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About Bobby

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  1. pure nothingness is what's respondsible for "reality"
  2. Notice the lack of Love, Self, and Co-creation, and the abundance of dogma.
  3. Two cult leaders came to this forum in the past and shit on Leo and his teachings. As someone who’s actually gone all the way, I’m here to tell you that Leo is a fantastic teacher. If you have questions regarding the nitty gritty of seeking, ask him. I will never start a spiritual community, and I won’t answer questions on my posts. These posts are meant to inspire seekers, that is all. A spiritual tribe sprang up after I finished my job, but that’s none of my business. Spirituality is long gone for me. I really can’t relate to or do much for seekers, other than tell my stories. I tried answering questions in the past, and that ended up just confusing people. I won’t ever comment on other posts from now on, either.
  4. I mentioned that I used to have siddhis, but now my only power is Truth. I also said that “magic and woo woo happen in the minds of people around me.” here’s the difference. before, when I had siddhis, I was residing in Turiya, and the powers manifested themselves in the physical world- which made me stand out like a sore thumb. I wasn’t aware i was doing it because I was in Sahaja Samadhi, but other people saw me as “off.” Now, having become established in the Fifth, I don’t perform any siddhis. I simply transmit Truth, and the minds of people around me produce hallucinations to try to suck them back into the Matrix. I dismiss these effortlessly, just by not caring at all, by not noticing in any way. A subtle part of me noticed before, when it was siddhis- it just wasn’t conscious. massive difference there. Now, no one sees me as “off,” and no one believes I have any sort of powers- thank God. Now, people simply see that the world they inhabit is an illusion. in other words, it’s all Me now- no one suspects little me of anything.
  5. Post enlightenment, I received a massive amount of energy which caused this body to perform a bunch of siddhis, without my conscious awareness of it. Then, all of that energy left me, for the good of global consciousness. Now, I’m is just a person, and nothing out of the ordinary ever happens around me. When you’re truly enlightened, I highly doubt you’ll want to retain any siddhis, much better to remain under the radar. the only power I believe in is Truth.
  6. Those rushes are kundalini activity. When they reach their peak, your head will explode and you’ll attain enlightenment. then, the energy will slowly dissipate over the course of approximately a month, and once the I-thought which rests in your heart chakra is dissolved, you’ll be Self-Realized. The 8th, and 9th oxherd pictures Post Self-Realization, once you finish your life’s karma, you’ll become an omniscient Buddha. It doesn’t matter whether that happens in this birth or not- every job is as important as every other job, and every Self-Realized person knows he’s God, so he does his job effortlessly. That being said, with the planet’s energies being what they are right now, everyone here will most likely become omniscient Buddhas in this very life. 5D ascension, baby. The 10th oxherd picture
  7. Sure, but the enlightenment of everyone is much better. i only attained enlightenment because my goal is the enlightenment of all within my very lifetime. always set ludicrous, impossible goals if you plan on achieving anything worthwhile. That’s how it goes for everything. I also want to be an advisor to CEO’s. Who knows if that will happen? It’s a massive goal. But because that’s my goal I’m guaranteed to do something huge for humanity in this life
  8. Because, from the Turiyatita state, every other possible timeline is dissolved and only the Divine Will arises. Other timelines arise out of free will, other timelines are maya.
  9. After awakening, a non-physical part of me jumped 10 years into the future(I burnt 10 years’ worth of karma). I then proceeded to go ten years into the past over the course of a month from my perspective, clearing the karma of every single person who’d been a student of mine in previous lives. I blew the minds of everyone I interacted with because I seemed to understand them perfectly. Now, they’re all saved. Once I knew my job was done, a woman who didn’t know me looked directly at me and said, “you’re done.” now I enjoy life, and share these crazy stories to inspire seekers. ”Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” the human mind is the most advanced technology in this universe. You can become enlightened. I’m just a regular schmuck. You can become enlightened and you can help your fellow man.
  10. @Serotoninluv words are irrelevant to me. I’m talking about an experience, not concepts. You’re trying to argue with a human; I’m telling God what he’s in for in the very near future.
  11. @Serotoninluv no. You don’t see it because it’s not your experience. But you will. Everyone will, soon. People around me have seen dead trees bloom to life, exactly as the tenth picture describes. That’s because when you’re in this state, time accelerates around you, you’re a furnace obliterating karma by your very being my campus jumped a few years into the future, my best friend commented on how I “created” a patch of trees in the downtown area of my city.
  12. @Serotoninluv a universal flow of energy not bound by ordinary physical law, but totally ordinary. The basis upon which a new galactic civilization will arise imagine the conventional laws of nature, as well as so-called miracles as all one big bubble of illusions. When the bubble is burst, what’s left? energy flowing, with the mind guiding it. Energy is Yin/yang or Brahman, and Mind is Tao or Parabrahman. What you think of as your personal will becomes identical to God’s will, and then the entire universe follows you. The Tenth Oxherd picture If you want the most accurate description of enlightenment available, read the words of Lao Tzu and Nisargadatta Maharaj. use The Force
  13. I disagree with Leo 99% of people are hallucinating, but there is a Real, and That is the mystical experience. That is the only Reality which exists whether you are looking at it or not, because You are always looking at it. as Bishop Berkeley said, God is keeping the whole world in place through observation what I’m saying is that humans are keeping the false world in place through false perception. all of your cherished higher dimensions, entities, paranormal experinces, physical laws, and beliefs are maya. The Buddha is greater than any so-called “higher entity” and these higher dimensions are, at best, holding vessels for beings who want to come Here Return to the Dreamtime, Space Tribe. just don’t make me your leader in any capacity, guru is only a job- like any other. In all other trades I am inferior and truth be told, I am doing this out of pure selfishness. I want friends, that’s all