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Everything posted by p1xelmonk

  1. About time you got some truth dumped on ya.
  2. jesus christ. yeah you seriously do need to change yourself, having a single ounce of compassion might do you some good.
  3. lol leo trying to converse with trumptards
  4. nootropic hahahah wtf
  5. damn I thought outer was better than this
  6. wow trumptards are even on our actualized forums, eh?
  7. hahahahahah god help you
  8. overpopulation has never been a problem. we already produce enough food to feed the world ten times over. every human on earth can have an acre to themselves inside of texas. it's nothing more than politics.
  9. hahahahah you're writing this off as sarcasm? how much do you worship this guy lmao
  10. christ are you for real bro? get a life.
  11. lmao "I barely have an ego and looks like yours is triggered leo" where do these ppl come from
  12. lmao this guy seriously can't get enough of himself it's amazing
  13. maybe you should look into some self-help stuff man. it'll help quell this troubling narcissism before it gets out of hand.
  14. yeah maynor here has already transitioned into turquoise, nobody here appreciates the amount of work that has gone into that. can you not see how he is the peak embodiment of humility and altruism? he is far beyond us all, the wisest choice any of us plebians could make right now is turn the massive amount of wisdom in his journals into our bible and pray we one day reach his levels of enlightenment.
  15. lmao this is why I love this forum. brings out all the crazies. "decades" of work and I'm not sure I've ever experienced these levels of narcissism.
  16. hahahah oh god this is great please keep it coming
  17. and I said you were full of yourself before this post hahahahah oh man this is rich
  18. lol didn't know maynor was so full of himself
  19. @Leo Gura the videos on the actualized blog are all whack and out of order for me. Anyone else seeing the same? EDIT: looks fixed now
  20. To follow up on BuddhaTree's comment:
  21. high consciousness and trump in the same sentence how deluded can one get
  22. hahahah yeah a vague deal of no substance whatsoever. who let the trumptard in here