martins name

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Everything posted by martins name

  1. Tyler can be a good role model for men. I think low self-esteem manifests itself differently for women than men tho. Having a female role model like teal swan in this case might be more appropriate.
  2. I used to have super duper low self-esteem. For me it came from unconscious behavior like masturbating to porn every day, playing to much video games and procrastinating a lot. It also came from me being unpopular in my class (8th - 9th grade) which came from my terrible social skills and from my low unconsciousness behaviors. I fixed my self-esteem by removing the sources of my low self-esteem. By making friends in high school, starting a meditation habit, working harder in school and working out at the gym. Also, I found this recently: It makes me more at home and loose in my body. Try it out. If it works take a look at osho dynamic meditation also. It's way more intense and physically demanding but its more powerful. Part of low self-esteem is related to the body as in the feelings of anxiety happens in the body, not the brain, so working with the body is important. Gyming as i wrote was a game changer for me. I highly recommend getting physical exercise around 3 times a week. Try running or jogging. You wanna really sweat.
  3. Pamela Zamora meant experientially. This is a story about it. It's very far from direct experience.
  4. @Prabhaker ah thanks! forgot about that thread. I did the osho kundalini meditation. oh man is it liberating, I'm a little bit like a child again. I did this one to and I'm sticking to it for a while as it gives a good workout. I might add some stuff from upa yoga to it as well.
  5. @Tetcher thanks for the answer. Angamardana seems like what I'm looking for. hopefully I'll find a teacher nearby. What makes different yoga types more or less spiritual? Is it important to do it everyday or is it ok to do it just around 3 times a week?
  6. @Charlotte I'll do that thank you! What a coincidence, I talked with my uncle about ashtanga last time I saw him.
  7. @Leo Gura I can only find one video of sadhgurus yoga, which is the one on upa yoga. Are there more I haven't found? There are no isha foundation events near me but I'll defiantly go to some other yoga classes. Good way to become more green.
  8. Yes and I have been practicing it for 4 months. I'm more looking for a substitute for going to the gym.
  9. @SpaceCowboy How do you mean orange? I don't see any orange in her.
  10. Stage yellow trying to speak to lower stages
  11. @CreamCat where do you live to mostly meet people like that?
  12. @Crystalous It's green. I think i heard that in a vsauce episode.
  13. u can get a half moon zafu for leg comfort
  14. @Prabhaker what kind of music should i use? Or is there maybe an official sound track?
  15. In my case I sometimes don't get angry when most people would. I like to think it's because I'm such a loving person but maybe its all stored up somewhere. Gonna have to do some shadow work this summer and see if that's the case
  16. I can relate to not feeling what i'm "supposed to feel" and there is nothing inherently wrong with it. But maybe (and this is mostly speculations) it builds up in once subconscious mind. maybe stuff that could get released during holotropic/shamanic breathing or reichian therapy.
  17. Your energy is a bit angry. It doesn't fit theme of the song. I think you should switch your flow for one that sounds a bit more like spoken word poetry. Check out Jonwayne he is doing it right.
  18. @molosku Thanks! It all makes much more sense now.
  19. What do you mean by this @molosku? I' wondering because I live in sweden and im trying to understand this whole mess trough the spiral dynmics model.
  20. i think they got along because they are simular in some ways and kim respects trump for beeing macho
  21. agree