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Everything posted by sholomar

  1. Life is a mental game. You can try to climb on the personal development hamster wheel to try to feel a since of pride of accomplishment and as a man that is important to do in moderation but in the end it still comes down to peace of mind independent of external circumstances, which is something that is hard to teach or tell you how to do, you just need to find your inner peace on your own through self inquiry. For example, I am at peace despite the fact I acknowledge I have aspie traits, a boring personality, and lack the playful demeanor that creates most bonds, friendships, relationships. There are other areas in life I work on to keep my peace of mind such as low bodyweight percentage, diet and fitness. I am nice towards others, but will never be a storytelling extrovert or a practical joker and my playful banter skills are a work in progress. Arguably these are the most important traits to have as a member of the species. As a man I should say, if you want something you have to be aggressive and take risks. People with good intentions will tell you to be responsible and play it safe, but typically the most successful in life don't actually do this. They take risks, if they mess up they try again and again. They act in spite of their fear. Regardless of what you do, good luck!
  2. Thank you. LOL. It's clear to me why people turned against the left. It's the suffocating, Karen-like moral/intellectual superiority/nagging they've been constantly doing for years now. Shaming people for voting against them, calling them stupid and dumb. They just come across as insufferable to me, insisting their path is the only path forward for the species. Maybe they'll be proven right and Trump will destroy the country, but I doubt it. If it happens, it happens. Observing all this theatre has made me see how counterculture movements form, it's because the status quo become insufferable with their attempts to nag and control the masses, which promotes the movement as a way to rebel from the "Karens" trying to nag the populace to death. The left became entrenched in the institutions and turn into naggy Karens shaming everyone every time they dared criticize the most looney of policies such as transgender surgeries for 8 year olds, etc. This is the result.
  3. I mean, David Hawkins was a republican and wrote a litany of books on his calibrated levels of consciousness. This idea that all super high developed people are all super progressive is a story that progressives tell themselves. In the end it's important as homo sapiens to have a nice balance between liberal and conservative traits, just as it's important to "toughen up boys" to turn them into men. We can't put the entire species inside a bubble or safe space to shelter them from any discomfort in life. The left wing when taken to it's extreme violates the laws of nature that run evolution including our species and turns societies non functional. You're never going to get rid of all discomfort in life and make everyone totally equal, no matter how hard you try. You're not going to force the entire planet into a stage green philosophy any time soon.
  4. The amount of people having full blown mental breaks, public meltdowns, and anxiety attacks is wild. Like if this election made you legitimately lose your mind, maybe you weren’t all there to begin with. It's insane how quickly the left got actually racist, not fake racism crying like they've done for years, as soon as black and latino people didn't vote the way they wanted. The number of Kamala supporters I've seen that keep going on about how they can't wait for trump to put Mexicans in camps or that he's going to deport muslims and completely level Palestine and they'll be laughing about it is incredible lmao. these are the people claiming to have some sort of moral high ground. No trump voter has said anything even 1/10th as toxic to me 😂 To me the left simply got too naggy for their own good, like how the religious right used to be in this culture which caused people to rebel from them. Stage yellows should learn to deal with stages at their own level. A true yellow isn't going to nag lower stages to death trying to force feed a belief system on them, in my opinion. Since they are greens stuck in tier 1 thinking, naturally they still think their stage is the pinnacle of societal development and want to try to force feed it on everyone like tier 1 thinkers tend to do. This sort of nagging, condescending, intellectual and moral superiority they dangle over everyone trying to shame them to death for being racists, bigots, etc. is just going to cause them to lose more support going forward if they are not careful. Not everyone wants to buy what they are selling, and to go turn around and trash them for their disobedience isn't going to win them over, but by all means, keep at it.
