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Everything posted by TheSomeBody

  1. i want to start full fresh eating vegan diet what kind of carbohydrate i can eat fresh?
  2. mostly cooked food /: can you give me your sources ?
  3. ty not all of their recipice are fresh /:
  4. there are realy lots of ways and paths to get enlightment, you dont need to invent the wheel to get it. leos way/s are realy contraditory to any path really... what is the reason?
  5. im talking about that he uses many paths that condtradict each other, he uses zen,yoga,shamanizm and many more. it makes no sense. why he dont just use one way ?
  6. eat mostly fresh vaggies ,fruits and nuts.
  7. i started to eat yogic diet , there are so many recipes and i cant choose what to eat! what your favorite dish? i have access to western-middle east food
  8. i eat vegan, light food and mostly fresh, doing 2 meditations a day, 2-3 pranayam, keep mayself calm and peacefull the whole day . from 9 hours i need now 5-6 hours of sleep and i am gonna make may practice even more "hard" and with more stuff because i feel amazing . sleeping is for rest, the more rest you get though your day the less sleeo you need
  9. someone here tried Haritaki supplements? does it really work or just shit?
  10. how should i get b12 without takin any vitamins? should i add fish?
  11. i had a similar experience with 2.4 gram...
  12. in the meat indestury cows/chicken ( and so forth) get a synthetic vitamin b12 because they dont have their natural food., so no different between be vegan or carnevor . better eating vegan then unhealthy stressed and tortured animals.
  13. someone here tried this? does it worth the money?
  14. im avoiding those stuff so... i will try i added wakama seaweed to my diet, i will start to take b12 tommorow . btw, i have 125 pmol/L and i feel great, is it possible?
  15. btw, i have been taking spirolina which should have all b12 that i needed, but still my b12 is very low... any resons?
  16. why not eating b12 foods? ty, it is really hard to find something with good information
  17. get used to it hhhhhhhhh my most common hallucinations in the begining that i just was on my phone on facebook. it was like super real, i could comment on friend's status . the real freaky stuff come one the really deep meditation
  18. hi,i want to eat healthy to boost my cognetive/spiritual practice preformences . when i read about diet it is like an infinate amount of knowledge and i dont know what to choose to eat/to prioritize ,how much of something i should eat . i saw leo's videos and lots of channels and types of diets. what should i do? where do i start?
  19. im struggeling latly to construct a daily practice. i see so much information that i dont know what to do. so i though about making this thread so people like me could find the practice that fits for them
  20. i think that ego is not a mistake. from an evolution point of view, you need an ego to survive, but when you got high enough intelligent, you dont need it.
  21. patanjali talks about three type of breathing Techniques to stop thoughts. stopping alittle bit the breath suddenly,stopping alittle bit the breath after inhealing, stopping alittle bit the breath after exhaling. i have experimented with it for 24 hours, it is pretty good, it is happening almost automaticly , when you stop your breathing you get alert and conscious, you have almost no thoughts . for now the practice is pretty good, i dont get dizzy as i thought , my body dont opposed for the sudden stops. after 10 minutes your body starts to do this automaticly and get the oxygen it needs. his forth type is the type that the buddha used, follow your breath, which is pretty difficult to mantain, dont come automatic for me. someone use this techniques? what your thoughs about it?
  22. leo talks about changing your psycology which it works (for me for some extened), but can you make a radical change in your sexuality? i can make myself like different parts in a woman, different types, and so on if i really want to, but i cant make myself like a man, it is impossible. do you think it possible? does a preference have like core unchangable properties?