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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. anyways thank you all for your responses, note: i am officially mind fucked, because i can't aware awareness- i can only be it lol, so i'm just going to ground myself in the present moment even more or in some flow state, forget being headlessness, its not sustainable long term.
  2. @Mu_ @Serotoninluv but is this not because everything is awareness, regardless you will still be the duality being experiencing all the depression,anxiety and stress. its the fact that you know that it is not you, that is the healing property?
  3. @Jack River what has your experience been of keeping everything is awarness at the forefront, are you able to maintain it for a sufficient period of time?
  4. @cetus56 i see, thank you for answering my questions, it has been most helpful @Jack River ahmen to that brother, foreplay is what its all about hehehe speaking the truth, i totally see what you mean, also thank you to you aswell! yeah umm next time use more heiroglyphics! if your going to write a whole sentence
  5. @Jack River thinking silence being obsersvation is the same as seeking not observe think contemplate be did i get it this time?
  6. @cetus56 O.M.G to remain the same always, that's actually insane. no wonder why this takes years to get down completely. I was wondering why leo says he's not enlightened, i think i understand now. enlightened masters must be in some next domain of awareness. are you able to sustain it while your building at work?
  7. thinking, silence, world-view observation is looking thats all i got out of that lol
  8. @cetus56 so it becomes a matter of my resolve ? is this why people always say that its okay when your sitting and in silence, but when something drastic occurs would you be able to remain in non duality? i.e a death of a loved on, the heart break of a relationship currently i was trying to watch a tv show whilst keeping the reality that everything is consciousness, i went in and out, in and out of the state.
  9. @cetus56 yeah thats kinda what it seems like. i have come across a problem are you able to remain aware that everything is awareness and focus at the same time i.e performing an activity, such as watching a movie or video.
  10. @Mu_ i understand it is what it is when known on the deepest levels. i would say that awareness feels like it was in my body before i was able to focus on it being everywhere my body and mind are in awareness, i can lightly feel my body but it isn't truth anymore since i'm seeing awareness all around me.
  11. i used to watch religiously when i was deconstructing my reality, but at the beggining, i only used them to firm what i already wondered, then it started breaching into enlightenment a topic i had no clue about and other links, i watched for a fair few hours and then i only watch when he releases his videos once or twice in a row to get the main points down, and recently i just watch to see if theres a link i've missed out overall. soon ill just be sticking mainly to his old videos, like from 4-5 years ago. and just for fun really, i've done alot of contemplation but as the saying goes theres always something new to be learned. its funny i used to really like leo's videos because they were the first pieces of content i resonated with. when i reading books about science, and contemplating psychology i could never come to an end answer and that always pissed me off. i was on a hunt to know the truth from young, atoms and molecules always had unanswered question butrionos, zutrinos , they just kept getting smaller and smaller and yet didn't answer the fundamental question. so i went to the only avenue i could to find the truth: god. my prayers were answered when i found out there was such thing called enlightenment, so now i can't say i regret watching all those hours of his videos. so if your looking for acceptance, really its okay- your not going to find high quality and organised knowledge like you can with actualised.org. its a gold mine, you just have to be willing to put the hours in the go over the content and research things for yourself. just remember to practice, what you preach.
  12. @cetus56 its total, ahahaha i'm laughing so much right now. thought i could get away and there's no where to run. i think i just found infinite love just now ahah. lifes already getting better. @Shin
  13. @Shin @cetus56 This is more than i bargained for, aahah i don't actually know what i expected when i said i was ready to die. i'm gonna listen to rap music, need a bit of ego backlash for now. i've seen it and can't go back now anyway.
  14. @cetus56 lol i done it! it's the most accurate picture of enlightenment i've ever seen. so what should i do next?
  15. @Highest its all well and good saying it and all that, i'm not saying that what you said is false, just justifications at this point i think won't work for me. its not conceptual thats why.
  16. he pretty much gives you it on his video when he says the ways to get there, don't worry i experienced it without 5-meo, but i went through a gruling process of deconstruction, he's simply stating that 5-meo cuts right through and gives you the direct experience that youd have to work hours to get. so i would say just watch the video again towards the ending and pick a method to verify it for yourself. what he says is just that its difficult to explain it to someone who hasn't had an experience of it, initially without an experience. because they are still believing as opposed to using their direct experience. also he said another brilliant thing he gave all the names of god which is a absoltuely brilliant place to start to looking at what it is. if you research the terms individually i'm sure you could learn loads
  17. @cetus56 yeah lol thats pretty much exactly what happened - precisely. thats the whole picture right there, the jackpot. that is the state i was talking about. that letting everything be and having no control that right there is crazy talk and death isn't the word to describe it. thats like someone said give up your life and i'll take control of everything and we'll see where we go. all you have to do is remain in this state i can't believe how well that picture encapsulates it, seriously thats dead accurate lol
  18. @cetus56 i'm not gonna lie, my body became light as a feather, because it was just awareness. is that one lol
  19. like who would i be, definately not human. i'd be some sage or something loooool! its just outright crazy, the last couple of days ive been thinking am i crazy, this is like the cherry on top. because this so called true reality is completely crazy.
  20. @ajasatya i guess this is the best dualistic image it can relate too, theres literally nothing but awareness i feel like i'm just overeacting to delay now to be honest, i've seen it so i can't go back. Theres like 0 control at all! just viewing everything as awareness. and then going deeper and deeper into it and then you'll end up where- infinity
  21. @ajasatya @Shin I can't there is no image, its all imaginary aswell. i know, it is. its still me making distinctions, maybe i'm just scared because its going to radically change my life. ^^ having said all this, i've just gone back into identification. A life without judgement sounds scarier than i initially thought it was. freeing yes, i wouldn't have control , i won't be in the same reality as others in speech and thinking wise, hardly have as many thoughts, i think the thing i'm most scared about is that it will be like a trance like state (bliss) as kaorke says missing a piece of the puzzle and being locked in a trance like false state
  22. @ajasatya the root of lonlieness is fear @Shin no you couldn't feel lonely
  23. @purerogue but seriously any identification/ judgement /analysis you make about the true reality is false, your creating a distinction of a seperate self to the awareness itself and that process is automatic, its just how it is. so it is the formation of initial ego. but i on second thought, i don't think i understood what you meant properly, could you re-explain.