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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. Thanks i see what you mean, interesting way of looking at things. can you explain further so i grasp what you mean completely. cause then your saying the whole of spirituality is just one big joke
  2. @winterknight it leads to the same answer again silence lol SORRY for asking too many questions, there's so many concepts i'm finding out i believed in that were just concepts. Thanks once again.
  3. there are two worlds so to speak from my experience one world is the real world where consciousness meets consciousness the other world is the world of imagination where consciousness allows for interpretation and understanding this world is imaginary within the consciousness on consciousness realm itself, it allows for all things to happen but ultimately when deciding which one is the real true world the world of consciousness is all there is, so consciousness is consciousness without any interpretation is the real raw reality so in a world where we understand murder can exsist, then theres the reality where the illusion of a murder was carried out but its really awareness being aware of itself to no end.
  4. concepts make concepts work and thats why science works for example its because we have the concept of time that were able to have the concept of velocity and things moving. but these concepts are as real as real can be the biggest concept that makes all these concepts work in reality is the concept that "this is physical object , a solid" it is a physical object with these properties , but its reality is consciousness MIND creating an illusion. ( the mind which we call illusion, is not the same mind that mind creates illusion) , in infinity the object itself is illusion, to us thought is somewhat an illusion , so the scale of illusion can not be compared or contrast. you can believe illusion but you haven't really seen ILLUSION. itself is an illusion of difference by comparing and contrasting i.e gas to liquid, liquid to solid, its comparison that creates points of references and assumptions that allow for the creation of theories that work in practice. so the laws of physics and science WORK but they are just another creation in the giant mind that is reality. they are illusions and so you are right aswell lol.
  5. yeah because of our current level of development in spiral chain, we are red/ blue developing into orange and green. so our problems are now becoming about equality and thats why inequality has become common amongst people for the past 20 -30 years. it's just natural progression. the answers that will really solve things are halocratic answers, like only giving resources to people who need the actual resources which is what the system currently does but it values it against currencies which is a concept and therefore fails against the truth. you need some other form of measurement system that is possibly only findable with people who detach from the system in turquoise mode. otherwise how will they know, they aren't decieving themselves the ironic thing is that non duality can never solve the issue but turqouise thinking will, non duality will increase the level of compassion for the resources and respect for its use and the benefits of the overall system as whole. but it's not integratable into the systems. i would expect that a nonduality system is reducing the number of misconceptions and illusions and then you'll see a whole field of people of meditation ahahah and doing nothing all day and those that want to work can work looooooooooooooooooooool! its actually so interesting thinking about it, think about it, if everything was an illusion, what is the best way for all of us people to live?
  6. @Peo Dude the best people in the world ,are those that have asked themselves the most question. so good on you!
  7. @Jkris i'm not equipped in the function of speech to say a perfect answer really, like i said i'm not very self -developed if you believe there is a concept called enlightenment, then yes you can have varying degrees of consciousness and enlightenments. The search can always get deeper and deeper and you can create all sorts of self-delusions for yourself. what is there to do when you realise it's all an illusion, the best thing to do after is to do absolutely nothing and reside in knowing of the true self because if you hunt for something it merely is only another delusion of the giant mind that is reality. everywhere you go, any direction you move is and is an illusion. when you know this truth and are not in ignorance then what would you do if you had this realisation in the future? plus the thing that you are , once you probably realise it at a high level is close to silence, aka or you don't exsist and so they go live in a monastary.
  8. @Jkris A) I'm not realised b) i think i'm with wintersolider on this one, there's no point of answering questions about yourself they're misleading to the point where they don't help in anyway because you hold concepts about it- yourself put it like this i'm not very self-developed, embodiment etc all of that kind of things , to an adult level or master level so to speak but none of that changes the thing you are? so i would say yes i'm still capable of jealousy, fear etc all of those kind of things, or any possible delusions for that matter, i could always self delude myself but i dont think ill hold attachments to it. so i won't suffer from it. i'll still experience it. but i don't think id be like oohh why am i feeling these things , i shouldn't be thinking like this, this is wrong for me to do, because i think anyway i'm aware of the i, to the degree that i'm aware of it.
  9. @Highest its hard for me to ask this but do you know this in actuality or in concept? concept = just knowing there is one actuality = just knowing there is one have you actually gone out and found the one?
