries to the true one. Basically you can use this argument now. But not in like 100,000 + years time all of infinity - “absolute infinity”
  2. @Lowerplanedweller I might have edited before you wrote. Okay good lol I’ll consider my options. Yeah it’s good you said sound current, I can get a grasp of what your trying to imply. Yes I am aware that you can not return. But I’ve edited my post and chAnged my answer
  3. I couldn’t figure it out. But at first I thought thoughtless awareness might be the case. But It’s a starting point. You need to somehow get your awareness into the infinity stream by physically leaving your body. What it means to be “you” is you localised to the position you are currently in. Even as a thoughtless stream you are still localised to where you are. Your building up charge, right ? While your in your thoughtless awareness ? By infinity stream I mean your awareness has to expand for infinity, without ever finitely stopping and being put back into form. This is why it’s necessary to leave your human body at Minimum. It means you have to go “in” more. To the point where you are no longer going in. What you will find is your self “nowhere”. By going in you actually go outside of your body because “inside and outside Is an illusion leaving you nowhere. Nowhere is not non-existance it’s still existance but existance is infinite. Awareness is infinite but what you are is all of that infinity in a single box. But our physical bodies limit that infinity. But it’s an illusion. It’s you as god limiting yourself through human form, giving me my own PHYSICAL box of limitation. BREAK THE BOX, BREAK OUT OF REINCARNATION. why ? Because the box itself is the reason you are reincarnating. Because to absolute infinity itself. YOU DONT EXIST LOOOL! absolute infinity is infinite process! Each box an exact replica of the whole. And the whole is one box in all it’s box’s formed together. But the boxes don’t actually exist if your box to it. So neither does your box. You only think it does! your physical limitations to your box is an illusion lol you literally extend to infinity. That’s all each box is actually doing at their own rate. So overall what is happening nothing without the actually having any distinction between a box’s in your box. I.e the final collapsion of duality vs non-duality ... nothing, existance has the illusion that it’s expanding to infinity and existance is doing nothing. Where did you come from ? The part where you see absolute infintity extending for ever, where do you need to go. To the place where nothing is happening
  4. ? does that part of you that resonates with infinite intelligence not ring. That feeling right there is what I’ve future sighted infinity just to awaken it within them. You really have to appreciate that what you see around you is so mind blowing that any of it exists. Shhhzzzz I’m having a panic attack now thinking about how mind blowing it is. Its not to do with god, it’s not amazing because it’s god. It’s so mind blowing itself that it even exists the way it does. It’s so intricate in design, that the design of it isn’t the mind blowing part. The existential design “the fact it even exists” is the most uncomprehendable insight a person could have. If you were god what would you do? I’ve thought about this question for years. The reason it’s so mind blowing is because even me answering that question is a misnomer. I could not even design this with all the imagination I have in my mind. It’s literally that fucking impressive it actually exists the way it does lol. Its quite upsetting that I’ve never awoken this understanding in anyone. Nor do I think Leo has. You don’t ask why because you will gain something out of it. You literally ask why because it’s mindblowing. ? even the staring at my curtains now, saying “why the fuck do you exist” Sends me into an orgasmic vibration all over my body lol. Severely underappreciated how mind blowing this script is. It’s not even the fact I knew what was said on there to already be true. It’s the fact the event even existed. MINDBLOWING
  5. Yes this is the conclusion I come to when I close my eyes. Although we are going to have communication issues, it’s some form of wave current Let me phrase this sound current in the best way I can transcendental vibratory current going left to right in bliss like feeling You are correct, my being has been scoping and sizing up masters for a year now. I have understood from early how this process works, you can only have a master who you resonate with as far as your own awareness can see. So let’s take Leo for example the reason why I resonate with him was because he saw the big picture to truth. So yeah I get what your trying to say with the whole master thing. I have two comments ideally I was trying to ignore having masters because ashrams are not my style, I needed to solve my understanding of truth first. However the plan was after understanding was completed (relative) , to do it on my own. But the problem still remained ... how... so why can I not become a master on my own myself ? Does karma prevent this completely ? It is a must to seek out a master secondly this masters you had in mind for me, his surname is not Khan right ? Because I already know of him. In Hinduism we call it connecting with the om sound. This is the purpose of mantras. To reach that place thats even if we’re talking about the same thing lol I have a 0.0000000000000001% chance of being right here. Reoccurring to infinity.