  5. I always see developed people bash the "sheep" as though they are low information lemmings plugged into the matrix, but I'm convinced a lot of normal people are more developed than people into "personal development" as all the major authors talk about rolling with the punches, acceptance of what you cannot change, and not taking a victim mentality, all the opposite of around 75% here do. Rather than a personal development forum this is more of a left wing politics forum in my opinion. Stage green know they are green, act like they are green, and seemingly unable to change their behavior or world view, which I find fascinating. The strong emotional investment I find equally fascinating. They seemingly can't understand why people would vote for Trump, a characteristic of Tier 1 thinking. Just fascinating the reaction to Trump's victory. The model works! They may have genuine reasons to be worried about Trump though... I guess time will tell, because he's here to stay.
  6. Yes, but I believe there is room for compassion and choice on the abortion issue. First, assuming you believe in the soul, past lifes, reincarnation, the soul already is aware of the possibility of an abortion happening, and is prepared for it. Second, the fetus has no conscious awareness of it's existence until perhaps the month up to birth, where some people report remembering being in the womb. Third, the sex drive is extremely strong and for conservatives to say to just abstain is asking a lot given our nature. Fourth, to ask a mother to raise a child they are not ready to raise when they are really young especially, when the guy knocks her up and disappears, can be traumatic for a young person especially if their parents are conservative and not supportive of the accidential pregnancy. Fifth, asking them to raise a child they probably cannot afford means the government is going to pay for it.. you'd think more conservatives would be against that. For all these reasons and more I generally support abortion through the first or second trimester. I just don't see any harm coming of it, besides potential future psychological damage as the woman gets older wondering what the child would have been like that they aborted, which is a very real thing, but something the woman will have to deal with. Bottom line, it should be a choice, in my opinion of course. When you criminalize something there will just be black markets for it, and there have been black markets for dangerous abortion procedures going back thousands of years.
  7. People don't like being preached too and the modern left are too preachy in a religious fundamentalist sort of way... you either fall into line on every issue they support or they attack and outcast you. This moral/intellectual superiority stage greens dangle over people is offputting to them. Nobody likes being told they are low IQ, inferior, a racist, just because they're not a bunch of socialist utopians who don't support unchecked immigration with no vetting, or gender changes for adolescents, or men competing in women's sports and beating world records, and being fact checked and cancelled if you don't agree. Democrats were becoming too controlling with their narrative peddling.... not allowing room for actual opposing viewpoints.... they "hate the haters" and think they have the moral high ground when they do it, and can't understand why their tactics aren't working and they push away moderates. Now they're blaming it on racist men who didn't want to elect a woman, which is quite frankly pure bullshit. Having emotional meltdowns and lame excuses does not equate to being well developed much less self aware or introspective. Let's put it this way... they pushed me away more than Trump pushed me away. Yes, people like Tulsi and Musk, former liberals and current moderates, did sway people's opinions... just watching lefties rip them for daring to have moderate viewpoints and leave the democrat party or gasp, allow a free speech platform, is what's wrong with the democrat party. If you want to claim to be inclusive, be inclusive. Plus, California making it against the law to check for voter ID... this really makes the left look nuts... makes them look like they don't care if they cheat to win, they only care about power and having it. All this comes off as looney to normal people. Plus, it's the economy stupid... I will grant you, I can see how Trump's behavior, what he says during his rallies, comes off as looney to the left, and dangerous. I can see their perspective, see why they are concerned. Time will tell if their fears are justified or not.
  8. But you're so enlightened, tolerant, and accepting of what is. You're so supporting of "democracy" as long as it's your side that is in charge, I mean, if you can't see your stage green bias and emotional investment... So what happens when none of this comes to pass and the war in Ukraine is over by the spring?
  9. Wizard, these people are not enlightened. Stop letting them gaslight you into thinking they are. They are stage greens who believe their stage green beliefs, just like blues and oranges do. They get very emotionally charged when those beliefs are questioned. They think they have all the answers for the other spiral dynamics stages and think it's their job to convert the world, just like religious people used to do. Stage green is just another belief system. Perhaps its more evolved but it's not for everyone, especially with the subtle jabs they always make towards the right in popular culture. They have this perception of the right that is largely a stereotype or caricature and not how average people actually behave. That said the right have the same stereotypes about the left. It's rare average people behave exactly like the political caricatures portrayed by their party. I don't blame them because Trump is a troll, and some of the things that come out of his mouth should not be. Doesn't mean his policies will match.
