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About sholomar

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    Eastern South Dakota, United States
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  1. It's a tax on people's addictive tendencies, similar to phone games like clash of clans that lure people in and get them spending hundreds of dollars. Do we ban things "for people's own good" or let them experiment and learn from their mistakes? I really don't know, LOL. Sometimes I wish there was more control over our nature exerted on us by the state, but can see myself or others rebelling at that control and then black markets form anyways. People only tell stories when they win. Unless you're card counting or doing table games with skill, statistically speaking the house always wins.
  2. I used to make kefir from kefir grains, but overall I find that probiotics don't really do that much either way. More useful is adding fiber to the diet, such as buying store bought greek yogurt and mixing milled flaxseed into it. The fiber, ALA, and Protein in the flax is more useful than the probiotics in the yogurt, which tend to not colonize the gut to any significant degree over time. They simply can't compete with the existing microbiome suited to the environment of our guts.
  3. Our populace is too well informed for a large segment of the populace to simply allow their children to be sent off to fight in another banker's war to enrich the corporate machine to defend one cokehead over another at this point. I'd encourage everyone to not allow their children to be drafted to defend Ukraine. Pointless war defending a nation that is little better than Russia run by a questionable individual who suspended the 2024 election to remain in power. Let's not forget it was their threatening to join NATO that encouraged Russia to start this war in the first place. There is blame to go around. Try to see things from the other person's perspective.... would we want a competitor nation installing a regime right on our doorstep?
  4. Having a well fed and stable populace means more consumption and carbon emissions but overall cleaner rivers and overall landscape as you climb the spiral dynamics ladder and fulfill maslow's hierarchy you're more likely to become altruistic and want to work on causes like cleaning up the planet rather than focusing on survival. From this comes increased technological innovation which will eventually tackle the carbon problem and the whole situation is eventually resolved. It won't get resolved if humanity is stuck in survival mode, which it will be if a large segment of the population are surviving on little. There's a difference between being lower class and being in poverty though, or having a culture that is a cesspool of pollution, such as India, Bangladesh, or Pakistan. Having a stable middle class is key.
  5. Sound like the place I should be living. I get tired of the excesses of the US and people spending recklessly and then getting a bail out from the perpetual money printer. I'm a boring person though. I can see the disadvantages of this overly fiscally conservative mindset and risk aversion though.
  6. Too much screen time is the plague of so many human beings, but we are addicted like a drug.
  7. There's no logic in continuing to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars to "defend Ukraine" when Russia is a nuclear state and has a rather large stockpile. Better to try to come to some sort of deal, even if it means some land concessions, to end the fighting and conflict. People think Putin/Russia plan to invade other countries and take over Europe, which is silly. They're not going to do that. Putin shouldn't have started the war, but he needs some sort of deal to "save face" ... should he be punished for starting the war? The question is not should he be, it's whether you think you can do it with his nuclear stockpile. How do we achieve peace without a dragged out war that goes another 5 years and ultimately leads to Putin using nukes when he runs out of troops and we've ended up destroying how many more cities and cost how many more lives?
  8. Best video I've ever seen just about about what makes her obsessed, or at least what they look for, something an autist who likes it blunt rather than all the mysterious bullshit advice you get from most people will be able to digest.
  9. These men are simping and throwing money at internet stars, nobody is putting a gun to their head forcing them to do it. There is a market for this content and these women are filling a demand. There's no good or bad about it, it's just human nature. Men often gamble on sports and lose a lot of money doing it also. Humans do all sorts of things where the math and science don't work out in their favor out of addictive animalistic cravings and desires. Gambling is a big one... unless you're a card counter or extremely good at sports knowledge, gambling statistically the house will always win, and if you win too much they'll just throw you out of the casino. If you win too much you have to pay taxes on it. Those things don't get built by people winning. Gambling is a terrible waste of money. Throwing money at online women thinking you have a shot at a relationship if you simp hard enough is an incredible waste of money also. It won't stop people from doing it. Do we moral judge them and ban everything we think is bad for them? That's ultimately the societal/cultural question. Some nations do, some don't. Ones that do, often you have black markets anyways. Best to accept human nature and let people learn from their mistakes, without rewarding their mistakes with handouts when they do dumb things.
  10. Plenty of small business owners are "unethical" in my woods, even if it's being dishonest with their accounting to avoid paying taxes. Human nature isn't limited to billionaires, and the fact that a person only has a net work of $500K rather than $500M doesn't really give them an excuse to get away with it because they are "small fish" ... many humans will get away with what they can get away with within the system, and those that bend the rules more tend to get away with more. The use of "illegal immigrants" who are paid "off the book" by places like egg farms is such an example, or writing off that pickup truck as a business expense, or taking bribes and laundering money. The examples are numerous.
  11. Don't believe anything bad is going to happen, but have an aluminum "faraday cage" with a few tech items and batteries, chargers, a few months of food, water filter, and of course a few firearms/ammo. I don't really feel the urge to prolong my life as long as possible. We'll all be back with different bodies.
  12. I mean, it's studying Maslow's hierarchy of needs and then acting surprised that people actually need to build their pyramids from the ground up and aren't just enlightened and altruistic by their nature. We are animals. Then you call them retarded because they aren't interested in spirituality. People's behavior is totally expected, and "just is" given their level of genetic, biological, and social development. Maybe these people are atheists and believe in evolution? Maybe they are lonely or had a bad childhood? Maybe they live in a third world or autocratic shithole or an otherwise spiral dynamics stage orange or lower culture? Most people honestly don't stumble into spiritual self help unless there's something about their lives they don't like. Otherwise people are programmed with whatever their society or culture or genetics programs them with. They are drawn towards things their brain chemicals like dopamine and oxytocin draw them into doing through stimulus response. Hedonism can be fun in moderation. People incarnate here to enjoy the "pleasures of the flesh."