  6. @Lowerplanedweller again your not understanding me. Your assuming I don’t know what your talking about. The very thing you are telling me is the information I want to know. I have told this to the forum many times over that they’re not enlightened to the highest degree and they never listen to me. Consciousness is infinite, all I kept getting was stage coral, stage teal ... aakash you don’t know what your talking about listen to your direct experience. But it is what it is, that’s a projection for another day... as Jesus said “forgive them for they do not know” That very thing your talking about is what I’m talking about and I’m asking you what the method is to get there and go “beyond it” is not really an answer lol
  7. @Angelite heres my own parable Of what you just did All slave men are in dispute telling each other how they are devils. The enlightened person tells the un enlightened person he’s a devil. The enlightened person tells the enlightened person he’s a devil and the unenlightened person tells the enlightened person he’s a devil . Little did they know that all of them were being a devil. Praise be to Allah, death to all devils
  8. Right “only a jivan mukta knows another jivan mukta” what do you think this is ? I’m asking you the precise question, that you are giving me “further” information on. Duality is non-duality. There’s no need for me to become enlightened to reach nirvana in truth. Though it will help the process if I did concentration practices. But that’s a story for another time we both know meditation isn’t what it’s made out to be by all these religious personsa trying to reach buddha mind and enlightenment. Is different to reaching nirvana. But it helps
  9. @Angelite non duality is dual, and duality is non-dual. Hence “Zero” Is one and “one is zero” somethingness is nothingness and nothingness is somethingness. Enlightenment is non-dual, non-enlightenment is dual. Therefore every enlightened person is actually not enlightened and every non enlightened person is enlightened. The mind can not grasp truth but the mind can grasp truth because non-duality is duality. And duality is non-duality. Let me translate for you in non-dual terms allah says : a single man is not A single man, he has many wife’s (all people, things , animals and form) , all at odds with each other because they they they are single man just like this single man. A slaved man because he belongs to one master (the religious man) Are these two equal ? Praise be to Allah, (not the single “material” man or the religious ) man) praise be to Allah (the enlightened man) but most of them have no knowledge (of allah because They never die to allah ) hmm I have changed my mind about Mohammad he was most certainly a prophet.
  10. @Lowerplanedweller hmm okay I have some questions and in times like this nahm has told me to be accurate and precise with my words. At the same time, you’ve answered all my questions. So I will symbolise my main question so that you will synchronise with what I know . What is the jump from this To This .... “| -> “ In words how how do I kill the Buddha
  11. “One” is still a distinction. “Zero” is still a distinction. “All is still a distinction” “none is still a distinction” and im not just talking about the words, I’m talking about in actuality. If there is one there is a distinction.... the lowest number of distinctions possible is always one
  12. @Lowerplanedweller so Did it happen or not ? Are you asking me how to get it or are you giving me information
  13. ? To reach nirvana you must give up the body which is why you can reach it in meditation without moving, then you can also come back. 5-Meo experience included, the crazy part that it gives you visual fields of whAt death feels like. Pretty Insane, In conjunction with a practice. Still the practices are the only thing that can get you there because it requires long time solutions. Not peaks. What the 20 people on this forum who are enlightened are telling me is that they’ve all reached nirvana and decided to come back for their own purposes. Even winterknight. And yet, they’ve experienced the same thing . Watch i challenge anyone who is enlightened to tell me the reason they came back from their nirvana and give me the exact reason? @Keyhole it’s a simple test really... I should have realised this earlier but my understanding only caught up today. They should know why they came back because they decided not to enter nirvana. Nirvana is not enlightenemnt , so the logical conclusion is if they don’t know of making the decision to come back and their purpose. Then you know they have not experienced nirvana. The sad thing is, if nobody replies to my challenge. Think about this logically, you have read my question and there is no fear in you. Then the selfless thing to do is to answer my question. There are two people who are an exception to this, who don’t need to answer the question and they probably won’t.
  14. @Keyhole if you have reached the highest level, you will realise there is literally nothing else you can do in life besides help awaken people. LITERALLY you have no other purpose to stay here besides that. I can’t imagine a person awakening and then deciding to do open up a paintball business. It doesn’t make sense. The reason why bodhisattva is a position on the path is because you truly are humbled by emptiness. It shakes you to your core that you now realise it’s what everyone is looking for and the point of life. There’s no value in opening up a paintball shop, you truly realise that the most selfless service you can ever do for others is help them awaken. To be a boddhisattva is a position of the path, it’s not optional until you decide not to fully die to the truth at the time. The path to nirvana is a hierarchy not a holocracy but it can be made that way by being more conscious of spiral dynamics as opposed to being stage blue and just doing it from one position. Truly no word can point to it. And no teacher or guru can lead you there. BUT the teacher knows how, because he did it and came back. That’s the value of teaching spirituality even though it can never be taught to someone. Boddhisattva is essentially the most fulfilling life one can have. Freedom is the most fulfilling thing you can ever “not gain”
  15. On a side note: this is a very accurate passage. May I ask if you wrote it or you read it in some scriptures ? If so, where ? I wouldn’t mind reading it for fun even though it’s a distraction. But the multi headed dragon is a nuisance as you might say. Also I am Interested to hear about your journey, not for education sakes, just pure interest and love for the path. Also I realised after years that everything I need to know is right here to chop my balls off, now I just need to do it, to get a glimpse past the dragon and if I need help it’s available without deception. So sorry I asked for your personal help, @Lowerplanedweller. I remember you saying you were going to leave the forum soon, so I figured it was a now or never thing, considering this passage above otherwise I would have prodded more quietly. But then the security I felt of you knowing, opened me up to the possibility of others knowing and I realised I could trust others too. life works in mysterious ways. I would never have trusted anyone if it wasn’t possible to come back. And there’s alwalys the chance that you don’t comprehend what I’m writing here because we have different analysis of the passage. So I’ll say this. then I’m extremely sorry for asking LOL still let me know about your journey. personal message me, so I can listen.
