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Everything posted by Aakash

  1. @How to be wise ramirashi - "be as you are" good work, thats something i'm struggling with
  2. @peanutspathtotruth its literally the episode i've been watching, the homour is connecting to my soul and i'm getting motivated :') but lets see how long that works for i'm with you, i'm just going to go back to the basics and sort things out from there , i feel my life has gone full circle from never knowing about enlightenment to knowing about it, now back to forgetting about it and doing the classics thanks for your recommendation
  3. while i am unelightened I.E still carry the I for my experience, i've come to the relalisation that I have to accept carrying out my life to the end, even in terms of egoic pursuit of happiness the difference is before i was rejecting my ego I.E doing a hobby for the pleasure of happiness or pursuit of a life goal that may be seen as egoic. for two years i rejected the ego but now i have accepted it and understood either way its god will because its only an illusion that the goal belongs personally to me an individual. so life purposes and enlightenment are actually the same side of the coin in a way. my problem however is i stopped with the motivation of egoic tendencies for two years, only subtle ones exist i.e addictions but big ones the motivation never carried over. How could i get this motivation running again to the live the best possible life that i can that my survival hinges upon it?
  4. @Mu_ LOL so you do alternative healing, what sort of healing is it. ahh man as long as your enjoying it, that's what my life has gone back to the basics - how to live a passionate life
  5. I am slowly beginning to realise how much identification plays a part in the person we become i constantly have so many beliefs that are untrue and all these beliefs all occur because i didn't know my true self like for example neurosis of a human being neurosis occurs because i believe myself to be human being with a body and mind that enjoys to do the addicted activity but in truth, if you take the true self through human, the human being doesn't need anything because it sees the through the belief that nothing is actually happening OR identification to ALL thoughts, i constantly identify and think i am a human being thinking but there is no individual I who is thinking, the process is happening on its own which OR i have fears, anxieties, shadow work, all because i belief myself to be human, but in truth there is only love what ones can you think of?
  6. @Nahm interesting, i never applied it in that way, @Anton_Pierre i think were at similar places dude, this only happeneded to me two days ago , i focused my attention onto crown chakra, without doing the others, the sensation started going down my spine and got blocked at my neck , afterwards i felt pain in my neck so i figured this is what is meant by an energy blockage.
  7. thank you all for your responses, i think i've taken the enlightenment work abit too seriously and closed myself off to the possibilties of finding a passion which i was passionate about finding before. thoughts came over me like : ohh you don't need to find your passion, it will not make you happy only enlightenment will etc .. etc.. however, now i have changed my thinking pattern and but i've become quite a closed person in a way, i used to be very interested in trying new things and now i don't know where that's gone, but it seems i must overcome this problem and genuinely find something i am interested in but thanks i didn't want it to be like that, but i guess there's no other way for it to be and try out new things @Shiva thanks for your post, it gave me courage to understand the path will not be linear
  8. i've been thinking about my life purpose because my will is gods will, but i'm abit confused- i've spent the best part of two years trying to become enlightened and it estentially became my life purpose, i feel so strongly about it, but after i've laid my intellectual foundations, i've managed to seperate my personal human life, from the awareness of the personal life. but apart from enlightenment and learning about reality i don't feel passionate about the human side of life, in more detail i've only ever had bad habits in my life, none which are healthy and good. then i realised that enlightenment can't be a life purpose because a life purpose is a human aspect, it is aware of it. so now i'm thinking about my life purpose from scatch, before i wanted to fight against all injustices (super deluded i was) because that was just my ego, but i've calmed down now and realised it was a retaliation against my thoughts of the world it actually wasn't what i wanted to do, or something i was passionate about. It was such a broad scope "i will fight injustice, there wasn't something specific i had a passion about i.e water quality, poverty, social injustice" so now i'm back at base one with my human understanding of things a tiny bit better than it was before. i am currently doing business management at university, so whether i like it or not, i have to finish this course and incorporate it into my life purpose, i had a raw passion and instictual search for enlightenment, which is what i want with something i am interested about in the human world now that i realised the belief is okay and not just an meaningless illusion. How could i handle this situation and find another raw passion? one of my hobbies is dancing and listening to music, that i feel a passion for but that's not a career i can make, its too late for that as i said i have to incorporate business into it. i used to have a raw passion for businesses but i'm not as excited to learn it anymore since im not staking my life against becoming a millionnaire anymore, so i've lost motivation for it and so its not raww. i don't really sense any other raw passions are hobbies my identification is attached to . SO I'M KINDA SCREWED LOOL! How could i handle this situation and find another raw passion?
  9. just had this insight: that whenever you have a thought or an emotion, the context of it doesn't matter, to find the underrooted problem of why it is, you must look into your human self and your human beliefs . However, the context doesn't matter to the truth. the belief is that, there is a seperate person and individual person who is capable of experiencing these thoughts and emotions , who is capable to interpret them through their own filter, justifications , morality , values, opinions for example "i am god" are you aware of the one saying "i am god" or are you claiming "i am god" as an intellectual fact, the subtlty of it is minimal but one i a thought , the other is an action saying i am god is itself part of the delusion, being aware of saying "i am god" as true nature is not but thats besides the point i'm trying to make its this identification that there is an "i" experiencing an object out there, a world, a universe, a song, for themselves, so basically to say anything is other than the one same thing is incorrect. there is still one who is experiencing "the thought of you thinking your an individidual self ,.who is having a thought that he is the greatest man in the world"
  10. @Angelo John Gage I think you explained it very well, its said in a way that won't give too much ego backlash in your audience from my point of view. aswell as its clear. tell them to come join the community ahaha
  11. @Highest enlightened guy smoking weed looool that just made my day. whats the point, there's no you there who's actually doing it. is this what your body-mind wants
  12. @Preetom interesting , i like it. i guess its just better to stop it lol. thanks
  13. @winterknight i think i underestimated how difficult this process actually is, thinking that one day ill find it and bang this whole journey would be over. but i think i myself need to learn more about this method itself , so i will certainly take you up on that offer.