  10. It's because this forum's version of leftist politics isn't for everyone. We are not all stage greens nor do we want to be. If you can't see why someone doesn't want these type of people in power, broaden your perspective a bit.
  11. I just don't have confidence stage greens can govern effectively. Many of their policies don't work in a vacuum, and indeed defy the basic laws of natural selection that have caused species to evolve to this point. Plus, they are too emotionally charged especially from Trump's trolling of them. I mean, the right has to deal with the left's accusations of "nationalist" and "white supremacist" and "nazi" that permeate pop culture basically continuously, but they have become numb to it, and are able to take it better. Leftists seem to be more prone to emotional meltdowns to a degree. Plus I fully admit Trump is a TROLL and a NARCISSIST. I have more confidence in the group of people Trump has surrounded himself with this time around. I like Vance, Tulsi, Musk, RFK. I won't lose sleep over who wins to be honest. Both of them are going to print money, because they have no choice. We have an aging population taking government benefits with relatively low birth rates. This means more inflation because we pay more people to be unproductive in society. The more you do that, the more inflation you see, at least until we can get robots to replace all human labor and have a system not based on earnings per share growth as a measure of success, where corporations constrain supply to drive up margins, along with a banking system not dependent on perpetual growth to prevent it's collapse. The interest money to pay off debt doesn't exist, so you always have to create ever more debt to service the existing interest payments. This is why the national debt goes up 5-10% per year, and will continue to do so, forever. If it doesn't, you get a liquidity crisis, the repo markets dry up, and crashy crashy. Inflation is an unfortunate aspect of paying out more than you produce in an economy, along with having a debt based fractional reserve banking system with compound interest. Some of the gender stuff, men participating in women's sports, gender changes for adolescents, some of the restrictions on "misinformation" many of them propose, and also equity... giving unqualified people positions because of their gender or skin color, concerns me more. I like a society based on achievement by merit. Equality is great, but this push for equity, moral relativism, and anything goes, doesn't necessarily equate to a healthy society. We need checks and balances against people having too much power, but also some level of rules for good behavior... who decides what behavior is acceptable is always of course the question to debate forever. It's a fine line between order and chaos. Democrats bring a LOT to the table, but they can't fix human nature.
  12. Would this fit here? I found this post enlightening.... "Let me get your attention by telling you that about a year ago, I had a sibling die. Unbeknownst to the rest of us, he had invested ridiculously in Bitcoin at the beginning. When he died, all of that ended up going to us. He had no kids, no spouse, so his NoK was me and 2 others. I became a multi-millionaire overnight. Let me explain to you, through this experience, why you are being fooled into thinking there is any difference with any party and that you're being fooled by the elite (which, strangely, now includes me). I grew up poor. Homeless poor, actually. I took on student loan debt and became a Nurse, then later became a Nurse Practitioner. I made good money. My salary is currently over $150k. Now, the difference between poverty and $150k is night and day, obviously. Nice cars, nice home and I don't worry about anything like tires, transmission, etc. Even at $150k I'm fairly frugal so that I never have to worry about that stuff because I hated the first 10 years of my adult life - tire blows and you're screwed for 2 weeks. Transmission goes and you're just screwed. I tell you this because now I understand what it's like to be extremely impoverished, upper middle-class, and now, having access to f**k you money. When I ended up with this money, I was still in mourning and didn't think much about it, tbh. My brother was only 45 and died of a heart attack. No one saw it coming. But as the months wore on, I realized that I never had to work again. I still work, but I have to force myself to work. In fact, I'm very bored with life. Like, EXTREMELY bored. So bored that it's somewhat depressing. When the conflict of life is gone, to the degree mine is gone, the drive dwindles quite a bit. So then I start looking at what I can do with the money. You know, like how you would fantasize about what you'd do with the 300m jackpot when you buy a once-a-year lotto ticket. But this time, it's for real. I