  16. @Leo Gura thank you for demonstrating understanding and clarity.
  17. @Nahm I finally got it, The last post on your NOW thread. My understanding has caught up. I don’t know is the correct answer. I apologise for not having the understand I do now, that I did a month ago.. when I asked you if you knew what absolute infinity was @Lowerplanedweller if you truly understood, you would realise that nothing has ever happened and therefore everything is happening at the perfect time via as nahm said it infinite intelligence
  18. @Lowerplanedweller build a tower to reach the sky but when it falls, only mortals will die. Tell them a song of their rightful king who said to build it whilst laughing and singing and when the time comes when it is built knock it all down because it was never my hard work to say no was a mistake because the king himself had declared it to be made. ? namaste
  19. ? would you teach a lost monkey how to find what is not lost.
  20. Let being mesh in truth, to realise the true end. I’ve spent two months trying to confirm this. This is what reality is working it’s way too consciously. Bringing heaven right to the fore front. Your limited Awareness was created out of love. Nothing is actually going on. But nothing is not something you can experience as you currently have self - realised it to be. Full truth = no truth. Becoming god is to not become anything at all. The reason is because absolute facets are the only ones that exist, in its infinite form. There are levels of vibrations of being (sensations) where you can’t hold it in your body. You leave in the night sky To infinite levels of being. Pure being it took me months to peace this all together. Just know the end of times will need to be realised in solitude. There is nothing in the outside world that can get you there. There are pointers but you must make it true yourself
  21. Thank you all for a great conversation. Throughly enjoyed it and put a lot into perspective for me about the spiritual process. Now that I’ve debated it ? I guess I just have to listen to myself and see where it takes me. One hard part over, big adventure time.
  22. Here it is where they say it http://www.shivdhaam.com/news.php?name=2015102522 actually that wasn’t it, But this is basically what I’ve been trying to say above. If you want a source that isn’t “me” saying it.
  23. @tsuki apologies I get what your trying to say now. It was a fundamental flaw on my behalf. Thanks for correcting my devilry. I should have known better, it is after all in concordance with what I am preaching. But why do you think it does not excite you ? There was something I read ages ago in the Hindu tradition about reaching a point of no return for some spiritual seekers who got lost in mukti (enlightenment or liberation) it said that there is a stage where people become fundamentally disconnected from their thoughts to the point where they have no chance of reaching moksha and will reach it in their next time as only physical death can set them free once again. There was also one about the four stages of liberation that said sometimes a enlightened being gains followers and they can not reach it because their duty is to their followers out of love and get stuck in a contract. but I think this applies more to in person rather than online.
  24. @zeroISinfinity thats the plan, I don’t intend to use my knowledge to become enlightened. This is an assumption. I’m not that deluded that I think I can get to enlightenment with thoughts. @tsuki okay I apologise, I didn’t mean for it to be intended that way through your filters. I didn’t say you were deluded and I am not. We are both deluded and that’s the truth. I didn’t say absolute nothingness was non-existance. this is your assumption. Nothingness is somethingness and somethingness is nothingness they are identical because there is only existence. Do you not realise the problem with transcending a duality. Duality can not be transcended together. Duality is transcended into non-duality and then non-duality is transcended into emptiness. Transcending duality into non-duality still leaves you with non-duality. This whole game is done out of love. so WHY is your body still here! Because enlightenment starts at samadhi ends at nirva samadhi, then enlightenment has a second stage which starts at nirva samadhi and ends at mahasamadhi which is identical to nirvana. So the end of enlightenment is nirvana and mahasamadhi. You are mistaking your enlightenment for nirva samadhi. You have a fundamental contradiction in this whole debate and that is the fact you still have your body. Your brushing this paradox under the carpet. Not only that there is a fundamental contradiction in the whole of spirituality that Buddhism shows. For you to come out of nirvana and teach you have to become a boddhisattva. Buddha was a boddhisattva, he walked around in enlightenment and not nirvana.