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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. so it would be to constantly keep lossing identification with everything and remaining aware of being aware so much seasons don't pass, nothing is happening and everything is bliss. I see and finally how does one conduct themselves without knowing whats ahead?
  2. so how do you make a decision about anything?
  3. this is harder than it seems, how do you survive without being able to analyse your environment and apply identification to aspects of life, i.e i'm driving a car and it could crash right now. here's 4 ways i do it: 1) this is god, i am in god, that tree is a god 2) this is an illusion, i am an illusion, that tree is an illusion 3) this is beautiful so its fine, that is beautiful so its fine 4) No analysing with choosing no analysis, i don't have control over function or am not functional as a person.
  4. @FoxFoxFox I silenced my mind and when i did ... i noticed what i called pure awareness is what remained. Quickly i took ownership of it stating this is me, this is I. Afterwards i realised if it is the nature of all objects, then to call it mines would be wrong, this is when i cried and had the realisation that this pure awareness is all that is. However, i shortly came back to the identification of it as my awareness, since its the only awareness i'm able to sense, so how could i be so sure that it was the experience of the table's awareness or consciousness for example. After i returned back to a silent mind, i thought to myself what if this is a sensation so to speak, the problem was that it couldn't be because its always there, BUT there sheer fact i am trying to focus on becoming the awareness or "the one who is aware of awareness (rupert spira)" it only caused me to think this was not it and that it was indeed a sensation or not the final thing. I never considered losing the identification with it, because that would put me into a realm where i knew nothing, i couldn't even know if i was enlightened or not because everything that starts with mind thereafter is just what is occuring and so i put myself into the frame of being aware of being aware, when i closed my eyes it was more difficult than when i had my eyes opened because i was looking and i was aware of looking, but in the dark, i was aware that it was dark but i couldn't grasp it as strongly. This is another reason i thought it to be incorrect and just a sensation or perception i was morphing. However, according to what you've said over the last few days it is basically the I-I state of awarness but i was claiming ownership over it, what you and this video is telling me is to relinquish that identification with the awareness, in other words BE the awareness itself and cast away reality, cast away all identifications made with the mind, cast away all perceptions, i was trying to do this but i found it quite difficult to analyse my surroundings for example i was still looking at my mother and calling her mum or i was looking at food and perceving without words that i would be eating in the next few moments. with reliquishing ownership that would extend to the things your perciecing and all that would be left would be god, but even saying god is too much, because you go around thinking this is god, this is god, this is god in your perception and therefore i thought again this was wrong because it should be total silence, without any thoughts that i should follow as a path. so my question from what i talk about here about pure awareness, i agree it is the only thing that remains after you silence the mind, however, how can you be so sure it's not a sensation that you are percieving. and with trying to remain with it instensly you are not creating a forceful filter in which you are identifying with what you think awarness is. because what was happening to me was when i focused intensly on trying to be aware it would last a couple of seconds and then go, it always came and went and therefore it was not perminant in my consciousness and this is what made me think it was false and not enlightenment.
  5. @FoxFoxFox Thanks for answering the I-I question, it feels like i have direction again to follow, i kind of hit a roadblock, where i was doing that but owning it, so i didn't know if i was right or wrong. actually i'm not sure what i mean, but i think i was just trying to say by having your whole life about other people as opposed to yourself which would equate to 100% i-ness and giving up of it, i guess really what i'm trying to say is, does giving up the i-ness mean just bathing in total silence really without any identification, because its easy to say ohh just because i am god and put your iness on that, but as you said yesterday that is ignorance so is the silence, the god consciousness, loss of i-ness and pure awareness
  6. @FoxFoxFox I am currently in I-I i have been so for two months, trying to silence the mind to become "aware of" only, a) do you have any more advice you could give besides silencing the mind, because i have definately been doing this as my next step, but i haven't got very far b) isn't this the same as saying you should become 100% selfless
  7. @FoxFoxFox i know this might be going back to basic for just a second, but how do you get rid of identification then getting rid of the ego is a good starting point, but i don't think its helping any more lol
  8. @Joseph Maynor You know, i'm taking the same approach as you joseph, so i totally understand where your coming from, i've decided that i don't think liberation is for me, so i'm participating more in a merger of the two worlds together. But you understand yourself that what your saying is a mix of both worlds. but when most people talk they are going for the full shabang
  9. is this not the same thing ? form is nothing and meaning and meaningless
  10. @Tetcher :'( do you understand how profound it is, to say that god is infinitely maximising good for everything and so leaves nothing to chance don't you realise how much that changes everything we know
  11. @now is forever leo's new profound insights however show that nothing is not meaningless, its happening perfectly as should be, to maximise the benefit to all things. ironically the second thing i found most profound today.
  12. @Preetom its ironic, the most profound thing i've heard today from leo are two things, i'm only going to mention 1, but its amazing how hard it is to get a grasp of infinite power, form exists as god, so god is form, it is hologram illusory i think he's trying to say and not illusory in the way to word means it. can you image your hand only as a hologram, that looks real, this is what i meant by reality being inside a massive brain, where anything can be imagined into existance, almost instantly. deep sleep exists in the reality, inside god, so where you think this physical world is seperate from the dream like state, well in fact they are exactly constructed of the same thing, consciousness or god or the holographic illusion
  13. what is the difference and how does ego play a role in this? (note: even if we are talking about trans-ego)
  14. @TheAvatarState i see, thank you all for your words, i think i have grasped an understanding from a merger of all your statements.
  15. so lets work through this, when i surrender all identity but that i am god, and attachments, so when i become desireless? i already don't think i'm in control, the more total i see gods power, the more i realise that we are the same thing, regardless of what choices/ actions are made.
  16. @Highest Thiis what i'm trying to figure out, after you become conscious then they are god, then they start acting like god basically . so how can it be egoic, when its the truth?
  17. @FoxFoxFox so foxfox do i become more godly by being selfless?
  18. @thesmileyone none the less it would be the truth, because all of these experiences are for the survival of reality as it is.
  19. @Serotoninluv whats your thoughts on the attachment to the identity of being god? for example, living life for the rest of your life thinking you are god. which is not the same as letting go and being present in the moment and acting like god.
  20. @now is forever thats life, gotta enjoy masterbating while it lasts @FoxFoxFox I am already aware of this, @thesmileyone yup this is what i mean by higher and lower consciousness, more godly vs less godly what i mean to say guys was, if i become more godly do i do this by becoming 100% selfless not i want to become god, i already am aware that i'm god :')
  21. @Serotoninluv yeah i remember a conversation we had a month ago about turquoise, i think i'm starting to enter into it and understand what it truly means and especially the trans-rationality of it, whats the trap entered? thinking your at the finish line?
  22. @FoxFoxFox makes sense, as it should be none the less, but yes the paradox will still be, you will be the very thing that you were before you were struck. as you said theres no such thing as duality or experience , or perception etc.. so if i wanted to become god, and become more positively charged, do i have to just become completely selfless.
  23. @Serotoninluv sounds to me that @FoxFoxFox seems to know what hes talking about, when hes speaking.
  24. @FoxFoxFox so your telling me to renounce my name in a way? and be the thing that i am, which is god?