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Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mu_ thats what it meant to be right, after the human identification is gone and you realise your awareness, true there are no problems in the world equally there is no problem more important than the other because all human problems are false because they all experience the problem of being a human concept, therefore makes them all important aswell. -
background i think once in a while its good to have a reality check and see if there's anyway we can make things better as a community. ever since leo's last video, the number of dividing views and different opinions has dramatically increased. i think the biggest one that people would like to address is people's beliefs in leo's awakenings and advitta trappings. so to have a systemised structure to viewcase everyones opinions, if they would like to participate in this thread. could you write the following : a) the problem in a simple statement followed by b) why you think its a problem c) solutions to the problems
its ironic when the veil of illusion is lifted and you arrive back at "you are god" when you look at emotions you are not an entity (i) experiencing emotions you are that emotion you are love itself, but how do you grow it, like how do you bring it back from your true self and embody it through your human vessel?
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
i think i understand surrender now, when adyshanti said he was meditating trying to become enlightened, something happened and he opened his eyes and looked at his buddah statue and laughed and said all these years ive been trying to catch you there are conditions you must follow a) the mind must be silent b) the world of form must go, moreover the belief there is a universe c) the identification an i by the mind d) the surrender of self e) the person seeking f) all knowledge must be surrendered h) you have to become the thing you are not objectify it i) a massive resolve to surrender self and never return j) all theories of enlightenment must be thrown out k) the thought that "i will become enlightened" -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@FoxFoxFox I Just think i sensed the energy of the witnesser, thats what the true self just felt like, one giant ball of energy -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@FoxFoxFox @Highest okay after evaluating all questions layed before both of you after my awakening its obvious to me now the mind can only gather concepts the only truth is: I AM THE WITNESSING (VERBING) -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Highest i see so its a belief to think that these things will dissolve away immediately, and therefore all that's left to do is become conscious of it, and everything as god without laying identification markers everywhere so an enlightened person can be blissful and conscious their human being is sad and miserable at the same time ? like can i be blissful and my human still hate and call another human stupid and silly -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Preetom @Highest i see because of the bliss , so a person can be blissful and crying aswell as blissful and angry at a dog -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Highest so does sadghuru still feel fear, isn't bliss meant to stop all of these things from happening, when you bring the true self- back through your human self after seeing everything as one god like do you experience anger and sadness. or should i say does becoming anger and sadness, still happen to you -
Aakash replied to Highest's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
the belief being able to bring up god in your direct experience after you disidentify with body, mind, brain,atoms, beliefs, and identify with the awareness of activities happening but i havent had experience outside of this, -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
but my point is, now that i bare witness to it these anxieties shouldnt arise in my body-mind/sensations even if i am witness to it, does the sensations still appear inside you for example -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Preetom i - never came into existence I - cant be represented as existant / non existent and can't be explained with time , it is the only thing there is in eternity. so there is no comparison one can make to it which is no existant because there's no-thing seperate from it -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Highest fear of the unknown, sometimes social anxiety because i think differently to the people around me, addictions, fear of embarrrassment, fear of failure human is a concept which is why i'm saying its a belief all of it, the whole of reality as humans know it is a belief , but thats what i mean so all the truths belonging to the human consciousness are false, -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Mu_ i cant at the moment, my human identification belief is in the way, so i won't be able to understand what true love is, i am just making sure i am not trapping myself in delusion. but if i'm being genuine from what i've gathered so far expeirences included: all i can say is love IS -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
the reason is because i wanted to let the flow from the true self, flow through my human body. but reality is love, so i wanted to know whether it was an emotion that i needed to exhibit in my human form 24/7, that would represent infinite love, but i guess this is not the case -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@FoxFoxFox you can stop the i thought and stop identifying with everything but how can you be so sure the human body you exhibit will be purified aswell ? getting rid of the i-thought to me, is i am the one that is aware of what is going on and the storyline of the person is left by itself to infinite intelligence. so it is the "I" WHICH is a belief that is the one identifying and needing to create a finite ground, but this is not truth. isn't that basically what the fettas in buddism are they are purifying you because your nature is automatically unconsciously being shift to i-true self and the facets of god that is love, intelligence, peace , etc -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura so one i have observed so far in the past 2 hours is: i tend to