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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Serotoninluv i see i already counted this as halocratic thinking and socialism because you can't teach these through philosophies of non duality as the parents would count it as religious spirituality. this is the big systems i thought of that i counted as yellow because saying that it is "you" would be rejected by the parents completely. but taking what you've said on board in this social consciousness lets say or holocratic thinking, would you simply say that it is .... teachings to become aware of oneself within their environment of or of their own self/ nature? i.e their emotions, their awareness because yellow would be understanding the different perspectives of other people. This is more being aware of their personal actions and using the fact they understand different perspectives to do their actions with more consciousness.
  2. what did you mean by social fields of consciousness?
  3. I feel like i've understood my problem but i'm abit confused I have truthed for myself through direct experience that i am not - the body , my neurones, my emotions , pretty much anything to do with being human. I have said i am not that so what does the term embodiment mean for you does it mean something along the lines of opening the channels back in a reverse flow way to allow your infinite self through your body once again but rejecting all concepts of the body. Hence when we talk about love, i though of it as a human concept because i never had a direct experience of infinite love to shove through the body and embody it. creating it is fine, it should be the way through embodiment. I Guess i still haven't made this connection between my body and the infinite self so i'm abit confused at the moment. lol
  4. a) is it because love is being b) is it because everything is you c) is it because there are no dualities and therefore love does not have a duality as fear is duality with no fear no love doesn't make sense, its basically in words- no love for yoursel no love for non duality and then its like to actually embody this what would you do force love out of your system ? d) all of the above note: i am not talking about unconditional vs conditional love. i'm simply stating that what is love then? its most definately not a feeling
  5. @zambize aahahahahahaah echkart tolle has been defeated >>>>> choose your next pokemon .......... sadghuru level 100 ground water (/////------) 245/ 600hp mooji level 100 fire dragon (//////////) 620/620 hp ....... >>> sadghuru, i choose you select attack yes or no am i right, yes or no you are not this body hydro pump >>>> sadghuru used you are no this body ....... ...... ..... the attacked missed
  6. I'm not gonna lie, i've lost a sense of direction after today, its like yesterday i was at a stable foothold that i could walk around and now i'm just free falling. gosh its a good thing that this is a life long search. .i think i'm going to get stable first in my life before taking this search seriously again. Thank you for your help
  7. @Joseph Maynor i have a question, where am i relative to the ox herding pictures then. every time i assess myself, i assess myself further than i actually am
  8. @Joseph Maynor okay yeah thats a good duality to eliminate straight away. Good catch, i would have actually gone looking for whats real. Note taken, ill do some inquiring now!
  9. Thank you everyone for your comments, @Nahm definately interesting! It's one of the purposes of life for me ahah to find feel and embody what genuine love feels like. I mean who doesn't love, love i feel like a kid who's just been told santas real for the first time ahahah i'm so happy its actually real and i was only conceptualising it
  10. @Joseph Maynor :') well said ahahah my ego is jumping the gun abit , ill find it myself as i already am it!
  11. practical and empathetic in what terms? practical for me would be that you can manifest it by yourself ? emphatetic would be you feel as one with something/ someone else? what are your terms in a way, i'm not asking for concrete definitions. I'm just saying how would you explain what your feeling? @Joseph Maynor
  12. @Nahm @How to be wise can i just say that when i do look at everything as myself, i start to see how beautiful everything is as a formless version of consciousness. I think to myself look how amazing this thing is , its perfect and then i get a warm sensation of just pure admiration for the thing i am looking at. previously its like i said i never thought love was a feeling but maybe this is my limiting belief as i conceptually believe its as how to be wise said and is associated with thoughts, maybe i considered it as an illusion aswell. But maybe thats the illusion itself, that infact its actually whats real! the warm sensation is fuzzy and it makes me smile, making me look longer at the object. what does this sound like to you two?
  13. @Nahm gotcha! i'm actually excited to do this one and do you agree with @How to be wise that it is a feeling. Because that saves me alot of time, this maybe my problem because i definately think of love in a conceptual way and not feeling of it!