  10. @tedens 1) they either don't know about it 2) they are seeking too much 3) they are lost in concept land 4) its difficult to seek the very thing that you already are 5) its so blindingly obvious that its too easy to reject the idea there are very few people who attain the realisation, and when they do its so stupid and laughable that there's no point of saying it to people. only if you still have ideal concepts about what enlightenment is that you go and tell other people, look there's this amazing thing it helps with a,b,c. these are fake gurus in my opinion. then you get the genuine ones who help spread the word, only through their teachings, they never actually say to people you should hunt enlightenement. you can't tell people something they already are, or they will just laugh and say i know, when they don't really understand what your trying to describe. for example, the sentence are you aware? can make you enlightened. its just doesn't transfer the essence of the word i hold and change what the essence of the word you hold too and this is the same for the world enlightenment. most people think enlightenment was a period of time from the 1800's to 1950's where scientific revolutions were in booming constant, this involves light, engines (i think) etc.. it was the time for science. for some people its too direct of a solution if i told you enlightenment would end your suffering and then i said meditate, most people wouldn't actually do it unless they are suffering.
  11. inqeuality is a misconception its assuming that first there was a chance of things being equally distributed to everyone secondly, that all invididuals will distribute their possessions to everyone without a need for leveraging anything against it. even if you equally distribute everything out, eventually it will still run out and the whole system will crash again and go back to how it is now so the question is the best way to distribute the resouces and currently that is by accumulating most of it for yourselves to survive. i see only two options transcend the whole model or remain within the model itself, transcending being everything is fine , regardless of the situation. This is the exact reason british economy has decided to grow at 2% a year because there is no way it can keep up with demands of the changing environment where they want control of all aspects and be equal at the same time, and has lead to the right staying in power for the majority of term. therefore equality nor our current system will never sustain the world and we are slowly reaching the end of democracy, and so inequality will never be solved. equality is not the solution either. but it is a higher conscious one.
  12. @John Lula its called freedom in a way, reality doesn't need to be any other way and therefore it allows itself to be what ever it wants to be without exception. so yes your thoughts become your own self-deluded reality and that includes your beliefs as you mentioned. as for a soul, its better to just think that there is one supreme spirit/ soul which is the same in all of us. This is ofcourse a concept to describe the actual thing in reality but its a more truthful concept lets say. just don't believe it wholeheartedly and find out for yourself
  13. @Peo No, the DNA sequence is itself an illusion. it might seem like it correlates to a change in protein structure for example and that might possibly relate to a certain type of disease, enlightenment is the totality of this whole event, its like saying to look at DNA is to investigate the yolk of an egg and enlightenment is the whole egg itself. PS i understand i'm not speaking from a materialistic paradigm, so saying it is an illusion isn't going to help you. so to explain by maybe saying DNA and enlightenment are not connected, both are different concepts. SORRY i'm not adept to really answers questions in the correct format. but i hope i managed to help in some way.
  14. @winterknight dude if this is the case, then i'm literally chasing my own tail and this whole enligthenment thing is literally a concept and BS. BS. BS. the whole thing! FFS even everything about enlightened masters to literally every concept in this world. all i know is that whatever that is, you know what i'm talking about, that is all there is. but when all these masters and everything talk about ohh the natural state of enlightenement being, love or being what ever BS i'm finding it to be now. Is THIS all BS aswell? i am in agreeance that the only thing is silence and that looker/knower/awareness is all that exsist and has, so i'm not sure where these people got to the fact that they are love and show it. thats what i'm struggling with and trying to copy now because i thought it was the right thing to do.
  15. As for why people get enlightened faster than others, i would say that each of us who believe we are a soul carry with us our own baggage of illusions and self delusions which we exhibited to get ourselves to this very point in time and this current understanding irrespective of what we know/ believe. remember we are each a self-delusion ourselves, and yes in respect to a time orientated timeline, we have gathered karmic energy over many lifetimes because a soul can not be born in one life time in my opinion, it takes alot of lifetimes to accumulate an infinite number of self-delusions into one place at one time in the infinite. some people have less baggage than others and therefore are able to become enlightened faster than others. if i had to explain in detail reality itself is an illusion creating machine so leo for example could have racked up 5 illusions over an infinity of time, the order of those illusions go: 1) I (not in words, in feeling, infinity feels like its alive) 2) i am alive (this is me, look i exsist) 3) i am 30 4) this is a cat 5) we is spelt W AND E lets say i myself have created 500 delusions, (my soul, just like leo's soul is his own<-- because he has amassed delusions of i) 1) i , 2) i am alive, 3) i eat chocolate 4) chocolate is brown 5) i have a sweet tooth 6) etc etc etc etc this is you building up karmic energy, You have to undo each of these delusions to see the self but they range in strength, size, because were talking about the power of imagination. we are all just an imagination, in reality nothing is happening. in TRUE REALITY and even the fact that we are souls is not happening with x number of delusions is not happening. these delusions are imaginary within the mind because infinity accepts everything as whole, so imaginary isn't even imaginary, its a word that does not exist in reality.
