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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. if suffering was truth; and freedom was false i would choose suffering as long as its truth so i propose the following - true freedom is suffering in true ego the constant change causes ego backlash; however if you were to reverse ALL Paradox from the inititial point we started at from birth which was freedom is truth and suffering is false true suffering is the thing we should seek and unconditionally love it. in another words, be imaginative to recontextualise all paradoxes using your true ego then accept the changes yourself and live them in your direct experience see where that gets you and put the exact contents out there
  2. Agreed the truth is so deathly simple - it seems even to elude the best of us through lack of embodyment. Thought is nothing but a tool , thought is of language and therefore is the language of duality. What can not be expressed, can't be known without completely letting go and even then you stop caring about it and forget it all together, because you made sense out of it with language and therefore the TRUTH was a lie in the first place.
  3. @Hellspeed my guy you play overwatch- best game in the world ... you sending them low frequency hp reducing shockwaves out as your passives yeah
  4. I agree tough situation; however i can also emphasis that there is a need for teachers and masters at every stage of the spiral 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2 were actually only such baby consciousness if you think about it and its been what? billions of years on this planet supposedly. Wow what an interesting time period to be in.
  5. @Arhattobe we are all high, do you see what all of us type on actualised.org LOOOOOL!
  6. literally what force in the world can tell me this is not possible with everyones help? GOD looool! will GOD stop me! i don't think so!!!!
  7. :') just high on absolutely nothing! at this point i'm so high i don't consider myself sane anymore AAHAHAH
  8. @Arhattobe i don't know about anyone else but i resonated with that fully; even as being or in other words, even if everything is absolutely nothing, even if it's illusions! thats fine i can accept that and unconditionally love that. But i want or imagine that i want there to be more, i want to create new things and things that are just plain crazy lol!!
  9. I would call this group contemplation as a single unit! we all write abstracts with no intent of having meaning, we discover in our now.. we write those words that we think make sense THEN! someone else will recontextualise it, after our aggregated recontextualisation forms it into a spritual word I.E absolute nothingness. We all understand what that is, or enlightenment... these are spiritual words
  10. @TheAvatarState recontextualised for myself is not conventional suffering but just plain simply any form of ego! for example, the whole enlightenment process the ego was the illusion suffering so suffering simply means being ego, in my abstract thoughts anyway that is...
  11. @Mu_ it doesn't carry any logic or reasoning. Its pure imagination you could say. When i wrote it ; it didn't have intent of carrying a meaning i.e through the medium of ego. What i was hoping for was for someone else! to make sense of it, who is also enlightened. Who may be slightly more enlightened then myself. That would then give them the tools! that spark words, imagery some form of duality in non duality and actualise in the now. ill try to explain it again if you never understood that time? just let me know
  12. this very post i posted has no logical sense to me... its almost like it contains no meaning from my point of view.. although i'm trying to put it in an coordinated manner ... still the meanings are infinite because you leave it to the imagination of the individual of the infinite on your sides of the screen. Its like a magnificant social-complex as @ivankiss once said to me.. I just think if i was to forecast future that lets say everyone was enlightened then what ? the world would stop in absolute nothingness lol there would be nobdoy to enlighten. At this point enlightened ego's would develop ?? they would be from the truth which is absolute nothingness and so you could call them true egos or ! true-trues!
  13. @Serotoninluv , @Preetom I propose reversing the all duality paradox's all together AT current i feel like 1 and 2 become 1 then that 1 becomes 2 (by natural phenomena) and that becomes 1 then becomes 2 again, the strange loop never ends. YOu are left with paradoxs with no answer at all. Given you reverse all paradox's you create new terminological meaning and then you can rearrange with your true ego this time. Its basically what i feel leo is doing. You can't read into a situation properly unless your enlightened to some degree thats one issue The second issue is that if your enlightened and you end up being content with absolute nothingness or what ever position you are at then thats completely fine as we all know. But it , itself , to me that is. Does not signify it's the end but only grounds for a new landmark to take place. Since i believe something is changing. even if something is nothing. nothing is changing to or non are changing and this is where you end up with @winterknight negating dualities. I think here all thats left after this is imagination. Not the imagination of the false ego you create out of unconsciousness but the true ego you create out of consciousness and then you split back into 2 and then go to 1 ,2,1,2,1 and it's a never ending cycle for the whole of infinity.
  14. That would be amazing DO you let go ? YES OR NO! pick you have 10 seconds :') LOOOL!
  15. @EternalForest i resonate with what @TheAvatarState is saying; alot of things i used to do make me feel empty inside now. Im not even inclined to watch tv or movies these days because it feels so hollow. However, if your starting out or using this method as begginner level practice. Then i don't see why not your method won't help you along your journey. The trick for me has been to use multiple methods. On the other hand, it is not sustainable as a life time practice. and therefore won't get you as far as you would like to go. Nonetheless, feel free to give any new spritual practice a shot, the more there are in the world , the more adaptiable it is for future generations. Such is the beauty of consciousness
  16. Sorry i should have maybe said it in a different way... any questions you ask ultimately lead to a practice, for example your bordem question is seeking itself. I'm just using the umbrella term for the whole process
  17. It's sunday and leo has not released a video yet - guys i think leo's dead
  18. :') how did i miss such a thing like that lol.. by the way i've been reading your comments here and there. Sounds like from yesterday you've understood things alot better!
  19. what you can check whether people are online! how!
  20. @Hellspeed although i don't critise your expressionism; IT is very abstract :') @purerogue comment had me in stitches; none the less i can see both sides of the arguement; i think what ITs saying is there's no hidden meaning of nothingness in your words; your just throwing out pure expression of imagination and its difficult for unenlightened people to grasp and so its so called scyfy looooL!
  21. The boundaries between what is perfect and what is not perfect breaks down and so everything becomes beautiful and perfect,