  14. @How to be wise so does that mean that love is a feeling you feel 24/7? aka its in your being all the time
  15. @Nahm i would say people use the word love to express their affiliation for a certain section of live. i.e a sport like tennis, its like theyre saying i value you by using the word love and so effectively you are valueable to me, for myself to survive i must love you? if i forget that definition i would then redefine it but i would say isn't this also wrong to redefine it?
  16. @How to be wise i had a feeling you were going to suggest that, alright ill go do this work in actuality! is there a pdf that i can find or do i have to buy something?
  17. @How to be wise wahhhh! this is amazing ahaha i absolutely have no idea! :') I wonder what negative thoughts i have blocking it! do you have any methods/ suggestions i can use to unravel this mystery.
  18. @Sunil Kumar @How to be wise so what would it be inaccurate to say that there is highler levels of love, i guess what i'm asking is do i have to make the effort to love or will it come as a natural essence of being?
  19. @Shin i'm not actually too upset, i like being sarcastic and i find these emojis cute loool! but after reading your post a few times, you have given me the next step i need to go through. Thanks i never realised what heart-mind truly represent until now. and the awakening being half assed and even when awakning the heart your right it wouldn't be embodied simulataneously. tried to be a millenial and short cut this whole thing with my mind :') i fell so hard on my face lol!
  20. @Shin fine you win I'll go through my ego backlash and do some more embodiment work
  21. I once has an enlightenment that i dropped the body completely and ended up in a "now" lets call it where, i wasn't able to label anything, no thoughts came to mind about the object i was looking at, infact it wasn't even an object. I had no knowledge of it outside my direct experience. for example, i lost the concepts of what a chair was, what a bed was. infact there was no such thing as a chair or a bed in those momnets. I had literally no thought, i was in motion just being aware and looking at the very thing i'm looking at. Not trying to understand it, not trying to figure out how i can use it, just being so to speak. I couldn't define my laptop, the sun, the skies, the lamp shade. There was absolutely nothing, no me, no mind, no thought. I WAS just in a primitative being state almost as if i was the first human in the world again. With no labels on anything. No time, no nothing absolutely nothing after i lost the focus on it and started to think what is this and i ended up back in duality and went back to normal. this was my first time direct experience with absolute nothign but after i came out i began to contemplate what nothing is and since i've only built mental concepts of what it is. But i've been curious this whole time that maybe what i had direct experience was ... , it was more like a void, like i was the only thing in the world. These are the best words to use because i'm not sure really how i would describe it in words besides everything dissappearing until there was nothing left besides myself and even then the words corrupt what it is. What do you think of this direct experience, this was like 3 and a half weeks ago.
  22. @Shin @QandC disclaimer: I am not intentionally trying to be a cult leader, just providing the best answer i can! looool! I've just come to realise that before any spiritual step takes place first you need people to take a haluistic approach, this requires blending in subjects on a large scale bases and showing the interaction between them, for example , politics, economics , science, and business, crime and history. These are probably the feilds i'm most enept in. which i studied to give a haluistic review. Sure i might have ended up a bit deluding myself but none the less its not a paradigm locking of perspective. I just taught myself from the get-go theres more than one perspective to everything. Maybe this is what you mean by true perspective, simply there is more than one perspective to any given situation. This includes! the delusion of getting people to follow the spiritiual path or focusing more on this path than any other path. WHAT I'VE LEARNED FROM MY OWN MISTAKES is the individual will take the path their intuition is telling them is right and this is the best path at any given time they could have probably taken.
  23. @QandC The ultimate perspective is that there is no such thing as holding a perspective and that by in of itself, all perspectives are actually truth. No matter what perspective you look at it holds a curnell of truth. I THINK what your trying to say is that you want the whole perspective to be 100% and not like only 2% or 3% if this is the case you will literally be saying cliches to people nothingness infinity oneness etc... yes or no ?