won't say how much but suffice it to say the rest of my family won't ever want for anything ever again. Anyway, I started doing these things. Going on 2 week long vacations, bought a stupid car, paid off my house, bought a business. I even got so bored that I bought a vending machine route and I pay someone to manage it for me. I keep doing things to try and get that spark back but it doesn't. Others have noticed my philanthropic ventures and I get invited to parties. I recently realized exactly why these billionaires do what they do - they have so much money that there's nothing they can't do. Literally. I'm telling you from experience that when there's nothing you can't do, life gets pretty cruddy. The conflict of 'living' is gone. That's why you see people out there buying other humans, holding weird, demented parties, blowing $50k on a watch that probably cost $4k to make. They have everything and nothing at the same time. So, many of them - not me - but many of them turn to the control aspect. Their "conflict" comes from being able to control other people. It becomes a "thing" that generates conflict in their life. Something that doesn't necessarily come easy. This is why both political parties aren't going to save you. Not Trump, not Kamala, not Hillary - none of those people will save you because they generally lack conflict in their lives unless they purposely create it. The parties are run by insanely wealthy people who, no doubt, feel the same that I do right now, which is "what's the point." They probably spend years wondering this, only to realize that they're just on another level and can literally do anything they want to you and to others. Another thing I hate to admit is that this creates sociopaths. I can see where a lack of compassion can be created, easily, with wealth like these people experience. This may seem like a weird post to you but until you've experienced it firsthand, you can't know the feeling. Try to think about that ... you have NOTHING to live for, nothing to 'strive' for and you have to create a goal to reach in order to have that conflict. When you're able to just outright buy entire businesses, that are currently profitable, spruce them up with capital, and generate overnight income that pays for itself in a couple of years, doing it becomes easy. Because that becomes easy, they have to find other things to do that will create conflict, either within themselves, or on the outside. This is why the human traffickers are basically all wealthy. I'd argue that most billionaires dabble in peds. But some focus their conflict on control, or both. The point and purpose of me telling you this is that the problem is not left vs. right or dem v rep - it's the extreme wealthy vs. everyone else. They create these "problems" and watch people react and go nuts. Both sides do this and the same people that do this are controlling both sides. They don't care about parties - they care about owning and controlling everything because every other goal they set becomes too easy to reach. I know because I'm now experiencing this." Also this video....
  13. This phenomenon is the reason society is more polarized in part. Every content creator tends to create content to appeal to a specific niche, and they often sensationalize it in such a way to where they get people participating in an echo chamber where these people circle jerk one another. The entire man-o-sphere movement is such an example. Men trying to compensate for the fact they have no personality and are not playful. Beware of any content that has a sensationalist screencap designed to appeal to the algorithm. Content creators are there to make money first, which is why their original core teachings tend to be the best. This includes many authors. I noticed for example the original "Conversations with God" book was better than his subsequent books and there are numerous other examples. Spiral dynamics stage greens are certainly not immune to this. Nobody under stage under yellow is truly immune. Even then it takes a turquoise level of self analysis to catch oneself getting caught up in some emotional position that should be "fixed" or "different from how it is" or finding some "truth" that isn't as true as one might think it is, and then see if it's actually worth fighting for or not, or seeing if it's actually true or just emotional bias. None of us is at one spiral dynamics level... we all have a mixture of levels in us. I've come to see it's very easy to brainwash and/or manipulate people using many of these tactics due to our genetic propensity to want to fit into the "herd." Neurotypicals in a large chatroom on youtube, a small slice of human nature for anyone to see. (Not judging them just observing ) On the plus side with the level of diversity of perspectives we have, new truths will be found as we grow as a species.
