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Everything posted by TheSomeBody

  1. when i read the tiltle i just remembered this video
  2. what the benefits of kriya yoga did to you? how it helps you progress spiritualy?
  3. i chose the spiritual way, i dont know if it will end after i die or not but you never know what you never know right? the brain is part of the pysical body. you just need to look at life at this way, but you gonna see that you are whe watcher and all your joy is not existing as you pain and worrings . you joys from life is just a virutal cycle that you built aroud you. my life is pretty good, i just dont wanna live.
  4. well,i know that i can stop the functions of the mind to stop existing, pretty good for me. and we dont do creamation in my country
  5. it is pretty easy to live life of sheer joy and ecstasy, i just dont want to live.
  6. i dont think so, it is just mean that you have to use other parts of you toward it like extreme emotions that borderline personality disorder have
  7. i do daly meditation for 50 min . i dont really know if i am in need for help really some times i am depressed (lately) but even when i feel good i feel like i just dont want to be here
  8. im not whining, i just feel now that i dont want it most of the help that i can get is talking and taking pills...
  9. the game is imagenative. i can make myself feel really good , but it is just feelings, nothing. i just dont want to play this game, why people so negative about it?
  10. maybe? i just dont want it
  11. I just understand that my defult mode is to feel that sonething wrong or bad in my life ans i have to fix it so i try many things. I cany imagane any situation that i will feel fine, maybe better but not fine,not happy. I always on something and i ubdestand that i will find nothing. I took ssri but i stopped, i dont want to take it back, i know i will not have this feelings but i would not feel life, i would be dead. Someone feels the same? Some fixed it?
  12. when i am sober i really like metalcore/deathmetal (and tons of subgeners) mosly, almost only. i really doesnt like other geners, but when i am on cannabis i hate most of the metal songs, only some rare songs. i really like fast trans , it makes me feel totaly different world. my qeustion is, if in the future i will do trips, should i try to listen to a metal song or should i avoid it? can it make me scared?someone tried it?
  13. im starting to the 80 10 10 diet, i feel pretty good but the amont of food that i need to eat is unbearable for this diet. i cant eat that much. my reson for the diet is for mental clarity,but eating that much not helping that much for clarity. it is better than meat but i feel like it is not he optimal diet. what your opinion? what is the best diet for mental clarity for you?
  14. what is the best diet? the one which make you progres easely spiritualy? i have a conflict between those diet and i dont know what to choose
  15. what your experience with it? how much intense are the breathings technique feels??
  16. i dont have an anxiety. i just cant accept / get real satisfaction.
  17. your mind is about a target, a point. there is no target or a point here. all we have that is what there is. a dog doesnt care about that , he just live . you trying to blame the miningless and the absurdety of the world for your feeling. logic doesnt control your feeling, your feelings control your feelings!!
  18. who is that? for me when i eat raw i feel amazing. fasting too but i am changing my diet so fasting is not a good idea for now
  19. the drug enable you to have spiritual effect. mimicing is not the right word because if it were mimicing so every drug experience would be the same like alcohol ,heroin... the experience is basicly the same but in the psycadelic world every experience is so different that the substence looks like it changing its shape. the psycadelic is doing the experience just faster. instead of 10 year of experience you get it withing 15 min or 12 hours (Depends on the drug ,experience, person...)
  20. it is just hypnotise you... unless you are looking for vibreation so om (hoo, hum) is enough
  21. because of some reasons i dont have a job so i dont have routine, and now my ego cant clinge to my routine and i gain more awarness and clarity but i think that the ego trying to get control by get me depressed and suicidal. it is not that i have any finicial problem or worries ( maybe about my future profession/ job that i dont know what to choose but i think it irrelevant) i have everything that i need. it is like a desperate violent act of the ego that trying to control me. someone has expreince that? what to do?
  22. let yourself to do alot of monkeymind staff, just watch it and its absurdety. at the right moment you will go to nothingness
  23. the experience is with you forever. what you do with that experience is all about you. dont get scared because now it is all about your doing, not the drug experience doing for you
  24. get a trip sitter, meditate before and dont eat the whole day and get ready for unchangable transformation