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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @cetus56 I am consciousness currently, you are asking me to let that go. i do not know how or where to begin i understand and at the same time do not know the absolute but what this video is asking is to become nothingness and die, i'm on board. i just don't see how to get there from my current position. so consciousness itself is an illusion? it must be transcended?
  2. all i know is to recognise your awarness itself , then hyperinflate that to the whole of reality, then i don't know where to go from there.
  3. from an abolsute perspective, the question on whether everything is predetermined is not correct. at the absolute perspective, nothing is actually happening. there is no choice even being made. we only have the illusion of choice, and therefore you will always have choice, but nothing is predetermined, if you count yourself as one with the absolute - there is no perspective in which you can take that you individually own if you count yourself as a seperate individual from the absolute - then you have the perspective that you have choice both are true in the end. when people start to believe things are predetermined, they think that everything is spritual and is working its way towards some great mission in life which is another illusion, forever for eternity, nothing is actually happening besides "awareness being aware"
  4. @Jkris thats the thing about enlightenment, you think you got it when you got it, but when you don't got it, you Don't got it. none the less, the insights i wrote about it are still true, they're just not truths to the highest degrees, i feel they're as far as words can go though. "enlightenment is not a destination is a remembering" the spiral can help towards all of these things! so i think you just agreed with the spiral
  5. @okulele i'm not gonna lie i do want enlightenment the most lol, but i still think i'll have desires and craving that exsist in lower chain spectrum and thats long to deal with, i might aswell get it over and done with and it will make reading books easier aswell. also its yellow Thinking belief system! not yellow action, and perspective of the world, i sitll haven't integrated many levels and that i think is lacking towards my enlightenment as a whole in the end. i think i just answered my own question.
  6. enlightenment is about seeing things as they are this is where the 8 fold , 4 noble truths , yoga all comes into play to act in the correct way. in any given situation, are you seeing the situation for what it is, or are you adding your own interpretations onto the scenery any words, thoughts, feelings emotions are methods of intepretting the situation incorrectly because it implies a seperate self is having an experience of intepretting the actual situation this self is able to percieve the objective from a subjective (self ) point of view can you see it? the big picture that all there is is awareness theres no such thing as a human body, its a concept, the true self is inside the concept, because it is the concept itself. and thats the problem, you can't flash a flashlight on the source of light ,the light bulb in a torch. This is what takes years to perfect, but the paradox continues you are the very thing yourself. so there is nothing to perfect. from a subjective point of view there is.
  7. okay thanks thats something i can do focus day and night on the "I" and not just let it off passively as i've been doing, alright cool thanks once again.
  8. sorry i editted my question, did you get to read all of it? yes i understand how inconsistent it is, this is my point, this final step, i don't know how to go back. i know its the truth, but i don't know how to practically make it my whole reality! thats why i asked is it 1,2,3 and you would agree that its 3 now after reading what you wrote ! THIS is where i am at on my path i have realised the true self , i have realised that nothing is happening so i can basically do anything i want since nothing is happening. this is how it should be though, awarness is interacting with awareness regardless, the intepretations are by mind. or is it the case i must stay in no mind thinking for 24/7
  9. @winterknight but the i is me my normal awarness, i can't see how i can focus on it. its effortless by its nature, this is what my current version of true self is or awareness is. the perception that things is happening is only a perception its not real. nothing is happening in truth, i know this. if i had to put it into an analogy for you to understand so you had to understand me, i'm going to use your technique you suggest that will make you understand me as both the same being that you mention when you say using metaphors to understand another humans you know when your first born, that awareness that exsist then . thats the awareness that i think is the entire awareness feild and the only thing that exsist. if you didn't get that then another would be No mind involved awareness that is what i know to be the true self of all of exsistence exsistance is this awareness all the time no time, no body, no hunger, it does not have eyes, it does not see, awareness interacting with itself infinitately. THIS IS MY CURRENT LEVEL I AM AT, now i can't view my world through this absolute view, i.e my mum is still my mum and not awareness, this is currently where i am at, but i am aware she is i and is awareness. i don't know if this means i have not died to the truth or what and entered a different dimension of truth or the infinite. but i still know that this can only be the true self, the awareness itself is the only thing that exsist. do i need to see the world through this absolute or is it ingnorance to not cleanly die. like right now i'm watching happy potter and i think its completely fine to because its infinity, its just what i decided to do at the time. theres no i i'm trying to hunt because i am awareness like if i really go into that mode of awareness of the truth then the characters are awareness , the clothes they're wearing are awarness, the truth is they are acting, the clothes they're wearing only represents the character they're playing, its a pre-recorded video , there is a camera man and a script they're reading off. and finally i am watching off a screen. this is the truth of the situation as best can be described. the higher truth is that nothing is happening so which position would i take to be in the truth lets debate 1) i am watching a movie 2) i am watching a pre-recorded video of acting 3) nothing is happening do i really need to take the absolute perspective, and take in truth or is this my ego speaking? because for me the true self is awareness and awarnesss can not be broken down further. i am aware and thats it.
  10. @cetus56 just from saying the word parcel tongue i'm going to watch harry potter now. i'll remember to practice staying awake loooool!
  11. yes i developed the write-way technique, if you want to learn to use it- its simple. write down all your thoughts without any hestitation and in the moment, word for word and then look back at it as if it was infinite intelligence that wrote it and contemplate your words written where there are beliefs/ attachments/ truths / falses / ego / divinity but this is only good for healthy contemplation, not for getting you to enlightenment. its an addition technique, well the first one i've seen in writing background i used it for 5 years of my life, works like a charm for 40-60% of the bullshit you create with your mind
  12. thanks i carry radiation in my car boot all the time, it makes me feel like someones home today
  13. @Jack River @cetus56 look at me, speaking in parcel tongue. its beautiful to see
  14. @SoonHei its not that, what i mean is saying there is no doership and then doing it , is itself a no doership saying your the one as an ego is doing something from the finite self perspective is what the ego would say. i am the one doing it but in both cases there was still something done in an illusory sense. so something was doing it, whether it is i (little) or I (big) it doesn't matter because its I (big) anyway. so i(little) = i(big) thats why i said i still have some things i personally want to sort out. the maya (ego) is still part of reality none the less, even if its not true at an absolute level who is the one who wants to do something itself is itself, i am the one, in a healthy way.
  15. @DnoReally Dnoreally
  16. @Truth Addict i thought i was going on a journey, then i remembered there was no place to get to ahah
  17. This picture represents the true self to me , it is a picture of a black hole. don't think of a black hole, think of yourself the black whole has nothing inside of it the white light, reverse the direction what do you understand about what i've said?
  18. okay thank you for answering my questions, they were much helpful
  19. @Serotoninluv so surrendering control of the illusion you have created?