  14. To me when I think of stage green what comes to mind are reddit leftists. Far from being the bastion of advanced understanding, they come off to me as a sort of hyper emotional religious cult that starts mass downvoting, having tantrums, and throwing out F bombs whenever you disagree with them. To me they have more in common with the stages below them than with stage yellow. You are correct in that they throw out these ideas they invent like changing "breast feeding" to "chest feeding" and other woke ideals that just kind of formed the last 5-10 years, as though they are commandments and they have the ultimate authority on society's morality, which is VERY offputting to a lot of people. They're moral relativists, yet if you don't believe everything they believe in you are wrong at best, and an "evil nationalist" at worst. One of the problems with american democrats is that they aren't purely stage green either, the woke movement itself has been hijacked by corporate interests who make good money off promoting things like gender surgeries and drugs. If you don't think there isn't big money behind every policy of that party I have a bridge to sell you. It's simply human nature. The unchecked immigration is more about getting cheap labor to fill worker shortages without having to raise wages than it is being compassionate towards people's needs as another example. I do get it though. If you don't have the ability to see that Trump's talking is just political chess, and take it all very seriously, I can see how it would trigger you. He is a very divisive person in his demeanor. I believe he will govern fine. He's not going to be a dictator. We will make it through his term if he wins, and life will go on. Given the choice, I would have rather had a different republican candidate. As far as passing stage green to get to yellow, everybody has varying degrees of every level in them. A prerequisite to get to yellow is to bypass the radical emotionalism of the lower levels. It's impossible to be a yellow while having strong emotional associations with the lower levels to the point of wanting to force a philosophy on others or having meltdowns over issues. At some point a person learns to appreciate the validity of every perspective within reason, and those strong emotional reactions diminish.
  15. For me the reason to go vegan as someone who sees himself as yellow/turquoise would be the simple fact that the planet cannot sustain 8+ billion people all living a typical american lifestyle of meat eating, with houses that have 3 bathrooms, 2-3 stall garages, with 4 cars in the driveway. It's not so much the passionate emotional plea of stage greens who feel too much, it's a logical conclusion based on the science. This is especially true when so much of our land is used to produce ethanol for vehicles, which drives inflation in real estate prices along with not really being efficient from a carbon standpoint. We should not be cutting down rainforest to graze cattle, much less grow palm or other crops such as corn. It's a matter of keeping this planet habitable for our species. I don't see anything particularly unhealthy about beyond/impossible beef just because it's processed. It's unfortunate that they've gotten a bad reputation just because they are processed. You are not going to feed 8 billion people on all unprocessed foods. Get used to the fact processed is here to stay. I don't eat it much because it costs 3 times the price of beef. I'd eat it more if there was price parity. I totally agree with the posters who say the evolution and natural selection are savage. You will never totally get rid of discomfort and suffering in this matrix. If you want to get rid of suffering, overthrow the Gods who make us incarnate on this planet and dismantle this physical reality entirely. People play video games for the challenge, and this reality is basically a video game for the soul. Lions will continue eating Gazelles in the wild. Humans will keep eating meat. We evolved for around 2 million years doing it. Best we can hope to do is limit future population growth. I disagree with Musk that we need to keep pushing breeding and population growth, just because we have pyramid scheme banking systems and social programs that require population growth to sustain themselves, and that because there's empty space we should fill it with people. You also need to feed them. Still, the decline in birth rates is going to bring challenges along with it because of the banking system's reliance on perpetually accelerating "growth" and "consumption"
  16. I admit when I get high on marijuana and watch a Trump rally I can barely stomach the words that come out of his mouth. He's very abrasive, a troll, and himself divisive at least what comes out of his mouth. I voted for him because his policies work okay, not great but better than what the left has been doing, and I trust the people who surround him... Musk, RFK, Tulsi, Vivek, and Vance. The fact that the left make fun or cut down these individuals now shows their character, which is the same as the right. I see the left as too extreme, having policies that don't work, such as the Soros funded prosecutors not punishing crimes, the unchecked immigration, excessive government spending, and much of the woke ideology such as promoting gender changes on minors, DEI, pushing people into unqualified positions because they are the correct skin color or gender, men competing