  16. for absolute infinity to have a fininite mode of being, which includes the creation of souls, absolute infinity itself must create the illusion of life, multiple lifes = multiple souls by emperical numbers of past/ future however, when an enlightened master says they have seen their previous lives, it is not entirely correct. what they mean is visions that do not belong immediately in their experiencing gets downloaded into their heads in a matter of meditation, this can be interpretted as previous lives, and then you get the notion of souls, as i said the illusion of life= souls but really they're creating that awareness there and then and is as real as any other form of awareness, i.e the awareness of a dream like meditative state experiencing their previous lives is exactly the same as a person eat a cheeseburger. all stories can be justified thereafter and explanations given that its old lives.
  17. Does anyone have any material/ know any material or how to become an enlightened master. for examples questions like what this means or any books etc, any practical ideas like watching how other enlightened beings react to questions.
  18. yes further inquiry into the nature of the true self , its not just enough to realise the true self. i get what your saying theres no other people everthing is itself , this is what i was trying to ask about truth. that there is a difference i tried listing the qualities of being or truth here what i came up with so far Being is truth Being is oneness Being is awareness Being Is being Being Is unconditional love Being is the present moment Being is complete and happiness Being is infinite Being is eternal this are what i was asking that i need to encorporate, it is itself and these facets of the whole was the answer i was looking for otherwise it would be ignorance , thanks.
  19. @winterknight thats my point it doesn't make sense , either way i am aware, so i was just wondering why enlightened people so to speak live up to such high ordeals in their lifes, like not lying , or helping out others and being selfless. there must be a truth that they're trying to cling to that says that this is the way i must act because this is the truth. what are those boundaries for those people that define things, are they not fully realised or something. ultimately there is no such thing as embodiment of truth, only embodiment of high values and truths but this itself gives notion that there is someone trying to sustain these high values and truths. do you get where i'm coming from? is it to do with desire
  20. i see thank you, that was helpful similarly what does it mean to live a life of truth? when everything of the mind is a self-deception or ego. does it mean to remain in silence ?
  21. how do i become an enlightened master? do i have to give up living in illusion and embody it, i'm kinda confused about where to go next. i'm not searching for the knower, but trying to get an understanding of what are the truths that enlightened masters live by in a sense, because there are many falsehoods, but the knower is still the knower. so how does this make sense?
  22. all religions do this, those devotees that devote themselves to the scriptures and act word for word instead of interpreting the underlying meaning, the underlying teaching of the truth are present in all religions, but yes your right it takes mystical experiences to understand brahman. it could be, but it's also very cultish in my opinion when harre krishnas are trying to convert people, like its their sworn mission i am only making assumptions and non tennable arguments but this is my perspective of it but yet again harre krishna the ones who understand also understand the true self which they call krishna again is an assumption
  23. Reality is like a giant mind a mind in which your mind resides in, want to know what others things resides in this mind? space, time, happiness, love, murder, human body, perception, energy, dualism, jackie chan, the brain, the trees, basically anything that you can ever think of is included in this mind, EVERYTHING is a self-delusion, (note: everything states that there is more than one, there's not, there is only the one) The one its self is self-delusion. the infinite mind, sees no distinction of what humans create dualistic terms for, it is aware of itself because it is the only thing that exsist. but the way that the finite mind (human minds) percieves, the duality between exsistance and non exsistance is created, and so the definitions are not the same, they need to be recontextualised. the non dualistic term for exsist, is it the only that is real( exsist) period. consciousness/awareness/moksha/god/ allah/bhraman/ nothingness/emptiness is all that exsist, we can understand this in concept EASILY, but its not a conceptual thing, its A POINTER to how the infinite mind creates the illusion! YES illusion that ITSELF is a finite being, the way in which it does this is it has to identify or intentively create a seperate self by creating a boundary that does not exsist (thats where the word illusion really means). the finite beings created are us! TOM, DICK AND HARRY, the illusions are A) these are three seperate beings B) harry head is bigger than harry so he must be different C) tom, well tom has blue eyes these are daily distinctions we make everyday because we take it for granted that we are the same consciousness, individuating into seperate selfs. the deceptions go on and on from the moment they started from