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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @Peo its not to be understood, just stare at the picture with a quiet mind and maybe that will do something lol think with your eyes, how the picture relates to you.
  2. @Serotoninluv why don't you just tell him what the dynamic is to bring it into his consciousness, or would you prefer to ask him whether he wants to know in the first place?
  3. yeah think of it like its the most simpliest thing thats happening in the world this black hole action is happening when you sleep when your awake this is awareness
  4. @ivankiss from my point of view, i've just realised that stopping half way is dangerous in of itself, because you see enlightenment, god etc as some lofty idea. i am not questioning your decision, but i think that once you realised the truth that what your doing now will not need the need for justifications. especially when talking to a non dual crowd of people?
  5. @electroBeam no complaints here, its up to your awareness your understanding of the map is a guideline to the terratory, it is not the terratory. the knowing is the terratory.
  6. @Mu_ defintately i have not given up on the idea of do-er ship. and the patterns are making me think of something that is not there. i will indeed relax and just let things unfold. i wrote this before, but i see what you mean. i'm just making things up again, the self remains the self. i don't have any doubt
  7. @tedens i can only point to it, i can't tell you in words what it is. but go to my true self post and then try figure it out as a mental image
  8. @electroBeam believe me like leo i am most certainly interested in the intelligence at play, might even make it my life purpose to find out how to make children understand and interpret alot better. but i'm in agreeance with winter solider here, it is a very big distraction and in the hindu tradition, transcending the maya is how to pass that level, not getting lost in it and finding out how it works, but you can most certainly do so and i'm sure you'll find amazing patterns. to me personally when i realised leo's life work of how self-deception works , to me thats the greatest theory of life i've ever discovered. its pure genius and amazing.
  9. @electroBeam it was not created, the world of maya is an illusion that exsist on top of reality, there's no infinite intelligence creating or having a motive towards anything, its not trying to be creative. understanding is in the gap like jack said yes it can be termed infinite intelligence, but it again is only part of the maya all of leo's work like he has stated is the map not the terratory.
  10. @Jack River here here i agree understanding arises between the illusion of movement and thats why ALL theories created ever exsist upon the structure of time. time is the craziest illusion of them all. i proved the absolute in terms of physics, but i burned the knowledge because it was dualistic and should not exsist in reality even though it basically proves that 1D, 2D,3D, 4D are all illusions. i told my parents they just laughed at me, if you guys want ill write it up again, but you gotta promise not to publish it because its falsehood
  11. patterns are part of the maya that exsist awareness playing with awareness and patterns may form i.e the pattern that there are more humans than animals these patterns form the basis of our understanding, because as a subjective perspection we can only truth something if it reoccurs enough to understand it. if i use mental illness as an example if my eye sight is damaged does that cause me to lose cognitive power, the theory is more than viable even though i just made it up. and it is not because its not proven in theory and thats why it can only exsist as a hypothesis. science can only work if there is a definition of an eye and of the term cognative power. all words and numbers are dualistic and therefore all theories and understanding are too. if i said infinity x infinity you cannot calibrate that into a pattern because its itself the same definition two times. still even if it reoccurs enough, we can form subsequent causal relationships through relativity (hence einsteins theory is relative to the theory of why physics exsist) but it doesn't change the fact, that the pattern is not absolute and therefore science is not an absolute topic but is relative. enlightenment is also a relative topic because it can never point to the thing that is really there. its path is only a pointer, just like science is only a pointer to the pattern that is awareness playing with awarnesss
  12. @Shin its even more beautiful when were the same awareness, masturbating each other off. its literally the greatest masturbation in entire life civilisation.
  13. @winterknight okay cool, yeah it makes sense the words cannot be explain it. thank you once again.
  14. @winterknight interesting i see the problem, that there is actually no problem. lol so do what you want now
  15. @tedens no thought, but i can't live all my life in no thought. its not how i personally want to live my life.. a true human is no thought, consciousness. just pure awareness within a conscious mind, but you can have an unconscious awareness and still be full awareness, this is why i said enlightenment is just being seeing things for what they are.
  16. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! of course i never left man, you can never leave , but i'm talking about thinking about it halocratically as everthing is awareness takes abit of practice, to change what is and go about your life like that
  17. @Nahm sure i would like to laugh together, and make funny analogies if its the only thing left of value loooool. this is the question i'm deciding for myself today, if everythings an illusion what do i do? laughing doesnt sound bad
  18. @Jack River why because its literally like saying if everything was perfect what would you decide to do with this illusory life? because thats literally the question. yup this is exactly my problem, because they're connected anyway, illusions are still apart of the whole reality whether you accept it or not .i think of awareness in the now, and the aware of in the now, but when i think its just an illusion so its division but its not really ofcourse, don't know why i think of it in this way.
  19. @How to be wise i'm not gonna lie to you, the you don't know how is the core of science , the actual bit you need to understand lol. science is predicated upon pure assumption just like any subject in the world. any subject you know about its fundamentals or pillars of structure has assumptions made about reality. they try to box reality and thats how they are able to create truths, the truths work in their domain of their given subject but if the same object is different within two different feilds the whole system collapses and thats why you get lawyers who are able to define humans in the court of law via different definitions. did you know in the dictionary there are 514 different defintions of humans and you can legally use them to fight your case. thats how these assumptions are truthed.
  20. yeah thats my problem, the original questioner who was on the path at the beggining had pre concieved ideas and concepts and the truth is destorying all of them one by one. Yes silence means there is no thought , there only is the knower. alright ill inquire further until it stops completely thank you. there are still a few things i want to get clear, like what to do with my life and all those but i know they're still the very illusion itself thanks once again.
  21. this is like the millon dollar question loool! how did you decide to do it? make creative puns for people?