in women's sports, not to mention they don't want voter ID to vote, which to me screams they just want to cheat. Kamala herself is unwilling to take ownership of the problems of her last term, and keeps avoiding answering the tough questions. She lies and panders to moderates promising these moderate policies she'll never implement. I made my choice. It's not ideal, but I believe the left has too much power and I don't like when any group has too much power. Plus they've had this obnoxious sense of moral and intellectual superiority about them the last few years that is offputting. I mean I get it, all this behavior is perfectly normal for all stages below yellow. It just fascinates that this is what we are left with... two sides that are radicalized to fight against one another. To me both sides are so immature. I see the left as a bunch of bullies who force people out who dare question any of their core positions, like Tulsi, and a party unwilling to moderate, but just keep pushing left. I see signs of the republicans willing to change, especially as the boomers age out of politics, so there's my choice. Not worried about him being a dictator, banning abortions, or anything like that. He's mostly a state's rights guy. I think he could very well end these 2 wars also. They will not end with Kamala as president, they'll keep throwing hundreds of billions at them to drag them out. I'm more interested in who comes after Trump.. years of Tulsi, Vivek, and Vance in charge would stop this nation from the decay that would occur under leftist rule, in my opinion. The world is not ready for stage greens running everything. Maybe yellows, not greens. I share this guy's perspective on greens:
  17. Nothing bad is going to happen if and when Trump wins. He likes to bluster and troll but his policies aren't half bad. I truly think he'll end these two wars quickly if he gets elected, plus I personally like the company he keeps (Tulsi, Musk, Vance, Vivek) more than the company the democrats keep. The main issue is the democrats don't really accept much dissent on any of their core issues. If you happen to disagree with them they'll bully you about it. I actually find the republicans to be more inclusive in some ways as a whole, minus the fringe elements. I agree with the sentiments of Tulsi and Musk and won't let a bunch of leftist bullies make me feel bad about my choice. However, it's not my job to try to convince people which is why I try not to come here and debate it much. I don't suspect I'll change anyone's mind and they won't change mine. Everyone has to find their own truth. There is no ultimate right or wrong way to run a society or set of policy directives that are one size fits all that will work for every person or culture.
  18. Congrats man. That's quite an accomplishment. Many people today use drugs as an escape, including myself. I'm trying to wean myself off of pot and media consumption. I've been "trying" for a few years now. If you keep "trying" you never succeed, you just have to do it. LOL They say negative emotion is a motivator that drives change, so when you numb it out with addictive vices, you can basically not only waste a bunch of time, but stall the progress of your life and personal development. Of course, all of life is perception and perspective. One could be perfectly content doing very little, because this idea you have to achieve something in life, some worldly physical goal, is more a mental perception. This simulation is more a playground for the soul, akin to a video game. The only rules are the rules we make for ourselves combined with what our genes compel us to do, which of course brings us back to square one.. our genes to compel us to do things like eat, breed, etc.. and tend to produce negative emotional states when we are not acting according to our genetic programming. So do you do what is expected of you by society and your genetics? Leo's not wrong when he talks about sitting in a room and doing nothing... that itself is often a very important first step in whatever "goal" you need to achieve to break free from the easy dopamine of media consumption, THC, alcohol.
  19. It wo We'll probably lose the competitive advantage we've had over the decades. Quite frankly with housing prices like this it amazes me anyone bothers to participate in the system at all, in any nation on this planet. No more 4 bathroom houses with 3 stall garages with 6 cars parked in the driveway. It's not really sustainable for 8 billion people to live this way, even if it is an enjoyable life. Those who have theirs don't care though, as long as they have theirs. What amazes me is that current US housing prices are still "cheap" from a global perspective. I better buy my house before it's priced way outside my earning potential. They are still not that bad where I live. They've doubled, but are still in the realm of affordable for one person making what I make. The entire planet is on a money printing spree right now though, so who knows how it turns out. Seems like we have a parasite class of super rich that are pricing their respective middle classes out of the system on a global level, a reversion back to how things used to be. It started in 2008 when they invented something called quantitative easing, which is a way to bail out the investor class and keeps the system flooded with excess liquidity. It's why, for example, stocks are trading at double their historical valuations.