the start of human history, THERE WAS NO HUMAN BEING IN THE FIRST PLACE IN HISTORY! there was only awareness and will always be only awareness, human being is a concept. there has never been anything such as a human being, but in this giant mind! it allows for every delusion to be created simulataneously. so while i'm sitting here writting on my laptop i can create 10 new delusions, and you who's reading can create 15 new delusions all you have to do is use your mind to create self-deceptions lets do an experiment 1) wait 5 seconds and continue reading, how many thoughts have you created each one of those are self-delusions. those 10 and 15 delusions you created are exactly the same as creating a delusion of seperate self's called tom, dick and harry. THE INFINITE MIND is infinite, like one giant mind, creating delusion after delusion. THEN when someone has truthed a delusion for themselves, another individual will believe it because it's been proofed. There is only one truth that can be absolute that truth is: all there is: is ..... [ insert word here] or the true self all other things are delusions because they create distinctions of any kind, this also includes how to live life in a certain way.. there is no way to correctly live life, but that doesn't stop you enjoying the illusion and creating a good life for yourself. The mechanism that things come into reality are by delusion of seperate self, and that includes perception of a seperate subject. which will either be the subject or object. perception comes from our five senses , our five sense hear,see,sound,etc, etc.. ALL DECEPTIONS, AFTER DECEPTIONS, AFTER DECEPTIONS there is no seperate object to sense , it only seems that way because of the thoughts you have or knowledge, whats really happening is: the same awareness or consciousness is interacting with itself, its aware of itself, but not as any self, just the sentence ends at its aware of itself. The infinite mind can create literally anything, itself is has no form or internal design, the maya is none other than illusion but only as illusory as real can be Hope this clarifies some things for you, got any questions let me know.
  24. @sleepyj i have reviewed my doubt, my mind got abit side tracked when we last spoke by the whole buddism tradition, but i'm certainly sure that the true self or eternal self is the one that i've found, its just so blindingly obvious that it just isn't recognised. I agree that compared to the method i used that the buddist tradition is more integrating and embodying of general pricipals and views for personal development, and as should be. However, the fact still remains is in truth you are what you are. I don't mean to say this in a hypothetical or dualistic way. I literally mean, the Self (I) is the self. even the actor who is the doubter is always still being experienced by someone/something, that very thing that can't turn its awareness on itself, to objectify it, because it is the awareness itself. rising up and coming out so to speak, (but even this is incorrect, its just what is here right here, right now) you don't need to tell the truth to find out who you are in other enlightenment methods, its just the underpinning foundation of the whole method. neither how you act or how you speak change the experience itself, it changes it better in dualistic sense , good vs bad, right vs wrong. these are all actions of the experiencing itself, they are still illusions created by the mind as a sense of self. i think the 10 fetters are there to be transcended all together, after i had a little thing about each one of them and them as a whole unit together. when you transcend it even for a momentary second, including the eight fold path and the four noble truths, all together you get a glimpse at what is already there. because the mind has grown silent and there is no talking. if you keep searching for something to happen, something miraculous. a new self to be born, consider this seeking will not result in you finding that truth. enlightenment is realisation not an event, and even realisation is used loosely so i don't even like that word anymore, i prefer the word used by rupert spira "remembering". getting masterful of the lifestyle is again integrated into the domain of buddahood, which it may not be in other systems. but the lifestyle itself does not change what you are again. it is a secondary layer, but the lifestyle ensure that you don't live a life of delusions, which must be taken seriously. however once again it does not change what you are. i myself am not completely resistant to delusion however, i'm adept enough to distinguish when a self-deception could be occuring and that is actually all the time. the only way to live a life completely without delusion is to join a zen monestry or any of those kind of things. because you sit in wakeful state all day and night. which is hardly possible in the west because we must communicate and use our minds. this is where you get masters of the lifestyle, and where right speech, or the eightfold comes in handy, still does not change what you are and that true self is pure awareness. (my favourite word i have decided for myself as god)
  25. The key to meditation is there is no destination, you have to reliquish the dooer and you'll reach some of the deepest levels without remembering your old meditations. because theres no timespace! you have to be the awareness itself! everything has to be like its you experiencing it for the first time good luck