look sexual at the female sex within my age category on the train, more specifically hindu/ indian females, my current understanding of this is because its reactionary to the belief that a neccessary part of survival as mating and marriage, but again this only a belief on a human level when you identify with true nature, this belief as well as all human identified beliefs go, when you bring this back through your human form, its not an absolute so it won't carry over in your desires another one was: using humour to make it seem okay that i never done the group work properly for my group presentation assignment today: i just done it an hour ago, but i didn't want the group to let them know i let them down and that i basically focused really on my consciousness work and only done my bit for 30 minutes last night when i had 3 months to do it. the survival mechanism was deceit in a subtle way because i never really lied i guess, i just said i did the work, so this is belief of fear, and social acceptance and not being humiliated/ the reason why the group might have done bad so i would categories marriage as a survival need in social norms but these all stem from a single belief and that is that i am human and limiting your identity there so how would you deal with these after observing them, youd find the belief and you would eliminate it with the absolute and according to foxfox this happens automatically as soon as your enlightened but i don't understand how that occurs really and plus i still think that neurosis and false beliefs can still exist within enlightened people, and the only way to stop it is to go all the way to the end and embody truth itself because youll stop identifying with humans, i would say like people like to point out that alan watts was still an alcoholic even though he knew the truth. so there's a clear process. you said" Into this are tied all of your thoughts, beliefs, opinions, attitudes, behaviors, emotions, reactions, knowledge" but to me thoughts are beliefs, opinions are beliefs, attitudes are beliefs, behaviours are beliefs , emotions are beliefs , reactions are beliefs, knowledge is beliefs everything is belief except the absolute, i don't take away the importance of them for survive purposes but the beliefs ALL stem from the belief of identification of "i" human. -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Leo Gura would it be safe to say that watching it like an owl and then doing the opposite thing automatically, no matter how counter-intuitive after some consideration into what kind of survival mechanism it is. do you personally have a categorisation of survival mechanisms or is this what you intended when you did your self-delusions 3 part series -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Jkris the solutions, is to understand your psychology and the beliefs you carry, then identification will slowly detach form them. the only way to get over traumas is to realise whatever you thought about the situation was wrong. i.e "my life will never be good again after this", 5 years later - life gets better from the individual perspective 10 years later - "ohh my life is good again" ofcourse its not as simple as i make it sound, but the mechanisms behind it are still true the problems with traumas is you have beliefs, on beliefs stacked upon each other and many of those beliefs carry with them an ethical consideration which makes it clear black and white because most people have moral compassing. -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@Arhattobe identification of thought is only one component, identification is more broad than that, it is really identifications to beliefs that i'm trying to expo-say. i'm literally talking about everything you believe in is a lie, until you get to absolute realms because whatever you've thought of from the beginning is a lie because you thought of it from human identification. -
Aakash replied to Aakash's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
@leo i see so is it an overstatement to state that all beliefs boil down to a sense of identification, i'm majorly deconstructing my beliefs system now because once again everything i knew to be true before is false AGAIN, there's so much about enlightenment that i didn't take into account because i was fantasising about it from the perspective of a identified human being, now i've had the chance to compare between the absolute human being, lets call it for reference sake. its only shown me how much more there is to deconstruct, deeper - especially my view on enlightenment. however, if it all comes down to identification that can save me a lot of time, because i can just extricate myself from the equation. -
i think that just once in a while we all on this forum need to take a moment and appreciate how far we've all come and how much progress we have all made no matter how small since we all started our journey its true that this is a long and gruelling process, a lot of strong emotions and up and down periods thats why we should all congratulate ourselves for the work we have each done on ourselves and the better people we have come by understanding greater truths about reality you know, you might be in a position of confusion and feel like everything is hopeless at times but you have to consider that even that is progress. so congrats to all of us and keep on pushing for higher truths and the aims and goals that each of us have
@Serotoninluv lol dude, you should be teaching the people in the forum what stage turqouise teachings, i can never understand stage turqouise and its next on my development, its trans-rational but what the hell is the boundaries and justifications of what a stage turqouise teaching is outside of ANYTHING to do with enlightenment techniques its clear that joseph doesn't know what turquoise techniques are
i mean is belief really a stage blue quality because most people are blieving in leo's teaching instead of varifying with logic and ration and critical thinking. do you qualify this as stage blue?
the aim here is not to raise your conscious levels through spiral dynamics but to become straight enlightened, which may or may not include personal development work, even enlightened beings can have shadows, they just don't identify with it. you can become enlightened at any stage in the spiral, it just helps a tiny bit if you progress up the spiral.