  20. Agreed... this idea that cancer and heart disease didn't exist before modern times because we didn't have the level of technological understanding to understand what these diseases are is silly. Even a thin person with bad genetics can end up having issues with plaque buildup in the arteries. Blaming 99% of cancers on the "jab" or "gmos" or other stuff to me is a bit silly also. Good chance we've been getting cancer for as long as we've been evolving as a species. I mean, we used to be in the sunlight pretty much constantly and that will give you skin cancer.. we aren't meant to live a super long time... have kids around age 15, be grandparents by 30, great grandparents by 45. The best way to keep the body healthy is occasional water or dry fasting however. This can be proven using science and makes sense from an evolutionary perspective as well. We didn't always have ready access to 3 meals a day and often spent lots of time in ketosis or hungry. There are infinite theories out there as to the perfect diet... this thread reminded me of this guy who has a strange combination of things he suggests can lead to "development" DEVELOPMENT.htm
  21. My deceased grandmother smoked 2 packs a day for 50 years, she actually did it because she had a near death experience as a young adult and stopped fearing dying... my point is you don't need to worry about doing heavy metal detoxes because you smoked cigarettes for a couple of years. I'll bet a lot of people here have health anxiety because they are stuck in a state of analysis paralysis... the biggest factor in physical health is often mental health... if a person is sympathetic dominant they can have the most clean diet in the world and still suffer from various problems... David Hawkins goes over this a lot in his book "Healing and Recovery" where so much of good health is often psychological. I had health anxiety for a long time due to stress.... too much using doctor google and scaring myself with mystery illnesses which were almost entire stress related.
  22. Here's mine... mostly I believe everyone's truth is different based on their stage... it's not my job to force them to be green or yellow or whatever... they can live according to their own truths and that's fine as long as they aren't intentionally hurting people which would be too animalistic for modern civilized (western) society and the moral codes both the left and the right hold and often share for society which are actually more similar than dissimilar from my perspective. The problem is human nature itself, and that our genetic makeup still has lots of strong instinctual drives that when people are stressed can throw them right back into survival mode (red, blue) ... basically it's easy to be a saint in paradise, but a lot of humans do not live in paradise... throw in a little social isolation or genetic preponderance towards violence and/or psychopathy... it can be easier to intellectualize stage yellow principles than embody them as a state of feeling or being emotionally, which I admit I am not at yet. Too much buried trauma still.
  23. I prefer the taste of Almond Milk anyways... 1/3 the calories of cow's milk also, helps with overall calorie intake. Have to find the stuff that's not fortified with excessive calcium as I tend to consume a lot of it, so around 2/3 of what I buy is the "organic" stuff where they don't add excessive calcium.
  24. Internet is all content peddlers trying to monetize their efforts these days... it's why you have so many echo chambers and so many niche diets. Truthfully as you get older there's more you have to think about with fitness, such as managing things like golfer's elbow, tennis elbow, shoulder impingement, lower back pain from improper form or too much volume, etc.... stuff they really don't tell you in a lot of these videos. Enjoy your 20's and early 30's while you can, because life is short and age will catch up with you. Just lift stuff. If you feel pain that is not muscular, figure out why and adjust your workout to stop the pain. Sometimes I question just how much people actually need to exercise and that overdoing is simply wears the body out faster. It's all about moderation.
  25. Perhaps. I'm probably an asshole. I don't judge him for it. Most politicians in general and people who seek power tend to have a certain personality type that is not what you'd call unconditionally loving, then again hating the haters is a trap people fall into that makes them no better than the people they hate, at least in theory...