  14. @Preetom yup i right until the moment i can't and that would be enlightenment itself, i have a problem of needing to double check against someone elses experience all the time , so i don't get stuck in a ditch and have to spend 2 years lost in a delusion.
  15. @Preetom i don't do it to see if i'm correct and its the final reality i do it because if the other person can understand it and be like yeah i know what you mean, here s where you go next or so the other person can tell me if i'm wrong but yeah ive given up with intellectualising, i'm happy with where i'm at. just doing the practices only now
  16. @winterknight yeah i see where i went wrong .. when asked who is the one asking saying i is the one who is everything or coming up with a written answer is just the activity of the mind which i didn't realise i was witness to so it was a fake finishing using words, i didn't actually experience it in my direct experience i have gone deeper though since i've taken myself off this belief track and understood the importance of holding the "i" but its really difficult when there is nothing in me that represents me , the only way i can express it was , it was like smoke inside my body, except the smoke was not in the material world then there was this kinda world started to form after i focused more where i was in a constant state of experiencing things, detached from what ever was happening in my body. but i still have doubts, so its as you said i will continue until i'm sure, plus i've kinda started enjoy doing it, do most people normally do self-inquiry with their eyes open or closed? before this i was doing a neti neti style self-inquiry but then i realised the limitations of it if you don't know what to think is you next, its like a methodical approach. whilst this time, i just hold onto what i feel is I and just inquiring into where it is, what is it, and whom. the neti neti style i did with my eyes open and normal self-inquiry i do with my eyes closed.
  17. @Mu_ i lived that university/ teenage lifestyle to the max , that's when i realised that my whole human body system is neurotic and addicted to many things, so i dropped all my hobbies and what i thought were my enjoyments to become enlightened for now. i have a problem of over indulging in activities after ive chosen one without doing the things that are actually important aka procrastinating. so i figured it would be best to do this however, its been 2 years, i've only made slight progress in my neurotic system but my monkey mind that was attached to how reality works (which has been my hobby for the last six years, figuring out how reality works) has slowed down since i've found answers. i've been thinking what i want to do with my sprituality life now and i think most of the intellectual groundwork has been laid, so i'm just going to enjoy doing the practice until i can realise true self properly and stick to it. [ especially useful that you can't get there with the mind] therefore, its kinda like i'm giving it a break since i've been at it hardcore with monkey mind, and now i can actually need doing the things i need to do. which means i can pick up habits again but healthy ones this time after i sort out my normal life. but even if i'm done thinking about enlightenment and reality, i still have to figure out what i want to do with my life and what sort of business i want to start, so more practical thinking and book reads. sometimes i wish i didn't even know about spirituality and the truth, because of how much effort you have to put in to reach enlightenment, but i figured my 40 year old self would be happy if i just did it now rather than then, i feel like you have no choice but to go forward with it once you've established a correct understanding what about you? are you just going to make videos for now
  18. i do not believe the i sensation is my neurones, brain, body or anything material. even the fact it is immaterial is only a thought i'm not sure about the i sensation not being in my body, is that just a thought or is it actually located within my human form every time i try to inquiry about the i sensation localised awareness i can't locate it as its not coming from anywhere specifically, it feels like non existant smoke in the body which moves then sometimes feels like its in my head
  19. because i experienced it in my self-inquiry, theres no identification to the words , the letter a is the same the letter g or h . its like the true is nothing to do with witnessing or being aware of thoughts, meanings its like disidentification into being nothing
  20. @FoxFoxFox @David Hammond is the difference like this witnessing a thought ---) awarness of no thought, awareness of thought, awareness of no thought again <-> the slight identification is that there is still a thought and that is happening and someone is aware of it then complete disconnection ----> no-thing happening, its not even awareness of something, the thought never even happened
  21. @Highest so words are completely hollow to yourself
  22. @Dumb Enlightened but there is still that which is aware or experiencing, not an indiviual self, but EXPERIENCE itself!
  23. @Highest self-inquiry 3 of today results: absolutely no -thing - the awarness of everything, the individual (i) can't SEEK to find the location of awareness because it, itself IS awareness of: awareness of thought, mind, body, sensations, everything you must BE the complete detachment of everything because it is not you. the individual self seek is a THOUGHT itself, which YOU are aware of , it is not I but IS
  24. @Dumb Enlightened then where did you go from there, i slightly went in that direction,but the insight never stuck
  25. i'm not gonna lie, i don't think they know what they're talking about when it comes to enlightenment, its just general things. like i don't think theres any enlightened people on it. but i'm not gonna slate it for that, i like having a membership just to visit it once in a while and there are some really spiritual documentaries on there i enjoy watching once in a while